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Who's Who List

Adler, Margot

Born: April 16, 1946
Books: Drawing down the Moon, Heretics Heart

Anderson, Victor

Born: at the turn of the 20th century in New Mexico
Books: Thorns of the Blood Rose

Andrews, Ted

Books: Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small, Nature-Speak Is to the Plant Kingdom What Animal-Speak and Animal-Wise Are to the Animal Kingdom, How to Meet & Work With Spirit Guides, How to See and Read the Aura, The Animal Wise Tarot, The Healer's Manual: A Beginner's Guide to Vibrational Therapies, Simplified Qabala Magic, Sacred Sounds: Transformation Through Music & Words, How to Meet & Work With Spirit Guides, And many more....

Ashcroft - Nowicki, Dolores

Born: 1929
Books: First Steps in Ritual, Highways of the Mind, The Ritual Maigc Workbook, The Shining Paths ; Inner Landscapes; The Sacred Cord Meditations ; The Tree of Ecstsy; The New Book of the Dead; Daughters of Eve; Building a Temple; The Officers of the Temple; The Forgotten Mage; Practical Magic and the Western Mystery Tradition

Aswynn, Freya

Books: Leaves of Yggdrasil: A Synthesis of Runes, Gods, Magic, Feminine Mysteries, and Folklore, Northern Mysteries & Magick: Runes, Gods, and Feminine Powers, Songs of Yggdrasil: Shamanic Chants from the Northern Mysteries, Principles of Runes.

Beth, Rae

Books: The Hedge Witch, Lamp of the Goddess

Bone, Gavin

Born: 1964, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England
Books: The Pagan Path, The Healing Craft with the Farrars

Bonewits, Isaac

Born: October 1, 1949 in Royal Oak, Michigan
Books: Real Magic, Authentic Thaumaturgy

Buckland, Raymond

Born: August 31, 1934 in London, England
Books: Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (1986), Witchcraft from the Inside (1974,revised 1995), The Tree: Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft (1974), Scottish Witchcraft (1991), Amazing Secrets of the Psychic World (1975), Here Is the Occult (1974, Anatomy of the Occult (1977), The Magic of Chant-O-matics (1978), Practical Color Magick (1983), Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling (1986), Secrets of Gypsy Love Magic (1990), Secrets fo Gypsy Dream Reading (1990) Witchcraft Yesterday and Today, a video (1990), The Book of African Divination (1992), Ray Buckland's Magic Cauldron (1995), Advanced Candle Magic (1996), Gypsy Fortune Telling and Tarot Reading (1998), Gypsy Witchcraft and Magic (1998), The Commitee (1993), Cardinal's Sins (1996)

Budapest, Zsusanna (a.k.a. Zsusanna Mokcsay)

Born: January 30, 1940 in Budapest, Hungary
Books: Grandmother Moon (1991), The Goddess in the Office (1993), The Goddess in the Bedroom (1995), The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries (1989)

Butler, W. E.

Born: 1898
Died: 1978
Books: Apprenticed to Magic; Magic and the Qubalah; Magic-Its Ritual, Power and putpose; THe Magician, his Training and Work; Practical Magic and the Western Mystery Tradition; How to Develop Clairvoyance; How to Develop Psychometry; How to Develop Telepathy; How to Read the Aura; Lords of Light

Blavatsky, Madame Helena Petrovna

Born: August 12, 1831 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Died: May 8, 1891 in London, England
Books: The Secret Doctine; An Initiation to The Secret Doctrine; Isis Unveiled; The Key to Theosophy; The Voice of the Silence; Studies in Occultism; Secret Doctrine Commentary; H.P. Blavatsky to the American Conventions 1888-1891; Gem from the East; The Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett; H.P. Blavatsky:Collected Writings

Cabot, Laurie

Born: March 6, 1933 in Wewoka, Oklahoma
Books: Practical Magic: A Salem Witch's Handbook (1986), The Power of the Witch (1990), Love Magic (1992), Celebrate the Earth (1994), The Witch in Every Woman (1997)

Campanelli, Dan & Pauline

Books: Pagan Rites of Passage, Ancient Ways

Carpenter, Dennis

Born: January 16, 1954 in Hillsboro, Wisconsin
Books: Golden Calf Morality

Cicero, Chic & Sandra Tabatha

Books:Golden Dawn Magical Tarot Deck ; Self-Initiation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition; Solitary Magician and the Working Magical Group; Experiencing the Kabbalah; Middle Pillar; Creating Magical Tools; Ritual Use of Magical Tools; The Magical Panteons

Clifton, Chas S.

Books: Witchcraft Today Series

Clutterbuck, Old Dorothy

Born: January 19, 1880 in Bengal
Died: 1951
The alleged high priestess of a coven of hereditary witches in the New Forest of England, who initiated Gerald B. Gardner into Witchcraft in 1939. There is some controversy in the craft as to whether or not she existed or was a fabrication of Gardner. However, Doreen Valiente in 1980 undertook a search of records to prove that Old Dorothy Clutterbuck had indeed lived and died.

Conway, D.J.

Books: Falcon, Feather & Valkyrie Sword; Flying Without a Broom/ Dancing with Dragons; By Oak, Ash & Thorn; Moon Magick; Animal Magick; Magickal, Mythical, Mystical Beasts; Perfect Love; The Celtic Dragon Tarot Kit; Shpeshifter Tarot; Celtic Magic; Norse Magic; Maiden, Morhte, Crone

Coughlin, John J.

John J. Coughlin, also known by his Internet persona, Dark Wyccan, has been involved in the craft for over 16 years. In that time he has worked with several groves and covens, although he primarily prefers to walk a solitary, eclectic path.

Also associated with the Gothic scene, John has incorporated his personal aesthetics and ideals into his spirituality giving him an often unique perspective on Wicca and Paganism in general.

Books: Out of the Shadows: An Exploration of Dark Paganism and Magick

Crowley, Aleister

Born: 1875 in Warwickshire, England
Died: 1947 in Hastings, England
Books: Aceldama ( 1898), The Book of the Law (1904), The Equinox ( 1909-1913), The Vision and the Voice (1949), Moonchild (1929), Magical Record (1929), The Diary of a Drug Fiend , Magick in Theory and Practice, The Stratagem, The Equinox of the Gods, The Book of Thoth.

Crowley, Vivianne

Books: Wicca: the Old Religion in the New Millenium (1996), Phoenix from the Flame (1994), Principles of Wicca (1997), Principles of Paganism (1996), Principles of Jungian Spirituality (1998), Celtic Wisdom (1998)

Crowther, Arnold

Born: October 6, 1909 in Chatham, Kent
Died: May 1, 1974
Books: Let's Put on a Show (1964), Linda and the Lollipop Man (1973), Yorkshire Customs (1974), Hex Certificate (late 1970s)

Crowther, Patricia

Born: October 27, 1927 in Sheffield, England
Books: The Witches Speak (1976), The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft (1974), Witchcraft in Yorkshire (1973) , High Priestess ( 1998), The Zodiac Experience (1995), One Witch's World (1998) , Lid off the Cauldron (1998), Witches Were for Hanging (1999),

Cuhulain, Kerr

Books: Law Enforcement Guide to Wicca, Wiccan Warrior

Cunningham, Scott

Born: June 27, 1956 in Royal Oak, Michigan
Died: 1993 in San Diego
Books: Shadow of Love, (1980), Magical Herbalism (1982), Earth Power (1983), Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Hers (1985), The Magic of Incense, Oils and Bres (1987), The Magical Household (1987), Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic (1987), The Truth about Witchcrft (1988), Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practicioner (1988)

Curott, Phyllis

Books: Book of Shadows, Witch Crafting

Christ, Carol

Books: Womanspirit Rising (1979), Diving Deep and Surfacing (1986), Laughter of Aphrodite

Di Grandis, Francesca

Books: Be a Goddess!

Dominguez, Ivo Jr.

Books: Castings: The Creation of Sacred Space

Dunwich, Gerina

Born: December 27, 1959 in Illinois
Books: Candlelight Speels; Wicca Candle Magick; The Concis Lexicon of the Occult; Circle of Shadows; Wicca Craft; Wicca Love Spells; The Wicca Spellbook; THe Wicca Book of Days; THe Wicca Garden; The Wicca Source Book; Everyday Wicca; A Wiccan's Guide to Prophecy; Wicca A to Z; Magick Potions; Your Magickal Cat; The Pagan Book of Halloween; The Cauldron of Dreams; Exploring Spellcraft

Durdin-Robertson, Olivia

Pagan elder and co-founder of the Fellowship of Isis in the U.K., which is an international organization.

Edgehill, Rosemary

Books: Bast Novels

Eisler, Riane

Books: The Chalic and the Blade

Elsbeth, Marguerite

Books: Crystal Medicine; The Silver Wheel

Farrar, Janet (nee Owen)

Born: June 24, 1950 in Clapton, London, England
Books: (with Stewart Farrar) Eight Sabbats for Witches (1981), The Witch's Way (1984), The Witches Bible Compleat (1984), The Witches' Goddess (1987), The Witches' God (1989), Spells and How They Work (1990), (with Stewart Farrar and Gavin Bone) The Pagan Path (1995), The Healing Craft (1998)

Farrar, Stewart

Born: June 28, 1916 in Highams Park, Essex
Died: 1999
Books: (see above for books with Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone), What Witches Do (1971), The Snake on 99 (1958), Zero in the Gate (1960), Death in the Wrong Bed (1963), Delphine, Be a Darling (1963), The Twelve Maidens (1974), The Serpent of Lilith (1976), The Dance of Blood (1977), The Sword of Orley (1977), Omega (1980), Forcible Entry (1986), Backlash (1988)

Fitch, Ed

Books: Castle of Deception (1983), Magical Rites from the Crystal Well (1984), The Rites of Odin (1990), A Grimoire of Shadows (1996)

Fortune, Dion (a.k.a. Violet Firth)

Born: 1891
Died: 1946
Books: Psychic Self-defence (1930), The Mystical Qabbalah (1936), Sane Occultism (1929), The Training and Work of an Initiate (1930), Through the Gates of Death (1932), Applied Magic (1922), The Goat-foot God (1936), The Sea Priestess (1938), Moon Magic ( ), The Secrets of Doctor Tavener (1926), The Demon Lover (1927), The Winged Bull (1936), The Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage ( ), Glastonbury, Avalon of the Heart ( ), The Cosmic Doctrine ( )

Fox, Selena

Born: October 20, 1949 in Arlington, Virginia
American Wiccan High Priestess, Pagan scholar, ecospiritual minister and ritual artist. Selena Fox is renowned for her leadership role in the international Wiccan-Pagan community and for founding Circle Sanctuary, a legally recognized Wiccan church in a worldwide Pagan ministry. In 1986 Fox married Dennis Carpenter, a Wiccan priest and former school psychologist and now a renowned Pagan scholar. Earned a master's degree in counseling at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and became certified as a clinical psychotherapist in 1995.

Frost, Gavin

Born: 1930 in Staffordshire, England
Books: Good Witches' Bible (1991), The Magic Power of Witchcraft (1976), Helping yourself with Astromancy (1980), Astral Travel (1982), Tantric Yoga (1989), Good Witch's Guide to Life (1991), The Prophet's Bible (1991), Who Speaks for the Witch? (1991), Witch Words (1993)

Galenorn, Yasmine

Books: Tarot Journeys; Dancing with the Sun; Trancing the Witch's Wheel; Embracing the Moon;

Gardner, Gerald Brousseau

Born: June 13, 1884 near Liverpool, England
Died: February 12, 1964
Books: High Magick's Aid, Witchcraft Today, The Meaning of Witchcraft, Kris and Other Malay Weapons.

Gimbutas, Marija

Born: 1921
Died: 1994
Books: Goddessess and Gods of Old Europe; The Language of the Goddess: The Civilization of the Goddess

Greer, John

Books: Natural Magic; Earth Divination; Circles of Power; Inside a Magical Lodge; Paths of Wisdom

Grimassi, Raven

Books: Italian Witchcraft, Hereditary Witchcraft, Wiccan Magick, Wiccan Mysteries

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen

Books: The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, Encyclopedia of Angels, Atlas of the Mysterious in North America, Career Opportunites for Writers

Gray, Deborah

Books: How to Turn your Ex- Boyfriend into a Toad & Other Spells

Green, Matthew

Books: Spells
Matthew Green was born in Sydney, Australia. At age thirteen, his interest in all matters hidden and the occult surfaced, becoming not just a passion but a way of life. When he was sixteen, Matthew worked as a Tarot reader in a book store, where he honed his psychic abilities. By the time he turned eighteen, Matthew ahd been psychichally clearing entities from homes and offices for two years. Matthew Green holds a degree in psychology and social anthropology from the University of Sydney. The study of psychology enhanced and sharpened his ability to focus on the minds and hearts of others, and social anthropology equipped him with the skills to research and comprehend cultural and religious structures outside his own society. His particular fascination is for the Afro-Caribbean religions of macumba and santeria as well as Mexican magic. Now Matthew is the co-owner of a company which manufactures and distributes magical hers, oils, powders, incenses and virtually everything else used in the magical arts. He also writes articles for the occult press and has published a book of spells and instructions for the use of magical materials. Matthew Green has a special knowledge of the art of magical herbalism. -taken from Matthew Green, "Spells", Raincoast Books, Vancouver,1998

Hopman, Ellen Evert

Books: Tree Medicine, TreeMagic; A Druid's Herbal For the Sacred Earth Year; People of the Earh; Druids Today

Horne, Fiona

Books: WItch - A Personal Journey; Witch - A Magical Year;

Hunter, Jennifer

Books: 21st Century Wicca

Hardie, Titania

Books: Hocus Pocus,
Titania Hardie was born and raised in Sydney, Australia.Her Italian mother and Cornish grandmother wer both white witches - exponents of the old craft of using nature and understanding its ways in order to correct imbalances of the heart and health. She trained with the Australian psychic Beverly Craig and studied psychology, astrology, numerology, tarot reading and clairvoyance. She writes a regular monthly astrology column in England's Woman and Home magazine as well as appearing regularly on BBC's Good Morning. She lives in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, a sacred site renowned for its magical associations -taken from Titania Hardie, "Hocus Pocus", Stewart Tabori & Chang, New York, 1996

Hill, Anne

Books: Circle Round

Holland, Eileen

Born: May 6, 1959
Books: The Wicca Handbook

Jong, Erica

Books: Witches

Judith, Anodea

Born: December 1, 1952 in Elyria, Ohio
Books: Wheels of Life (1987), The Sevenfold Journey (1993), Easter Body, Wetern Mind (1996)

Jones, Evan John

Books: Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed; Sacred Mask

Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia

Books: Strange Days; The Keltiad Series
Pratricia Kennealy-Morrison, author of "The Keltiad" series of science-fantasy novels and a Witch priestess for more than thirty years, was born in New York City and has lived there for most of her life. From 1968 to 1971, she was the editor of Jazz & Pop, a progressive music magazine, and one of the first women rock critics; as an advertising copywriter, she was twice nominated for Clios. "The Copper Crown", her first Keltiad book, was published in 1984; the most recent is "The Deer's Cry", (1998). On 24 June 1970 she married Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors, in a Celtic handfasting ceremony. She is a member of Mensa and a Dame of the Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani. She lives in Manhattan. - taken from the bio on her website.

Knight, Gareth

Books: The Magical World of Charles Williams, The Practice of Ritual Magic: Powerful AIDS to Concentration and Visualization, A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism.

Knight, Sirona

Books: Dream Magic, The Witch and Wizard Training Guide, The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes, Celtic Traditions: Druids, Faeries, and Wiccan Rituals, Faery Magick: Spells, Potions, and Lore from the Earth Spirits, Pocket Guide to Crystals and Gemstones, Empowering Your Life With Wicca, The Wiccan Spell Kit, Love, Sex, and Magick: Exploring the Spiritual Union Between Male and Female, Evocation of Spirits


Books: Contact The Other Side, Summoning Spirits, Nocturnal Witchcraft, Gothic Grimoire, Vampires: The Occult Truth

Kraig, Donald Michael

Books: Modern Sex Magick, Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts, Modern Sex Magick: Secrets of Erotic Spirituality, Evocation of Spirits, Truth About Psychic Powers, Magical Diary

K, Amber

Books: True Magick, Covencraft, Moonrise, The Pagan Kids Activity Book, Heart of Tarot: An Intuitive Approach, Candlemas: Feast of Flames
Amber K is an ordained High Priestess of Wicca. She was initiated and received her early training at the Temple of the Pagan Way in Chicago. Later, she and Catelaine founded the Coven of Our Lady of the Woods in Wisconsin, and when she moved to New Mexico she reorganized the coven there. She has served a National First Officer and National Publications Officer of the Covenant of the Goddess, a federation of more than one hundred covens and many solitaries in the United States, Canada, and overseas. She has also been associated with the Reformed Congregation of the Goddess'Cella priestess training program, and Of A Like Mind women's spirituality network. She is a former editrix of Circle Network News and The COG Newsletter, and her wrtings on the Craft have been widely circulated in the United States and beyond. Amber has traveled widely throughout the United States teaching the Craft, and has been a guest speaker at Hearland, Dragonfest, United Earth Assembly, and many other gatherings. She presently lives in New Mexico, with her partner Azrael Arynn K, her son Starfire, and their dog Kitsune. -taken from Amber K, "Covencraft", Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1998

Kelly, Aidan

Books: Crafting the Art of Magick, The Evangelical Christian Anti-Cult Movement: Christian Counter-Cult Literature, Theosophy II: Controversial and Polemical Pamphlets

Lady Sheba (a.k.a. Jessie Wicker Bell)

Books: The Magick Grimoire ( ), The Book of Shadows (1971)

Laura, Judith

Books: Goddess spirituality for the 21st Century; She Live! The Return of Our Great Mother

Leek, Sybil

Born: 1923
Died: 1983
Books: Diary of A Witch (1968), The Complete Art of Witchcraft (1971)

Leland, Charles Godfrey

Born: August 15, 1824
Died: March 20, 1903
Books: Aradia or Gospel of the Witches (1889), Etruscan Roman Remains

Madden, Kristin

Books: Shamanics Guide to Death and Dying, Mabon: Celebrating the Autumn Equinox, Pagan Homeschooling, Pagan Parenting: Spiritual, Magical & Emotional Development of the Child

Martello, Dr. Leo Louis

Books: Weird Ways of Witchcraft (1969), How to Prevent Psychic Blackmail (1966), Witchcraft: the Old Religion, Black Magic, Satanism and Voodoo, Understanding the Tarot, It's Written in the Cards, It's Written in the Stars, Curses in Verses, Witches' Liberation and Practical Guide to Witch Covens, Your Pen Personality, The Hidden World of Hypnotism

McCoy, Edain

Born: August 11, 1957.
Books:Celtic Myth & Magick (1997), Celtic Women's Spirituality, The Sabbats, A Witch's Guide to Faery Folk, Witta, Mountain Magick, Bewitchments
Edain McCoy was born to parents from diverse backgrounds who always encouraged her to explore the history of religious thought and to draw her own conclusions from those studies. As a teenager she began seeking the roots of her birth religion. Eventually that search, and her increasing feminist outlook, brought her back to the Old Religion. A chance meeting with a hereditary witch at a ceilidh (Irish Dance) in Houston led her to study the Irish tradition of the craft. She has been part of several covens and is always anxious to meet and work with likeminded persons. A graduate of The University of Texas, she now lives in th Midwest where she is continuing her formal graduate studies in Cultural History. She is a member of the Indiana Historical Society, the Authors Guild, the Wiccan/Pagan Press Alliance, and is active in her local Irish Arts Associaion. -taken from Edain McCoy, "Celtic Myth & Magick", Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1997

McFarland, Phoenix

Books: The Complete Book of Magical Names

Monaghan, Patricia

Books: Goddess Companion; The Office Oracle; The New Book of Goddess & Heroines; Magical Gardens; The Goddess Path

Morrison, Dorothy

Books: In Praise of the Crone; Everyday Magic; Magical Needlework; Yule

Mountainwater, Shekhinah

Books: Ariadne's Thread, Shekhinah's Tarot, Daughters of the Moon Tarot, Book of Aradia Tarot

Murray, Margaret Alice

Born: July 13, 1863
Died: November 13, 1963
Books: The WItch-cult in Western Europe (1921), The God of the Witches (1933), The Divine King in England (1954)


An Italian fortune teller and Witch who supplied Charled Leland with a great deal of Italian Witch lore, including the text Leland later published as the Gospel of the Witches in 1899. The actual Tradition she practiced is reflected in Leland's Books "Etruscan Roman Remains", "Legends of Florence", and "Legends of Virgil". In 1886 Leland asked her to discover what she could, during her travels in Italy, about an alleged "Gospel of the Witches". Eleven years later Maddalena gave Leland a copy of what she collected over the years. The portrayal of Witches and Witchcraft in Leland's "Gospel of Aradia" dows not reflect the same image as his earlier works. This is another indication that the material came from a system outside of Maddalena's own. -taken from Raven Grimassi's site

Moura, Ann

Books: Green Witchcraft: Green Witchcraft II; Green Witchcraft III

McArthur, Margie

Books: WiccaCraft for Families; Wisdom of the Elements

Nightmare, M. Macha

Books: The Pagan Book of Living and Dying
M. Macha NightMare, Priestess and Witch, is a Pagan organizer, ritualist and writer. A member of the Reclaiming Collective for all of its existence, she now teaches and leads rituals throughout the country, and was recently a featrued presenter at the 11th annual CUUPS Convo in Salem, Massachusetts. Macha holds Elder and ministerial credentials through The Covenant of the Goddess, the oldest and largest organization of Witches in the United States. A member since 1981, she is a former National First Officer. She also works with the Sacred Dying Foundation in educating funeral professionals and hospice workers about Pagan beliefs and practices about death and dying. Her magical practice is inspired by feminism and a concern for the health of our planet, and is informed by Celtic, Hindu and Tibetan practices, the sacred art of tantra, and the magic of enchantment. In addition to traveling the broomstick circuit, Macha is exploring the concepts of dedication, initiation, elevation and ordination within the diverse community that is American Witchcraft. - taken from her biography on her website

Norton, Rosaleen

Born: 1917 in Dunedin, New Zealand
Died: 1979
Books: The Art of Rosaleen Norton (1952)

O'Hara, Gwydion

Books: Pagan Ways: Finding Your Spirituality in Nature, The Magick of Aromatherapy: The Use of Scent for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit, Sun Lore: Myths and Folklore from Around the World
Gwydion O'Hara is currently writing for Llewellyn Worldwide publications. To date, hea has foru books. His travels have been many, offering the opportunity to meet and work with various Pagan people throughout the United States and Canada. In what he considers the "early years", Gwydion resided in New York City and watched the rise of such notable contributors to the growth of pagan and wiccan practice as Leo Louis Martello and Raymond Buckland. He remembers fondly meeting with those delightful pagan celebrities who have since gone on from this existence - people like Sybil Leek and Herman Slater. After New York, time and circumstance carried Gwydion to Toronto where he acted as one of the first High Priests of the Wiccan Church of Canada This was in the time when the WCC was more an ideal than a reality. Since that time, Gwydion has returned to his native United States, and has watched the Wiccan Church of Canad grow and develop into a significant organization. After having spent much of his life in teaching Pagan ways and living the life of a High Priest and witch, Gwydion took a rest from teaching and public ritual work, and began to write. He, then, became involved in the Pagan community in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. Now after a well utilized respite, he has begun teaching once agin. He continues to write, and conducts a modest number of private classes along with the occasional lecture an workshop. -taken from his bio on his website

Pendderwen, Gwydion

Born: May 21, 1946 in Berkely, California
Died: 1982
Books: Wheel of the Year (1979), The Rites of Summer (1980), The Faerie Shaman (1981)

Pickingill, Old George

Born: 1816
Died: 1909
Legendary English Witch and controversial figure to many contemporary Witches. He claimed to be descended from a line of hereditary witches dating back to the 11th century. Pickingill worshiped the Horned God and was vehemently anti-Christian, and openly advocated the overthrow of the Christian Church. Over a 60 year period he established a group of covens known as the Nine covens. Gerald B. Gardner's New Forest coven was supposedly one of Pickingill's Nine.

Raeburn, Jane

Books: Celtic Wicca: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century, The Pagan's Muse: Words of Ritual, Invocation, and Inspiration

Ravenwolf, Silver

Born: September 11, 1956
Books: To Stir A Magick Cauldron, To Ride A Silver Broomstick, American Folk Magick, Angels, Beneath A Mountain Moon, Witches Runes (book and set), Teen Witch, Silver's Spells For Prosperity, Halloween
Born in the heart of Pennsylvania, Silver has been interested in the magickal arts since childhood. "York, Cumberland, and Lancaster counties are alive with magick," she says. "The best way for a magickal person to be accepted is to let people know you firsthand," explains Silver. "once they get to know you and understand your personal values and principles, their attitudes on your alternative religious interest take a back seat. Let them know you-for you inside and the works that you do. It should be that way for everybody." Silver teaches several magickal sciences as she tours the United States. She has attained Wiccan Priesthood, and is the Tradition Head of the Black Forest Clan, covering eight states, and an Elder of Family of Serphant Stone. She is the Director of the International Wiccan/Pagan Press Alliance. -taken from Silver Ravenwolf, "T Light a Sacred Flame", Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1999.

Reed, Ellen Cannon

Books: The Witches' Tarot (book & set), the Witches' Qabala
Ellen Cannon Reed, High Priestess of the Isian tradition, has been student and teacher of the craft and Qabala for 23 years. She and her husband (and High Priest), Chris, have been active in the Southern California pagan community for the last nine years. They live on a hill overlooking the San Fernando Valley. When she's not teaching and working with her coven, or writing, she enjoys embroidery, reading, and beadwork. -taken from Ellen Cannon Reed, "The Witch's Tarot", Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1991

Regardie, Israel

Born: November 17, 1907
Died: 1983
Books: The Tree of Life (1932), THe Garden of Pomegranates (1932), The Golden Dawn (1940), the Eye in the Triangle (1970, The Legend of Aleister Crowley (1970), My Rosicrucian Adventure (1971), Middle Pillar (1970), The Romance of Metaphysics (1946), The Art of Healing (1964), Roll Away the Stone (1964), Tree of Life (1969), What is the Qabalah? (1970), To Invoke Your Higher Self (1973), Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment (1975)

Roderick, Timothy

Books:The Once Unknown Familiar, Dark Moon Mysteries
Timothy Roderick holds a master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University, and he is currently a psychotherapy intern in Southern California. He is a longtime initiate of an order of English Traditional Wicca. He has been a student of the occult, mysticism, and earth-centered spirituality for many years and is the founder of EarthDance Collective, group that sponsors open rituals, classes, and workshops that promote awareness of feminist spirituality. Tmothy also teaches classes that blend western psychology and native shamanic wisdom throughout California. - taken from Timothy Roderick, "Dark Moon Mysteries", Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1996

Ryall, Rhiannon

Books: West Country Wicca
Hereditary witch author from the West Country in England.

Regula, de Traci

Books: The Mysteries of Isis, Egyptian Scarab Oracle

Sanders, Alex

Born: 1926 in Manchester, England
Died: April 30, 1988 (Beltane)
Self-proclaimed "King of the Witches". Alex Sanders rose to fame in the 1960's, founding a major tradition: the Alexandrian tradition.

Sanders, Maxine

Wife of Alex Sanders, and "Witch Queen" of the Alexandrian Tradition. Had two children with Alex Sanders before their divorce in 1973.

Simms, Maria Kay

Books: The Witch's Circle

Slade, Paddy

Born: September 29, 1931
Books: To Thomas Monk with Grateful Thanks (1972), Natural Magic (1990), Seasonal Magic (1997)

Slater, Herman

Born: 1938
Died: 1992
Books: A Book of Pagan Rituals, The Magickal Formulary, The Magickal Formulary II

Starhawk (a.k.a. Miriam Simos)

Born: 1951
Books: The Spiral Dance (1979), Dreaming the Dark (1982), Truth or Dare (1987), Circle Round (1998), The Pagan Book of Living and Dying (1997), The Fifth Sacred Thing (1993), Walking to Mercury (1997)

Stein, Diane

Born: September 22, 1948
Books: The Woman's Book of Healing, The Women's Spirituality Book, Women's Psychic Lives

Stepanich, Kisma

Born: July 4, 1958
Books: Faery Wicca Vol I & II, The Faery Wicca Tarot

Skelton, Robin

Born: 1925
Died: 1997
Books: Patmos and Other Poems; Begging the Dialect; Selected Poems, 1947-1967; The Irish Album; The Hunting Dark; Musebook; Georges Zuk; Distances; Memoires of a Literary Blockhead; Islands; I Am Me; Wrestling wht Angel; The Secret; Ballad of Billy Barker; Three for Nick; The Edge of Time; One Leaf Shaking; Lens of Crystal; The Practice of Witchcraft; Spellcraft

Telesco, Patricia

Born: 1961
Books: The Herbal Arts, Goddess in My Pocket, The Language of Dreams, Kitchen Witch's Cookbook, Your Book of Shadows
Trish Telesco is a mother of three, and a professional author with more than thirty metaphysical books on the market. She travels at least once a month to give lectures and workshops around the country and has appeared on several television segments including onefor the syndicated show Sightings on multicultural divination systems, and one for the Debra Duncan Show on modern Wicca. In addition, Trish maintains a strong, visible presence in metaphysical journals including Circle Network News, Silver Chalice, and Aquarius, and on the Internet. Trish considers herself a down-toearth Kitchebn Witch. She was originally self-trained and self-initiated, but later received initiation into the Strega tradition of Italy, which gives form and fullness to the folk magic Trish practices in everyday life. She believes strongly in following personal vision, being tolerant of other traditions, making life an act of worship, and being creative so that magic grows with you. She practices as a solitary. -taken from Trish Telesco, "Your Book of Shadows", Citadel Press, N.J., 1999

Thorsson, Edred

Books: Northern Magic; The Truth About Teutonic Magick

Tyson, Donald

Books: Tetragrammaton; New Millennium Magic; Scrying For Begginers; Enochian Magic for Beginners; Rune Dice Kit; Rune Magic; The Truth About Runes; The Truth about Ritual Magic; Three Books of Occult Philosophy; Ritual Magic; Sexual Alchemy;

Valiente, Doreen

Born: 1922
Died: 1999
Books: Natural Magic (1975), An ABC of Witchcraft (1973), Witchcraft for Tomorrow (1978), The Rebirth of Witchcraft (1989)

Weinstein, Marion

Books: Positive Magic (1978), EarthMagic (1979), The Ancient/ModernWitch (1991), Magic for Peace (1991)

Weschcke, Carl Llewellyn

Born: September 10, 1930 in St. Paul,
Carl Weschcke is president of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd, one of the largest publishers of occult and New Age books in the world. He is also a Magician, a Tantric practitioner, a Pagan and a former Wiccan High Priest who played a leading role in the rise and spread of Wicca and Neo-Paganism in America during the 1960s and 70s. His media prominence during the 1960's and 70's did much to bring Wicca and Paganism into the light of acceptability in a sceptical American society

Whitcomb, Bill

Books: Magician's Reflection, The Magician's Companion

Williamson, Cecil

Born: September 18, 1909 in Paignton, South Devon, England
Died: 1999
Researcher, occultist and founder of the Witchcraft Research Centre and the Museum of Witchcraft in England. He was acquainted wit Gerald B. Gardner and Aleister Crowley during the formative years of the Witchcraft revival. During World War II he helped the M16 Intelligence section of the foreign Office collect information about Nazi occult interets. He was also inovlved in a famous "witches' ritual" to curse Hitler and prevent him from invading England. His relationship with Gerald Gardner was strained at times and ended on bad terms. Williamson disdained the revivalist Pagan relifion of modern Witchces, criticizing them for "being nonproductive of results."

Wilson, Monique

Modern English Witch know as Lady Olven, High Priestess with Gerald B. Gardner.

Wolfe, Amber

Books: The Arthurian Quest, Elemental Power, In the Shadow of the Shaman, The Truth about Shamanism

Wood, Robin

Books: The Robin Wood Tarot (book and set)
Robin Wood is a practicing pagan for many years and artist and author of The Robin Wood tarot, a pagan oriented tarot deck. Her interest in art was evident from an early age - she literally teethed on Prismacolour pencils. A prolific artis, she has illustrated many book and magazine covers. She lives in the Midwest with her husband, Michael Short.

Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon (a.k.a. Timothy Zell)

Born: November 30, 1942 in St. Louis, Missouri
Books: Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Zell-Ravenheart, Morning Glory (a.k.a. Diana Moore)

Born: May 27, 1948 in Long Beach, California

Zimmer Bradley, Marion

Born: June 3, 1930
Died: September 25, 1999
Books: Mists of Avalon, The Forest House, Lady of Avalon, The Firebrand, Darkover Series