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The Gootch Cutter Clan

Cutters Favorite Sites

Biozombe - Media Blasters official Website
Video Game Reviews
NEW!!!! Complete Zombie Movie Reviews
Funny As Hell!!
Gootch Zombies
Zombie Survival Kit
Lucozade Energy Drink

Cutters Of The Gootch

Last Updated- 10/19/03

New Updates

This is a new prototype of the clan symbol. Email me or whatever and tell me what you think.
Also "The House of the Dead" movie has came out. Its not gonna win any awards, but it a good movie for all you zombie fans out there. There will be more reviews in the zombie movie review page.
And one more thing. The new "Kill Bill" movie came out. OH MY GOD!! its not a zombie movie so im gonna give a review at the bottom of the page, or middle, or whatever, just scroll down.

Welcome to The Official Gootch Cutter Clan Website!

The Gootch Cutters origionated as a video game clan, but soon grew outside into the real world. We do not stand for truth or justice. But power and brotherhood. The Gootch Cutters execute dangerous (and most of the time illegal) missions to take out an opposing force, get revenge, or just reak havoc for fun.

Our Practices, along with our initiations, are based on 3 categories:

  1. Food
  2. Stunts
  3. Hits

These practices may or may not be documented for later use.

A common hobbie between many of the Clan members is watching and collecting zombie movies. Zombie Review Page One of the clans favorites is Biozombie . It is what we have based a lot of structure of our clan on. If you have not seen this movie, I strongly recomend that you do. It is a bit difficult to find, but it is worth the effort. I first saw it from one of our members, And I was shocked to find a copy at Suncoast . Which i bought without hesitation. The movie is a cross between "Dude, Wheres My Car?" and "Resident Evil" . It is one of the coolest movies I have ever seen, and the best zombie movie I have seen, along with Dawn of the Dead . Zombies are the coolest, and some of our members are praying for the day that some biological accident will occur and the world will be infested by the walking dead. And who knows.....

Kill Bill. Ahh this movie is fucking awesome. It has nothing to do with zombies, but i think every one on earth should see this movie. It has been rated the most violent movie ever made by the Motion Picture Association of America. And it shows it. There is sooooo much blood and killing in this movie. Almost the entire movie is a bunch of foght scenes. And the coreographing and stunts of the fights are amazing. Not to mention the unrealisticly exaggerated amount of blood in the movie. There is also a little half an hour anime in the middle of the movie. Its great.
The story is great. About an assassin who leaves the buisiness to start a new life. But is double crossed and ends up in a coma. She wakes up 4 years later and seeks revenge on her former teammates. And Uma Thermon is sooo damn hot. Infact half of the females in this movie are. But theres no nudity. :( And the movie is also split up into 2 parts. Or volumes. the other one comes out in February 2004. And i cant wait.

Coming Soon!!!
