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Career Information
Roleplay Numbah: 01
Roleplay Title: "The Real Story"
Record: 00.00.00
Lower than Life: None As Of Yet
WWFX Achievements: t . v . champion [ 1 ] ; u . s . champion [ 1 ] ; tag team champion [ 1 ]


You don't show up for one night, and all your titles are confiscated by Eric Bischoff. How pathetic. Couldn't someone have wanrned him? Warned Chris Jericho, a living legend.. a ruler of all men? I suppose not. Now guess what this larger than life human being has to do.. he has to start all over again.. from the bottom of the ranking ladder. And for what? A silly t . v . championship? A set of tag team championships that he and his super-cool partner Christian have to win once again? Well, if that's the case, I'm sure he could do it. He is Chris Jericho, remember? Perhaps we'll know why Chris was a no-show last week on Smackdown! Perhaps he had something going on? Or maybe was it because Chris defies all authority.. espectially from Eric Bischoff. These men never saw eye - to - eye.. and I don't think they're starting to anytime soon.

.. what really happened ..

A fade up on the w w f x logo then the Smackdown! logo and we're taken to our scene.. a locker room. Wow. It's pretty messy though.. clothes lying around, jocks hanging from the cabinet corners, the heavy smell of cologne in the air. The cameras scan the room then stop on Chris Jericho as he sits and watches t . v . silently in the corner. Just then, Christian enters the locker room with a huge smile on his face as if he has good news. Chris merely nods at the fact that Christian is in the room next to him.. the awesome one!

[ - " The Awesome One " Christian - ] : " Hey, hey, Chris! Guess who you're looking at? "

[ - " Living Legend ; Y 2 J " Chris Jericho - ] : " The assclown of the century? "

[ - " The Awesome One " Christian - ] : " I'll ignore that one.. But anyway, you're looking at the new.. U . S . Champion, baby! Yes, that's right, because when Smackdown! comes rolling around in a couple of hours, I'm gonna go down to that ring and totally curbstomp that loser Nathan. Dude, Australia is gonna be so pissed! "