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Selamat Datang

dear god,

i believe in you

i believe in the identity i am blessed with

i believe You know how i have fought hard

all my life every step of the way

there wasn't a single day in my life

i am unconscious of this inner battle

i have been my own warrior, fighting , choosing to fight

only to discover, i am my own enemy

i fought against myself

and tried not to be her

but above all, i believe

i acknowledge this choice to be mine

perhaps, my preference would be witnessed

as a weakness or a disease

but i have come to the conclusion,

i can no longer make this life livable

unless i come to terms with her

you know how hard i have fought

i know a few words to express them

my vocabulary is as limited as my knowledge of your identity

but i know you hear me when i pray

i know you grew with me every step

every inch of the way

i have hoped, i will not regret

this decision i have made

i tried and persevered - i lost

indeed defeat i must accept,

readily do so but will not come to a stage

where i must fight only to find

in the end to emerge as a winner,

is to end your precious gift life itself

everybody said people like me live in a closet

to a certain degree it's true, but not alone

i have you, i know that, i believe that

i never thought, i am alone in this fight

there was you, one who understands

the closet i am living in is not small

your forgiveness is imperative

for all the indulgences i partake in my future

should you fail to find in your faith to forgive me

then i fully understand

perhaps i have failed you,

indeed somehow you stopped

loving me the way i believed you

i hold myself to blame, i am the guilty one

if you cannot love me still, i won't hate you

i realised my decision has made me unworthy

of a love as almighty as yours

perhaps i am weak,

i would rather admit defeat than die

for dying would be an insult to you

i now admit to you,

myself and all the love on earth

i am a lesbian...

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