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You have just entered room "Chat 9115382903221353184."
Atteratter: wb
furyofcordelia: ok so are you ready yet?
Atteratter: we're starting now?
sexygothvixen: Are we?
UnDead BeLLa: Sure.
: yes
Atteratter: okay
UnDead BeLLa: ill walk in when i hear cordy scream
: who's starting it?
furyofcordelia: write your own comments in ().
furyofcordelia: okay
Atteratter: we're doing it here?
furyofcordelia: (i am)
furyofcordelia: well do you want to just do it on a post? and have turns?
sexygothvixen: (All right. The parentasis are ooc, right? Yes, yes, mkay...)
furyofcordelia: or just here
Atteratter: post I think would be easier but that's just me
furyofcordelia: vote lol.
sexygothvixen: You people are wishy washy. *scoffs* Someone be a man and make desisions.
Atteratter: Post
Atteratter: that was a vote btw
Atteratter: lol
furyofcordelia: i say on here.
Atteratter: Jess, Shay?
UnDead BeLLa: wishy washy -growls-
: (what you dont want me to be polite?)
UnDead BeLLa: i prefer on here
: (you want me to be all bitchy?)
UnDead BeLLa: no be cordelia
: okay fine want me to start?
sexygothvixen: Here's good, whatever.
furyofcordelia: (here. now im starting)
sexygothvixen: (Good. Let's get this show on the road.)
UnDead BeLLa: ((okay))
: I was on my way to my fathers home. i stopped at the esspresso pump
furyofcordelia: to see if dawn was there to tell me about cheer tryouts.
furyofcordelia: but when i got to the door of the pump i saw xander coming out.
Atteratter: "Cordy! Hey."
furyofcordelia: i turned to leave. but as he spoke my name i turned back around.
furyofcordelia: "hi xander"
sexygothvixen: I smirked, walking up the sidewalk when I caught a wiff of last nights fun.
Atteratter: -looks alarmed and surprized at once-
furyofcordelia: "what xander? what could you possibly want?"
furyofcordelia: tutns around at the sound of footsteps
Atteratter: "Well I saw you and I thought I'd say hello. You know I do work here and all."
sexygothvixen: I stood behind the little brunette for a moment, pondering... "Hello, finding girls for a party tonight?"
furyofcordelia: looks alarmed at the girl who is talking to xander
furyofcordelia: "whats she talking about?"
Atteratter: "Veruca...this is my friend Cordelia."
sexygothvixen: "Oh, Xander, didn't tell her?"
sexygothvixen: "Cordelia... I like the thought of screaming that..."
Atteratter: "What's to tell?" -trys to warn V with his eyes-
furyofcordelia: "yes V. whats to tell?"
sexygothvixen: "Oh, there's a lot to tell baby..." I smirked again and licked my lips. "You know, Xander, you may not be so big, but you're hell bed. I still ache."
furyofcordelia: "and why would you scream my name?
sexygothvixen: "What, don't like the way I look, Cordelia?" I smirked as I let her name roll of my tongue it what had to of sounded pretty lewd.
Atteratter: -stutters- "Uh. yeah. it was hard on you *dancing* wasn't it?"
sexygothvixen: "Dancing... Oh, oh, pet name for a shag, eh baby?"
furyofcordelia: <i>oh god what is happening</i>
furyofcordelia: "what? what did you say?"
sexygothvixen: "Xander and I had a good fuck, didn't we? With Faith, no less."
Atteratter: -mouth drops-
Atteratter: oh shit I'm going to get it now
furyofcordelia: steps back more than a few steps
furyofcordelia: "WHAT"
furyofcordelia: "WITH FAITH?"
sexygothvixen: I gave my best smirk to the girl and drawled in my best Southern accent. "I had a roll in a hay with the boy here... And Faith."
Atteratter: "Cordy I was pissed off. It didn't mean anything I swear."
Atteratter: "It was just a little fun"
furyofcordelia: (i sound like an idiot. but xand is the idiot)
sexygothvixen: "Just a little fun? That's not what you were saying last night..."
furyofcordelia: breathes faster...and has trouble staying standing up
Atteratter: ((say something mean Cordy, something to make you mad enough that I grab you and kiss you hard))
furyofcordelia: " she telling the truth?"
Atteratter: ((then you can slap him))
Atteratter: -looks really guilty-
Atteratter: "Yes, Cordy."
furyofcordelia: (v has to run off first)
sexygothvixen: "You know, I have somewhere to be, but Xander, I'll be at the Bronze later tonight, maybe. I did promise you a shag on the balcony thing, didn't I?"
Atteratter: "I knew you didn't want to have anything to do with me"
furyofcordelia: walks rigth up to xander and looks him in the eyes
furyofcordelia: what i see there disgusts me
sexygothvixen: I smirked, turned on my heel and left, humming to myself.
Atteratter: -snapping- "I'll talk to you later Veruca"
sexygothvixen: "Oh, we'll talk later. Call me!"
furyofcordelia: "yes. 'talk' really. have fun 'talking' with v"
furyofcordelia: slaps xander as hard as i can
Atteratter: "Cordy, wait!"
furyofcordelia: turns around to leave
Atteratter: "I thought that you didn't want anything to do with me."
Atteratter: "I ended up being really depressed, and I got a little drunk"
furyofcordelia: "we had a date planned xander. A DATE. a worthless date apparently"
Atteratter: "That's how last night happened"
Atteratter: "You made sure that it wasn't a date!"
furyofcordelia: goes quiet and stares at xander
Atteratter: "You even invited other people"
Atteratter: "and then when you didn't show up..."
furyofcordelia: "you are blaming ME for this?'
Atteratter: "I thought that I meant nothing to you."
furyofcordelia: YOU BLAMING ME?
Atteratter: "No I'm not trying to blame anyone"
Atteratter: (say something like you are nothing to me)
furyofcordelia: forget this. XANDER HARRIS I HATE YOU
furyofcordelia: YOU ARE NOTHING
furyofcordelia: (good enough?)
Atteratter: -kind of laughs- "You hate me?"
furyofcordelia: AND ALWAYS WILL BE
Atteratter: (yeah)
Atteratter: "I'm nothing to you? How could I be nothing if I can do this?"
furyofcordelia: turns away almost falling
furyofcordelia: and says one more thing
Atteratter: -grabs her hard behind the neck and kisses her hard, she feels her start to kiss back and then she rips herself away from me-
Atteratter: (that was supposed to be a he)
furyofcordelia: pulls away from xander
Atteratter: (slap?)
furyofcordelia: my hand connected with his face again and i started to walk away
furyofcordelia: (like grab my left shoulder already)
Atteratter: "Cordy, wait. I'm sorry" -grabs her by her right arm-
furyofcordelia: (its the left one you dork lol)
Atteratter: ((was it supposed to be left))
Atteratter: ((rofl, you can edit))
furyofcordelia: (yes lol)
furyofcordelia: (i will)
furyofcordelia: i screamed loud and shrilly trying to pull my damaged side away from him
UnDead BeLLa: -walks down the street on the way to pick up some pigs blood for the week..when i hear a i turn to see all i can see is cordelia and someone grabbing her..hurting her..I growled as I made my way over..grabbing the person ..
UnDead BeLLa
: by the shoulder swinging him around as i feel my face change i raise my fist to punch him..feeling his skin tear..-
: -looks at Angel with anger in his eyes-
Atteratter: "I didn't mean to hurt her"
Atteratter: -puts his hand to his bloody lip-
furyofcordelia: sits sprawled on the floor as she breathes hard holding her arm
furyofcordelia: "ANGE:
furyofcordelia: (oops)
UnDead BeLLa: -growls at xander grabbing hib by his throat and pushing him against the wall-"Don't you know you shouldnt beat up on girls.."
furyofcordelia: "ANGEL ITS XANDER." gasps in pain "let him go"
Atteratter: "You know what? I never meant for any of this to happen? Get off of me." -shrugs out of Angel's grip-
furyofcordelia: grabs angel by the shoulder
furyofcordelia: "please angel.."
furyofcordelia: crying
UnDead BeLLa: -lets go of xander causing him to crash to the ground.-"Xander can you do anything that doesnt involve getting you ass kicked?
: -looks hard at Cordy- "I'm sorry. I mess everything up always. I'm just going to go."
furyofcordelia: "Im leaing xander. you dont have to. just dont ever try to talk to me again
UnDead BeLLa: -steps back..primal growling still escaping from his vampire visage-
: -looks at Angel- "If I were you I probably would have done the same thing. It was a mistake."
Atteratter: -turns and walks away-
furyofcordelia: half runs away crying
Atteratter: (okay I'm out, I'll be on the other chat)
Atteratter has left the room.
furyofcordelia: ok
UnDead BeLLa: -glares at xander for a minute and chases after cordelia-
: (i mean ok)
sexygothvixen has left the room.
furyofcordelia: 9catch me)
furyofcordelia has left the room.