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This page will tell you the rules that all Mennonites are required to follow. Here they are.


1)      Don’t worship other gods besides the one god and your Mennonite friends.

2)      Always worship your husband or father.

3)      Pray for the good of all Mennonites and for the bad of all non Mennonites.

4)      For women, never show your hair. If you do this will result in a death by torture and THEN you can go to hell.

5)      Once every five years you are to make a pilgrimage to the holy land of Lancaster, Pa.

6)      While in Lancaster you are to visit the local church and find your mate.

7)      No wearing comfortable clothing.

1)      Always idolize great Mennonites such as Adolf Hitler. (More on great Mennonites in the Famous Mennonites)

2)      Always protest against democracy.

3)      Communism is the good plan.

4)      You have to have a holy Mennonite name.

5)      Never live in a house that has any electricity.

6)      TV’s, CD players, Radios, or Microwaves are forbidden because they are evil.


More rules when I come up with more.