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The ancient Egyptians believed that before a person could get to the afterlife, they had to pass through the underworld. The underworld was a place that was full of terrifying monsters and dangerous animals. A person would need magic to successfully overcome these threats.

The ancient Egyptians chose spells to take with them on their journey. The spells were chosen from a group of spells known as the Book of the Dead. The spells were then written on a papyrus scroll which was buried with them in their tombs.

You must journey through the trials of the underworld to get to paradise.

To help you pass the many dangers that you will face, you may take magic spells with you.

Choose three spells from the list:

- spell for turning into a snake
- spell for protection against snakes
- spell for turning into a swallow
- spell for protection against crocodiles
- spell for driving away beetles

Now you have been through the dangers of the underworld there is still one obstacle between you and paradise in the afterlife.

The weighing of the heart...

Your heart will be weighed against a feather to see if it is truthful and good. If you pass this test, you will be greeted by Osiris and you will go on to paradise in the afterlife. If you fail, your heart will be gobbled up by a monster called Ammit.

You have passed your test! Well done!

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