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A shadow moves in the dark sky as a cloud drifts across the moon, the only sound to be heard is the soft swoosh of a raven's wings as it swoops low over the city streets then turns to soar high into the night sky. It's shape, wings spread wide, is silhouetted against the moon for a moment before it quickly changes into that of a lithe, feral looking woman who, as she begins to plummet back to earth, draws her limbs in to somersault. An instant later she spreads herself again and begins a swan dive toward her target, one hand drawing a slender blade from the scabbard lashed to her back. Twisting with ease in a show of aerial acrobatics, she lands, gracefully, on her feet and melts into a crouch, her sword displayed and ready for use.

Noteworthy Traits

Mute - Uses Sign Language

Dexterity - Lithe

Appearance - Feral

Acrobatics - Combat

Status - Ancilla, Primogen


Circus photograph of Rin

Age 15

Australia, 1906

Born mute in the outback of Australia in 1891, her parents considered her an aberration... a freak. So, when an acrobat from a traveling circus expressed interest in the silent beauty, they gave her up, eagerly, at the age of five.

The woman was kind and trained Rin from that tender age to become an acrobat. She gave Rin some schooling in other things, as well, that she felt would be useful to the child ... consisting mainly of reading and writing. Rin learned sign language from other performers who were deaf or mute and eagerly listened to the tales that were told of wild things, picking up all sorts of information through them.

Although she was a kind child and hard working, she never did make any friends of her own age. Instead she focused on her art and begged to be taught the talents and skills of the other performers as well. Over the years as a circus performer, Rin saw many strange things. Most of the performers themselves were far from normal ... one, in fact, was a werewolf. From him she learned the little she knows about the Lupines and gained a healthy respect for the supernatural. She never realized, until it was too late, that another creature had it's eye on her. A Gangrel.

When, late one night, Rin made her way back to her cot, having just finished her chores, the vampire finally made himself known it was too late to fight. He knew she couldn't scream for help, knew everyone else was sleeping or busy ... so it was a simple matter for him to swoop out of the shadows and take what he wanted. She struggled only until the overwhelming warmth and pleasure of the Kiss came over her... Blackness enveloped her and when she woke she found herself alone in a cave. She was miles from the circus, too far for even the Lupine performer to find her. Her sire had left her, as per usual for the clan, and she began the struggle for survival alone. It would be more then a year before he would present himself to her again.

When the time came and he presented himself to his childe, Rin learned that his name was James though he told her little else about himself. The important thing, he said, was that she know what she really was and where she had come from. He told her about Caine in those nights, about the clans and the Jyhad. He taught her the laws of their kind and more about the power she'd already shown... and then he left her. He had never presented her to a Prince in those short months but did give her an idea about how it is done.

Now, having traveled alone and studied her kind, she has decided that she would like to find companions and perhaps become a scourge or sheriff in the service of some great Prince. As yet, however, she has not found what she believes to be a worthy Prince and so has not reached her goal. She continues to work diligently toward it, focusing her activities on hunting and combat... hoping to hone her skills to better serve the one who will win her loyalty.