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just about friends, u knoe..

i met her at the hospital on fourth floor. the family birth center~ =) it's the greatest place to be, to spend time, and to volunteer as well. she is very friendly and is friends with a lot of nurses there. i became friends with her there and i enjoy every saturday working with her. she taught me so many things i couldnt thank her enough, and it is hard to believe that she is seventeen just like i am. she looks straight into my eyes and tells me how she feels without fancy lies and cover-ups to make it sound better. she said many things that just touched my heart because how she saw things was exactly the same way as mine except that i didnt tell anyone. she has the power to convince people and to open up people's eyes to see the things the way it is supposed to be. i am so glad to meet her. she gives me power to believe in myself and to be proud of what i've got.

i met him first at the hospital on the seventh floor. that's where most of the junior volunteers started at and had most fun doing nothing much. he taught me how to push wheel chair and places i had to remember just in case. he was very friendly, talked a lot and was a bit annoying. i found out that he was coming to the same high school as mine and got excited. as my buddies and i hang out, i started to learn about him little by little. although he acted the way he did, he was actually a nice person who really cared about his friends and family. i think i have similar values with him, too. "honesty" is a very important word. it is very common and obvious, but who discusses about it to one another? he always cheer me up when im down n i am always happy after i talk to him. he is my superhero!! it seems like he's got something that attracts me a lot. i am in love with him!!

i met her first at japanese school, probably around in fourth grade. i was not good at socializing with people but she listened to me patiently, so we became friends. she's one of my longest life-long friend. she helped me out in english at taylor until she moved back to japan. we used to talk about the guy we liked, what we did to get his attention, and just the most embarrasing stories ever. even now that she's back in japan, we still write to each other and i am so happy that she wouldn't forget me just because she moved. oh yea and i played a lot of tennis with her!! she always beat me tho.. but it was one of the best memories i had in taylor.

met her first when i was in third grade.hah..well she was much better in english, but she just came to america too.. along with few other friends i met, i was part of the non-english speaking group. yet we understood each other somehow and i never really got close to mimi that time but i do remember mimi and the other girl fighting because they got the same shoes. well anyhow, mimi and i ended up in same middle school though we werent that close. i was with ayumi then, speaking japanese most of the time. but we had same class in esl, and once ayumi left i became loaner. i tried fitting into this another japanese girls' group, but they got into a fight and i was in the middle. i hated it so i moved to mimi's group where i met:bonnie, tina, jeff, lisa, and young-sun. yes, from then.. i had the best time ever. i think mimi's the longest friend i have in my life who still live near me and hang out. she is sweet and cute. she's got too skinny recently, but i believe she's gone through a lot and so all i can do is watch? or i mean support. she is similar to me in many many ways, so it is very interesting to see how we change in the future.

ok, i met her at taylor and since then she's been the nerd(?) of the group. the sweetest nerd ever, tho. i became more close to her recently because of that english class i had with her. she has a lot in her mind, just like everyone else, but all organized. she always keep me updated, and pushes me to work harder. i admire the way she works so hard not for her parents or just because, but for her own self. she is independent and i feel that she is sometimes pressured by her older brother who graduated from ucla, but that is her and i still love her the way she is. she is the first girl friend who cried for me when i was totally blue. to count, she cried twice for me.. i am too lucky to have a friend who understands my feelings and even feel it like it is her business as well. i just hope that she won't work too hard and be all tired by the time when she goes off to college. i am pretty sure, 100% sure, that i wont be going to the same college as hers, so i miss her already.. but this is life and i just hope that she won't forget me even if she meets new friends in the future.

it's been long.. she's been fashionable all her life all because of her sisters. jk jk. she is a sensitive person who cares about her friends and her mother. tina's been hanging out with older people recently, but came back to us for good reason. i am very happy for that. she loves party and singing. oh yes, she is going to become the greatest singer ever in this world. she works very hard at a store, and seems very lively these days. i do have problems with her, but usually she bends it and is usually my way. i feel so sorry to be acting like a queen, but i think i am jealous of the way she represents herself so proudly. i was never taught to be like that and so i was amazed how she's got her self altogether. she listenes patiently to my meaningless stories and laughs crazily to silly things that some people just won't laugh. i appreciate her patience =D

- po-wen -
i met him online while i was in group chat. from the beginning, he was so interesting to talk to because he knew so many things. in my opinion, he is a anime/comic freak. hahah jk. but yea i spent a lot of time finding the right word in japanese and translating songs for him. it was really fun cuz we would just keep talking and talking.. he is also very patient with me, so i am so comfortable sharing embarrasing stuff and practically everything with him. the weird part is at school. the first time we actually met in person, i don't think we talked much. we probably said hi.. but i dun remember =P i wish that i had same class as him so i could talk to him more often in person... but he left to taiwan!! so sad =( but yea, he signed my yearbook n i talked to him on the last day of school too! so i guess im alright. hahah. but i miss him >_<;

- peter -
i still remember when we were in third grade, he said that he wanted to fix his nose if he was to get a plastic surgery. i don't think he ever changed in all these years. i really really like how he doesn't show off like many other guys n im not quite knoe the right word, but he is easy going? he knows a lot about the world like po-wen, and it was so much fun being in his class. we would talk so much (not loud, though) that teacher caught us once.. heheh fun times. he got so smart now that he is not in my classes anymore, but he still talk to me and i am happy for that. i always wish i was a lil smarter so that i could be in his class again n talk about everything together.. it is senior year already. i hope i won't loose contact with you, peter.

- kui kui -
i've seen her earlier when i was freshman, but the 'actual in person' contact came when i was in junior year. we had same english class with bonnie n it was the class that i felt so secure n comfortable. she is a great listener and she always has the most fresh ideas so that always surprises me. she and i have many things in common and i was really glad to find out that i wasn't alone. she believes in what is really right, and is not affected by what others say. that tough attitude is so honest that i really admire her. sometimes i feel that she is working or thinking too hard about something to keep it right, but i think that is really hard. though still, i really really like how she percedes the world.

she's never been mean to anybody.. lol i met her in japanese school. i remember her cuz she's always been nice to me. she always had smiles n nice word choice when talking to people. ahah n when i got into mills, i had tennis with her~ it was the best time of all cuz i talked to her like crazy. she was a great listener n we talked a lot about people n gossips n other *ahem* personal stuff... we promised that we'd have a double date when we both get a boyfriend.. heheh i still remember~ so i hope she does, too. ^^; and now she's in red cross yes team with me n club at school! heheh i must thank her for all the help and support she's given me. i really couldn't have survived in that tennis team w/o her.

hm, i met him in both japanese school n at mills.. i forgot which one first. we had the same science teacher so we shared lots of answers.. ahah we talked a lot about daily life, too. he was really funny n talkative online ^^ he graduated last year n moved to LA.. gosh, it seems everyone's gone to LA.. psh, but anyways, yea.. so i miss him =( the nice thing is that i still talk to him and so even though we live far away, we're still friends n stuff =) im happy about that~ hehe. i remember him playing guitar w/ pikachu- n other guys at japanese school~ that "tokubetu jyugyoubi" was the best!! i wish i didn't quit. sigh. but anyways, im hoping to k.i.t. with him cuz he's like my big brother!!

i think i miss her a lot in a sense because we don't hang out at all now. it is my fault though. hehe but i remember how we used to walk home together n stuff.. up that lake street!! kyaa!! it was fun fun fun. we talked so much about guys~ n we planned to do stuff for japanese school n etc. it was exciting. she made me feel important n i felt alive~. no more of that feeling is sad n all, but i see that she's doing lots of stuff work, school, volunteer.. etc. so she gave me courage to push myself to work hard, too. thanks julie.

another great great listener of mine. hahah. i've got lots of friend who listens to me patiently. im so so lucky man.. well anyways, we've been in tennis team together and talked a lot about how we feel about tennis. i remember one summer we played like crazy, but didn't make it into top five starter.. that was not fun. anyways, she taught me how to rock climb one day in summer~ it was scary at first though she held on the rope tight! so it was fun! she's got a really nice smile~ so comforting! yea, its too bad i have no class with her this yr. =(