
--Date, 2006

Once upon a time in a far off place there lived a Queen, a glorious Queen name Jen. Her glorious blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight (and the dark, for that matter) and her ice blue eyes glinted, hinting of mischief, intrigue, danger and pretty much every other emotion ever conceived. She had the perfect figure, the perfect face and the perfect size of feet. Infact, she was so perfect that the mere word "perfect" was not perfect enough to describe her.

She lived in a castle made of dark green glass, carved into a granite cliff-face. It sparkled and gleamed and like its inhabitant was deceptively fragile in appearance. It towered over the surrounding landscape, meandering upwards higher and higher, seaming to disappear into the fog of the clouds above it. The castle and its queen lived in a mystical forest, dark green and thick with foliage. It was lit by fairy lights and shafts of sunlight piercing through the canopy of trees. Stone pathways wove through the forest, capricious in nature, they were never linear and many an un-seasoned traveler was lost on their journey along them.

Little houses dotted the forest floor, quaint and earthy, painted in beautiful shades of green. The most prestigious of the Queens people lived in tiny crystal castles of their own, carved like trees and blending into the forest like ghosts.

--May 9, 21006

My fingers are horribly fat and I can't type. I should get a typing wand like they had on the Simpsons once, and I'll just press buttons one at a time whilst yelling PEWPEWPEW everytime I hit a key. Oh the joys of being overweight.

I'm at work now and I've maxed out on reading for a little while so I'm writing this here. It's good times.

Cottage Part 2: (This one's for you Cotelle!)

My cottage is made of creamy white brick that weathers a nice tan colour around the edges and cracks. It has beautiful oak doors and shutters over all its windows, which are also made of old, worn wood. The windows all have little planters undearneath the window-sill that are filled with wild flowers and mosses. The flowers are every colour imaginable, as my garden is not constrained by "style". The entirety of my cottage is surrounded by plants, little shrubs and herbs, and tiny mushrooms (that are of course, red with white speckles). A little stone pathway leads to the big antique door and there is a large oak tree in my little yard, which has a cozy bench beneath it.

There is no fence around my little cottage, as the thick foliage of the forest surrounds it completely. The only clearings are where the stream flows past and the area I have cleared as my yard. The stone pathway continues to a carved wooden bridge going over the meandering stream, and turns to a dirt pathway that makes its way slowly through the forest. The sun is always shining over my cottage but the surrounding forest is dark. It is lit by occasional beams of light, piercing through the thick canopy of trees.

…I have to go eat lunch now, maybe I'll talk about the inside of my cottage at a later time!




-November 22,2005

  The world is actually a giant egg that was laid by a celestial being, and global warming is the process of embryonic development heating the shell of the world. We will hatch soon, and join mother in the stars.


---November 22, 2005

  Can you believe the amount of journal entries I've had in the past little while? I'm updating more than COLETTE for peats sake (subtle hint to Colette). And yet, have I said anything of value in these entries? No! Huzzah, my life is full of meaningless junk! And unicorns.


  Hmm, I'm stressed out because in about two weeks I have to write lab finals, which I am so unprepared for it's not even funny. And then the semester is over, and that means that it is next semester, and that next semester will be over soon...and that means that I'll have to begin....work....oh....my....god...*dies*


 I am so terrified that I am going to get fired from that stupid job, because I'm stupid and don't deserve it...and if I got fired that would be the worst thing ever because everyone would think I was a failure. Oh, the horror of it all. I'm hoping that before the semester is over I will find my rip in the space/time continuum, inherit millions of dollars and go live in my cottage and/or get hit by a bus. Seriously.


  I also wouldn't mind if Jentopia became real, or if I were whisked away to a new magical place that has elves and stuff. I like elves.


PS, I added the archive link again, if anyone feels like passing the days reading this crap. (I haven't archived the most recent entries yet, but don't fear, I'm sure it will get done in the next 2-3 years)


---November 20, 2005

  Lola groaned and rubbed her head, as she came to her senses. Tiny flecks of white and black danced in front of her, and the world looked slightly fuzzy; she figured that the fall must have knocked her unconscious. She pulled her hand from her head and sighed in relief when she saw that at least her head was not bleeding. “I’m just glad that Tiggin isn’t here to laugh at me” she mumbled to herself. The rolling hills she lay on were coated in dew, glistening in the early morning light and soaking her dress and bags. The grasses were green once more and the flora was blooming. Although small lenses of snow still clung stubbornly to the hillsides, shaded from the sun by trees that dotted the landscape, they were the last relics of the harsh winter that had ended only weeks before. The land was once more alive with life, big and small, furry and scaled; precisely the reason why she had ventured out this morning, to capture the butterflies who would be emerging from their cocoons.


  As her vision cleared, Lola slowly righted herself to a standing position, leaning against the trunk of a solid looking tree to hold herself up. She was dangerously dizzy, and stood hunched letting the feeling pass; she didn’t relish another fall, her head hurt enough as it was. Ahead of her, she saw her butterfly net and the sack of supplies that had gone sailing from her hands when she had tripped on that blasted rock. She made her way gingerly to retrieve them, glad for the abundance of tree trunks she could use to brace herself. She hoped that the butterflies she had captured earlier had not been destroyed by the fall. They were rare species that were only abundant in the spring and rarely ever seen.


  Picking up her belongings, Lola’s eyes widened when a large purple butterfly landed only a few centimeters from her bag. It was radiant, it’s purple wings shimmering with tones of blue in the morning light. There were patterns of deep red radiating from the centre of its body, forming concentric layers that gave the creature the appearance of a beautiful flower when its wings were spread. “You little devil…” she muttered, reaching slowly for her large net. She had been trying to keep that beautiful creature in her sight when she had run headlong into a large rock, and knocked a good-portion of her brain-matter out. The Rose-Blue Butterfly, was one of the rarest butterflies found around the town of Winter-Fox, breeding in early spring with most hatchlings only found for 3 weeks. “Stay still, little man…” Lola whispered, poising her net up high for the strike…



  Tiggin Copperpot hummed gaily as he strode down the curving dirt pathway that led to Winter-Fox. He urged on a small, but stubborn donkey (conveniently named “Donkey”), holding firmly onto a long set of reins with one hand. Donkey bayed unhappily, weighed heavily and unevenly with different sizes of packages and parcels. The donkey’s complaints did not seem to affect Tiggin’s cheerful mood however, and there was a glint in his eyes and a spring in his step. Tiggin was short, even for a gnome, barely topping 3 feet, but with a portly belly and a large personality to make up for his lack of stature. His straw-like yellow hair flew wildly around his plump, grinning face, lending to the appearance of slight-insanity. His cheeks were ruddy, his eyes shining blue and his energy infinite. He wore clothes that were a miss match of different colours, patterns and even sizes and a large pair of goggles, with thick curving lenses for magnification, was strapped over his eyes. He was using these to examine an exceptionally interesting pebble he had found on the path, while he walked (albeit, slowly and not exactly gracefully) down the winding shale pathway.


  He had walked this road many times, to trade his home-made potions, knick-knacks and gadgets with the local people of Winter-Fox. In this part of the world, winters were harsh and lasted 3 quarters of the year, and it had exceptionally fierce this year. He was sorely lacking for company and news of the world outside his sheltered and secluded home, to the north of the town. He had left that morning, with a hug from his daughter Lola, and a kiss from his wife Brunya, excited to see the world once more.


  Donkey stopped suddenly, shifting nervously and Tiggin’s grin faltered for a moment, his brow furrowed, as he too heard the crunch of footsteps behind them. His pebble forgotten for a moment, he turned looking for the source, expecting a fellow merchant or perhaps even a father and son returning from a hunt in the woods that lay to the north and east of the town, but he saw nothing. The forest surrounding the pathway was quiet and bright in the morning sun. He stood for another few moments, calming Donkey with his touch, his sight enhanced by his goggles, he scanned the path for the travelers. But if someone had been on the path before, they must have been a phantom, for there was nothing evident now, and the only sound that greeted his ears was the whispering of the wind and twittering of the birds. “I must be getting old, eh Donkey?” he laughed. The little gnome continued on his path, once more absorbed by his pebble, never seeing the shadows that lurked in the trees behind him, matching his pace perfectly.



  The net came down in a neat arc, swooping down over the butterfly and Lola almost had the creature when dots blackened her vision. She faltered and stepped back, the net halted halfway to the ground, as a wave of dizziness passed over her. The butterfly launched into flight, startled by the noise and sudden movement as Lola lost her footing and dropped to the ground in a heap of skirts and netting. She groaned softly, flopping her arms out to her sides in resignation, her legs splayed wildly out to the sides. Closing her eyes she sighed, “Well, isn’t this just peachy. Here I am, lying half-dead in the middle of the forest and I don’t even have a Rose-Blue Butterfly to show for it."


  She blinked and opened her eyes slowly, noting that the sky was especially lovely today, clear blue with big fluffy clouds floating slowly across. She decided that it was probably best if she lie here for awhile, so that she could stop this trend of falling over. Consoling herself with the fact that it was high-noon and no one expected her home till dark, and that the grass was soft, if not still damp, she tried to let herself slip into her daydreamings. If only her head would stop throbbing and that butterfly would just fly right into one of the glass jars she had brought with her. “Wouldn’t that be lovely---"


---November, 2005

I want a cottage. It had been decided. I want to leave Calgary and go somewhere that has rolling hills and wildflowers. It has to have lakes and quiet streams, and bunnies must be available in abundance. It must be green, but not too green! The hills must contain easily picked flowers and herbs, and a lack of people is a must!


My cottage must be brick and plaster, with adorable little gardens around the entire thing. There must also be a small stream in front of it, with a little bridge over top of it.

There must always be a fire in my fireplace, and fresh wood must be stacked in the corner (it must magically appear, as I will not be cutting down trees any time soon). My cottage must always smell like roses and lemons and must be dimly lit and decorated in a Victorian Style.


For companionship I must have a horde of small fury creatures who would never bite me, and would completely potty-trained. They must be fuzzy and cute, but able to tear a grown man to shreds if I were to order it. I must have at least one goat, one deer, 5 bunnies, 2 cats and a large dog. I also request that there be a brown bear freely available to me, at the cost of one honey-pot per visit.


I will spend my day weaving and knitting, and gardening. I will have a room to make herbal teas and potions and where my magical chef will cook for me. I will also have the largest library imaginable, and every time I enter it, the books must be new and different from the last time. Each time, new aisles would appear, secret passageways and corridors that would not leave me lacking for new things to explore. If I think of a book I would like to read, it would be summoned to a centre table. All books in the library must be bound in leather and written on soft hand-made papers.


Maybe I'll continue writing about my cottage later...must go to the real world now.


---November 15? 2005

Yea, I had a weird dream last night (shock). I was in Mac Hall at the University and I was sitting on the floor with a large piece of brown paper. You know the paper that you get off big rolls? It's thin and shitty? It was that kind of paper, and I was sitting on the floor in Mac Hall, with someone else, I don't remember who. So I was looking at my paper minding my own business when some lady came and told me that I had to move because her class needed to use the space I was in. This is when swarms of people came into the area I was sitting in, and they all had giant sheets of brown paper too! Oh noes!


I got upset at this point and told the lady (I didn't bother to get up) that Mac Hall was a public place and I didn't want to leave. Well, I left.


So, now I was in some other place, and I didn't have my huge paper piece anymore and man was I angry. The dream kept shifting between me and the group of bastards that had taken my place, and I was thinking that I wanted my revenge. The person I was with was very anxious now, but I still don't know who it was. The swarm of people had sat down at tables now, some of which were hanging from the ceiling! I "cast a spell", meaning I thought of something (I don't really know what happened here, but I know that I wanted something bad to happen to the people) and OH NO! All of their paper's ripped in half!! Sweet sweet revenge.


So that's the first dream I had! Here's another!


I was in my house reading a large picture book. It was about vampires. In the book there was a nice-looking man (not like hott, but kind) and halfway through the story he turned evil and killed children. I don't remember too much of the why or how of this process.....


Anyways, somehow the story came TRUE! The man was in my house, sleeping on the floor and he was going to become evil as soon as his eyes opened. For some reason if his eyes were blue, that would signify he was evil. At this point I was scarred and I ran, knowing that if I never saw his eyes he couldn't hurt me.


I got upstairs somehow, and completely forgot about the man in my basement because it turns out my mom was evil! Eek!


I dream-warped outside, and now I was running from a truck and had to get to my house before they caught me. Oh no! My evil mom was in the house!


I decided to chance evil-mom and ran for the house, and then I think I tried to open the door so the sun would kill my evil-vampire-mom, and then that was it.


That dream doesn't make a lot of sense.....


---October something, 2005

So for some reason even though this background actually hurts my eyes, I quite like it. Although I do wish I had the ability to put little flowers somewhere on it, and maybe some polka dots...but at the moment I am satisfied with the crazy stripes.


Yes well.


I have a new weird habit. I like to look up with my eyes only, until my eyelashes touch my face...yea...OK.


Other news! Not much really, I was told the other day by a guy in Geology that he didn't think I could ever be really fiesty. I then, tried, and failed to convince him otherwise and realized how people must perceive me. Not that I mind, but it's just hard to be threatening when you're like 5'4, skinny, have a baby face, blue eyes and the voice of a child. What would I do if someone said, "Be threatening or I'll kill you"....well then I'd probably go all Child Psycho killer on their ass and be fine.


That must be my only skill; to be a convincing dead-child or psycho crazy child. Erm! I want to be a child vampire!! That would be so NEAT! Well, maybe not child...but this age right now! And I could wear little dresses and lull people into a false sense of security and then kill them good. All whilst having a handsome vampire body-guard, and perhaps a hell-hound. Yes, this sounds that a great plan. I think I shall get right on that.



WOW! It is almost blinding, this new background! BAHA! I may keep it, if only for that reason in itself! The stripes keep flashing...so....jarring to the senses. I love it.


I honestly have nothing much to say right now, except that I think I'm going to stop dating my entries because I always forget the day :(

Maybe just the month and year...I can handle that. Unless it was the end of the month and I didn't know the day, so that I wouldn't know when it stopped being that month and then the whole plan would go to hell and no one would be very happy. The computer especially because I would probably throw something at it in rage/sorrow because I couldn't remember the month. And then I'd forget the year too, and I'd forever be in September because the days would be beyond my knowing. And if you're going to be stuck in a month, I have to say I wouldn't want it to be September because the only monumental thing that happens in September is school, and that's not something very good....in a monumental sense. So I guess the moral of the story is...if you don't know what day it is, ask someone or else you will basically be living life as a shallow ghost of a person, trapped in a living hell of an endless month and ever guessing at your place in life. Right?


---Eternity, 2005

Some of you may be wondering whether I am alive, or at least whether I will ever update my journal. To answer you, yes and yes respectively. I am loathe to create a new layout yet my fickle little self has stopped liking the other one, so we're stuck with this...green and pink striped...thing. I picked the colours randomly, and am surprised that they are not putrid and gray! They are my two favourite colours, green and red (pink if we're picky)! This has inspired me to create a list of things that I like...be prepared, grab some coffee/tea, this should be long.



-Tea bags

-Tea tins (LOVE)


-Macnutios (not a typo)

-Old Fashioned Glazed Donuts

-Little Birds


-Tiny Boxes (preferably, jeweled or wooden)

-Plastic Bags

-The sound that plastic bags make

-The smell of carbon-copy paper

-The smell of permanent marker

-The smell of Rubber Cement

-Woolen Socks

-Fuzzy sweaters


-Pretty Songs



-Old Books (Antique)



-Colour Coding



-Cheese Strings




-Lindor Chocolates


-My Birthday

-Presents (Surprise presents)




-Computer Games

-Soft Shirts

-Cold Rooms to sleep in



-Being Right

-Making people feel better



-The underneath of peoples arms

-Blonde Hair

-Red Hair


-Stuffed Animals


-Animated penguin from Chipmunk movie


-Orange Pekoe

-Victorian England

-Medieval Scotland and England

-Time Traveling


-Cranberry flavoured things

-Peach flavoured things

-Talking to strangers

-Having fun stories  to tell people

-Making up frun stories to tell people




-Breaking Things

-Playing Random Games

-Hand Lotion

-Dancing like a fool when no one is home

-Baking when no one is home

-Walking in Fish Creek

-Reading in Fish Creek

-Seeing people you know, when you don't expect it

-Decorative Paper

-Cleaning, when it suits me.

-Finding out you have a day off

-Finding money in your pockets

-When people buy me things :)

-Giving people things that make them happy

-Unexpected compliments

-Helping people figure out school-stuff

-When people actually care about my useless facts


-Figuring out riddles!

-Calculators with really big buttons that click when you press them


-Pretty Skirts


-My monkey clock

-Having warm hands and feet (rarely happens)



......Stay tuned for things I DON'T like....should be an even longer list...


I don't feel like copying and pasting the old stuff, will do so later.....


Now, I am going to write down a song lyric that for some reason is very pretty to me, and everyone must listen to "Top of the World" by either the Dixie Chicks or Patti Griffin....this almost brought me to tears on the C-Train, who knows why....


"I wish I'd have known you

Wish I'd have shown you....

All of the things I,

Was on the inside,

I'd pretend to be sleeping,

When you'd come in the morning,

To whisper good-bye, go to work in the rain....

I don't know why..."


....very sad....very sad :(


