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Major Geological Eras

Some of the major Eras of the geological time are the Paleozoic, Mesozioc and Cenozoic. The Paleozoic is known as the "Age of Invertebrates" Some major periods of the Paleozoic Era are Cambrian, Carboniferous and Permian.

During the Cambrian period the earliest vertebrates was a jawless fish to a jawed fish and later evolved to amphibians.

Another period is the carboniferous period where ocean plants transformed to land and created immense tropical forest and reptiles evolve.

The last period of the Paleozoic era is the Permian where the continents drift and combine called Pangea. This caused widespread desserts and lots of animals dies called Permian death.

Another major era was the Mesozoic known as the "Age of Reptiles". The Mesozoic is in three sub-divisions which are Triassic the oldest, Jurassic and Cretaceous the youngest.

The Triassic gave rise to dinosoaurs, flying and marine reptiles evolve. After Triassic follwed the Jurassic period is at about the middle of the age of dinosaurs and Pangea had began to break up. There was abundant of life and first birds evolved.

The last period of the Mesozoic was the Cretaceous period, where the Mesozoic end with the extinction of Dinosaurs, Marine and flying reptiles caused by the impact of a large meteorite.

The last geologic time is the Cenozoic known as the "Age of Mammals" A Tertiary period and the rise of mammals. There were two groups of mammals, which are plant eaters and meat eaters. or both.

Mammals were warm blooded to withstand the cold. One of the peculiarities in the Cenozoic era was brought about by the beinning of the ice age was gigantism of mammals. Mammals could store food, protection against predator and conserve heat to survive the cold.

At the end of the Ice age the ice melt and lakes developed and animals are isolated and then caused Dwarfism. The were isolated and less food to eat. Furthmore the Cenozoic era brought the rise of humans. Identified into three stages, which are the Southern ape, Homo erectus and most important Home Sapiens meaning wise humans. In this stage they were able to make and use tools to build boats to cross the ocean. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

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