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Helping is simple. You can just help out by doing the following things occasionally:
Donating items: if you have any items that you don't need, just send them to helping___hands!!
-How to donate items:
1. Click the item you want to donate.
2. Select "Give to Neofriend" from the menu.
3. On the next page, type helping___hands and voila! You've donated an item!
Donate NP: if you have some extra neopoints, go to the guild shop and buy something! it'll help so newbies can have newbie packs, there can be give-a-ways, contests and medicine for sick pets of the guild.
Help others: if you see that a member needs help and you can help them, send some help their way! you can even post on the message board telling people that you are giving help if they need it.
Post: just talk to people and see if they need help...they'll appreciate it.
*Banner images coming soon =)*