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About Me!


I'm still a student just really wanting to make a website, however, I don't know what this website should contain (like specific stuffs), so I decided to make a site dedicated to current events. This page is really boring, I know. But anyways, it's just for me, really.

Like I said, I'm still a student and is starting to learn webpage making. I'm still having a hard time learning java scripting (I'm into self-studying!) If I really get to learn java, who knows, this page might not be so boring in the future. If you have anything to say to me (violent reactions are not open!), just email me,

Just check this pictures out. You be the judge if they are worth a tons of laugh or not.

Gee! Ever watched the movie Cats & Dogs? Now this one really shows how dominant cats can be! Pick-a-boo!

Hey man! This dog is going down prison town! Heck, that's got to be some Malboro he's hitting!

Like I said, be very helpful. Generosity pays, you know. After helping out, this groupie is really gonna do some deep drinking!

Who says animals got no smarts? Bet that animal could stay there for a long time. Way longer than the time that man could spend looking for that animal!

Can't say anything...

Boss!!! We have some firing to do!