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(Hopefully) The last "Tell me all about you" thread




DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Everywhere else

Posts: 404

Well, after some work I've managed to have the statistics on the survey (up to 2003/09/01). If you don't know what survey it is, just click on the link on my signature, it will lead you there.

I've promised to give the statistics, so here they are... a web page is being created from the original thread, and I will be soon adding a link to it on my sig. I will post here on this thread when it's done. The first "post" of this edited "thread" which will be linked to my sig will have a copy of the statistics shown below.

If somebody wants to change any information given on the survey thread, please pm me. I will edit the information then - I can do it, since it won't be a thread of this forums, but rather an edited copy of one in a webpage.

Also, if you still wish to take part on the survey, please do so. These are only partial results. The main objective is to get a good idea from who are the posters on the diablo part of the All input will make this surevy more precise. You can participate on the survey by clicking the link on my sig.

Now, the statistics so far - I'll update it if/when I get more posts on the "Tell me all about you" thread.

Total answers so far: 91

Age group

10-14 ........ 3 .... 3.3%
15-19 ....... 44 ... 48.4%
20-24 ....... 21 ... 23.1%
25-29 ....... 13 ... 14.3%
30-34 ........ 6 .... 6.6%
35-39 ........ 1 .... 1.1%
40-45 ........ 0 .... 0.0%
46-50 ........ 1 .... 1.1%
Didn't answer. 2 .... 2.2%

American .... 33 .... 51.6%
Australian.... 2 ..... 3.1%
Belgain....... 1 ..... 1.6%
Canadian..... 10 .... 15.6%
Chinese....... 3 ..... 4.7%
Croatian...... 1 ..... 1.6%
Danish........ 3 ..... 4.7%
Dutch......... 7 .... 10.9%
English....... 4 ..... 6.3%
Finnish....... 3 ..... 4.7%
German........ 1 ..... 1.6%
Irish......... 1 ..... 1.6%
Israeli....... 1 ..... 1.6%
Malaysian..... 1 ..... 1.6%
Norwegian..... 1 ..... 1.6%
Philippin..... 1 ..... 1.6%
Romanian...... 1 ..... 1.6%
Scottish...... 1 ..... 1.6%
Singaporean... 1 ..... 1.6%
South African. 1 ..... 1.6%
Spanish....... 1 ..... 1.6%
Stateless..... 1 ..... 1.6%
Swedish....... 8 .... 12.5%
Taiwanese..... 1 ..... 1.6%
Thailandian... 1 ..... 1.6%
Turkish....... 1 ..... 1.6%

Male......... 71 ..... 78.0%
Female....... 18 ..... 19.8%
Other*........ 1 ...... 1.1%
Didn't answer. 1 ...... 1.1%

Marital Status
Single/Equiv..... 68 ..... 76.4%
Married/Equiv.... 19 ..... 21.3%
Didn't answer..... 2 ...... 2.2%

OTF.............. 51 ..... 37.2%
ETF.............. 22 ..... 16.1%
Druid............ 15 ..... 10.9%
Community........ 12 ...... 8.8%
USETF............. 9 ...... 6.6%
Single Player..... 8 ...... 5.8%
Necromancer....... 7 ...... 5.1%
USWTF............. 7 ...... 5.1%
Trade Values...... 6 ...... 4.4%
Paladin........... 5 ...... 3.6%
Sorceress......... 5 ...... 3.6%
Hardcore.......... 5 ...... 3.6%
Gen.Strategy...... 4 ...... 2.9%
Didn't answer..... 4 ...... 2.9%
MP Support........ 3 ...... 2.2%
76legit........... 2 ...... 1.5%
Barbarian......... 2 ...... 1.5%
Statistics........ 2 ...... 1.5%
Assassin.......... 1 ...... 0.7%
PVP............... 1 ...... 0.7%
Player Matchup.... 1 ...... 0.7%
Fiction Fan....... 1 ...... 0.7%
Newcomer.......... 1 ...... 0.7%

Work............. 27 ..... 31.4%
Study............ 36 ..... 41.9%
Both............. 13 ..... 15.1%
None.............. 9 ..... 10.5%
Didn't answer..... 1 ...... 1.2%

* - The "other" gender was meant as a joke. But one of our posters seems to turn occasionally into an "other" during the weekends...

Nationality was here meant as citizenship. It may seem strange for americans, iirc everybody born on America is an american and was counted as american on this survey. But on Europe, what counts is the nationality of your parents, so for example if your parents are spanish and you were born on Switzerland, you are spanish, not swiss. I don't know how does it work on Asia.

Mothers who don't work outside home but have children to take care and no servants to do the work for them were counted as working people. It's just fair, this is hard work even if some people fail to notice it...

The "forums" visited by the posters were counted multiple times whenever the poster referred more than one. This is why there are much more answers on this group than in the others.

So far, that's it... I'd be glad with some comments, if you who are reading feel like it. Mostly I'd like to know if it's been interesting so far and if you find it useful to have the edited version of the thread on my sig. I'd like to work knowing that I'm doing something that others will use. You can always just vote if you don't feel like writing.





(Hopefully) The last "Tell me all about you" thread <---- Tell everybody on all forums who you are


DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Everywhere else

Posts: 366

Your forum name? frygia

Your age? 28

Your zodiac sign? Aquarius

Your city/country of birth? Leeds, England

Your nationality? Norwegian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now?Switzerland

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I work as systems analyst/programmer... and mother
Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere warm, near the sea, where the sun always shines...

Marital status? Happily married, 4yo wonderful daughter

Your preferred hobby? I really, really like sky-diving...

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forum... and now the Off-Topic Forum

How did you get your forum name? Mine came from an ancient land in Turkey... and from one of their queens, named exactly as the land was. Besides being a queen, it's a name I like (phonetically speaking) (answer shamelessly copy/pasted from the thread with the same name as the question)

What else would you like to add about yourself? Aside being a slightly mad person and an nfep? People tell me I scare them silly on the Off-topic European Trade Forum... but deeply inside, I'm really a good girl

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I forgot to add a secret... I also talk while working in the computer, mostly when I can't solve a problem... I remember reading a thread here where a girl (you know who you are) had exactly the same problem...



DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: North Carolina

Posts: 1,389

Your forum name? ZeppelinAngel

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Aquarius

Your city/country of birth? Somewhere in western NC

Your nationality? American.. I guess

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Massachusettes

Do you work, study? Sit around all day

Where would you want to live in the future? Ireland or London

Marital status? Boyfriend

Your preferred hobby? Games of sorts

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic

How did you get your forum name? I don't really know

What else would you like to add about yourself?






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Germany

Posts: 85

Forum Name MikeTheKing

Age 16

Zodiac sign ??

Place of birth Freudenstadt /Germany

Nationality German

Gender other... Male of course..

Currently live in Germany

A start my education/apprenticeship?? as an electrician in a few days..

Wanna live in the future... don't know in a nice foreign city something like NY would be cool

martial status I'm single so If anyone's interested ...

prefered hobby... don't know nothing special...

What are the forums you frequent? Off-topic

How did you get your forum name? I couldn't think of a better one at that moment and I'm the king so it actually fits well

don't know there's nothing a wanna add about myself, I'm a nice guy and If you need someone to talk to just pm me or drop me a line in ICQ whatever...

I'm missing something like realname...
Mine's Mike...





Tiocfaidh ar la

Joined: Jun 2003

Posts: 383

Your forum name? Tiocfaidh ar la

Your age? 16

Your zodiac sign? Pisces

Your city/country of birth? Derry, Ireland

Your nationality? Irish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male (can vary at weekends) (somebody had to post a stupid comment sometime)

Where do you live now? Derry, Ireland

Do you work, study? Study

Where would you want to live in the future? America or just stay put

Marital status? nothin...

Your preferred hobby? Im an amateur boxer, and like goin to the gym (goin there in about 45min)

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic and Druid

How did you get your forum name? It means "our day will come" in Irish

What else would you like to add about yourself? I have a 12inch penis





Life Is Beans

Joined: Aug 2003

Posts: 30

Other Internet Names: secret

Age: 15

Birthdate: may 16s 1988

Gender: male

Your zodiac sign: Taurus

Occupation: nothing till sept 3rd 2003.. then a student

Location: ontario, niagara falls

City/Country of birth: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Nationality: Canadian

Your preferred hobby: soccer, favourite: basketball or soccer depending on my mood, diablo 2, starcraft, goldeneye are the best out of their categories imo (mostly because i dont get the chance to try a lot of games), and those are the categories i like

Work, School...: starting school no the third

Where would you want to live in the future: dont know. a city.

What are the forums you frequent: ot and east tradign and 76elegit

What else would you like to add about yourself: 1)comittign sexual acts in the basement while my rents are in the rec room (3 stairs, 2 corners, a folding door, and about 16 feet away) 2)crashing a girls sleepover in their backyard at 4 am, 3)gonig to a friends house (girl who had her friend sleeping over, and my friend came with me) at 2 am while her sis (babysitter) was home, we hid in her clest the 2 times her sis came into my friends room lol 4)making a 7" high fire beside a dumpster behind a kimi maal, in view of about 300 apartment windows+ a dzen houses 5) askin a 16 year old to flash me after knowign her for about 10 mins (on a 5$ bet, mind though :/) 6)running away from a unmarked cop car at 430 am for the hell of it. not too crazy, i know, but o well

How did you get your forum name: i just thought of a name.. i dunno







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Lund, Sweden

Posts: 176

Good idea this!

Your forum name?Hatsepsut

Your age? 29

Your zodiac sign?Gemini

Your city/country of birth? Pulawy, Poland

Your nationality? Swedish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Lund, Sweden

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Studying to be a systems developer/architect. Finishing my masters in january, if all goes well...

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere warm, near the sea, where the sun always shines... (I'll just leave this as is, since it suits me perfectly).

Marital status? "Preffed" == pre-engaged sort of thingy

Your preferred hobby? Dancing

What are the forums you frequent?

How did you get your forum name? Hatsepsut, Hatshepsut, Hatsephsut (however you choose to translitterate it) was the only female pharaoh of Egypt, and quite a lady. I visited Egypt a while ago and so learned quite a bit about their fascinating history.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Hmm...I find it hard to pick a few brief facts that I would like to share, and I don't want to fill this up with an essay about me, myself and I.

edit: haha, yes, that I can add as a fact. I hold conversations with my computer. This only occurs at the office, though.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: partying with the swedish chef!

Posts: 758

Forum Name Killfrenzy

Age 16

Zodiac sign Sagitarius i think

Place of birth somewhere in the GTA (stupid Mel Lastman and his megacity crap got me confused)

Nationality Canadian

Gender M

Currently live in Canada

Do you work, study? back to the hell known as St. Augustine in a week or so for my final year (gr 12)

Wanna live in the future... why the hell would i move


Marital status I'm single

preferred hobby... games workshop stuff D2 other computer stuff experimenting on small animals

What are the forums you frequent? pretty much all of em from time to time but the ones i usually hang around on a OT barb, druid, trading, and that community thing

How did you get your forum name? I am named after my highly successful frenzy barb

most people dont wanna know more about me as their first though when meeting me is "RUN! hes insane!"







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Vermonty

Posts: 488

Your forum name? Usufruct

Your age? 19

Your zodiac sign? Virgo

Your city/country of birth? St. Johnsbury, VT, USA

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Man

Where do you live now? Vermont

Do you work, study? I am a Network Administrator for an ISP

Where would you want to live in the future? Mars

Marital status? Unmarried, but have great plans with Girlfriend of 3.5 yrs

Your preferred hobby? Fishing, Computer gaming, Mountain Biking, Playing Music

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic, and community

How did you get your forum name? I have an ill-used legal term fetish.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I am 6'4" 195, Dirty Blonde, Blue eyes.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I have an autographed photo of Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf, of Howard Stern Show fame.







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Drowning in the sea of information

Posts: 517

Your forum name? Kawaii

Your age? 15

Your zodiac sign? Virgo

Your city/country of birth? Uppsala, Sweden

Your nationality? Swedish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Sweden, Enköpings Kommun

Do you work, study? I study science, and i'm at the very top of my class at math. People are dumb.

Where would you want to live in the future? Japan!!!

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Hmm, this is a cliché, but i have to same computers, namely movies, anime, RPG's strategy, and the OTF of course!

What are the forums you frequent? Only the OFT. I quit playing D2.

How did you get your forum name? Chose a bunch of random Kanji letters and they happend to spell out Kawaii. please note that Kawaii does not mean cute, kawai does. There's a difference.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Meh, i'm such a cynic... and i find most IRL people to be SO dumb. And i hate all this commercialiced crap like boy bands, reality shows, eminem, etc.

Favourite temp: Ice cold, just like me.

Religion: Atheist, and nothing is going to change my mind.

What's the deal with your internet name? It's random, piss off.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Nah, i'm under a court order not to tell anyone. Ooops.

Edit2: Frygia is a big meanie







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: All over

Posts: 82

Might as well...

Your forum name? Publius

Your age? 18, but for only 2 weeks more

Your zodiac sign? If based on birthdate, whatever encompasses September 10th.

Your city/country of birth? New York City NY

Your nationality? Going by citizenship, the United States

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? right "now" New York City. Normally New Jersey, but starting from last year, i spend most of the year in California actually

Do you work, study? Both. Work during the summer, study during the winter (superhero at night)

Where would you want to live in the future? Someplace usually warm but can snow once in a while...

Marital status? I'm single <---------All females observe ;-)

Your preferred hobby? sleep, reading random stuff, random useless trivia, randomness in general, hp calculators (does anyone still use them?), computer gaming, recently took up martial arts...

What are the forums you frequent? Primarily OT Forum, lurk in many others

How did you get your forum name? Long Long time ago (I can still remember), I had to create a screenname, and there was a book on Greek and Roman History sitting next to me. It was originally Publius Vergilius Maro, which has since been shortened.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Um, I can be very weird at times? Normally I would run when faced with surveys like this...

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Its a secret!







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Nova Scotia

Posts: 1,086

Your forum name? Zero.

Your age? 15

Your zodiac sign? Piscies...however you spell it.

Your city/country of birth? Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Your nationality? Canadian.

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male.

Where do you live now? Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Do you work, study? I "study" at Prince Andrew High School.

Where would you want to live in the future? Wherever my work takes me.

Marital status? Had my girlfriend for 9 months and counting.

Your preferred hobby? Computers/skateboarding.

What are the forums you frequent? USETF, and now the OTF

How did you get your forum name? It's a skateboarding company

What else would you like to add about yourself? My name is Mike...I'm 5'9"...short black going to movies...chillin with friends...skatin...buying clothes







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: I love my boyfriend.

Posts: 142

Your forum name?Please look to the left of this post.

Your age?[[11+(1.5*2)]*2]-6

Your zodiac sign?I think it's capricorn

Your city/country of birth?Bangkok, Thailand

Your nationality?Thai

Your gender(male/female/other)?girl

Where do you live now?California, USA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Home-college / unemployed

Where would you want to live in the future? I don't know. Anywhere that has love and happiness, I guess?

Marital status? Pre-engaged sort of thingy. 6 year LTR

Your preferred hobby? Play games, crafties, naps

What are the forums you frequent? Just this OTF one.

How did you get your forum name? From Charlie's Angel when Tom called Drew "Starfish"

What else would you like to add about yourself? I love my boyfriend. Will you donate me some money?

Something secret from you that you want to make public? If I tell you my secret, it wouldn't be a secret anymore.






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: thirtieth in line

Posts: 286

Your forum name? Empired (raistlins-mage on the old forums)

Your age? 15

Your zodiac sign? Leo

Your city/country of birth? Burlington, Vermont, USA

Your nationality? I'm American.

Your gender? Female

Where do you live now? Vermont

Do you work, study? I'm a sophomore in high school and I have a job at a paralegal office.

Where would you want to live in the future? Ireland

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Playing Wild ARMS

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic Forum. I used to be at the Community Forum a lot, and I lurk at the Necromancer forum.

How did you get your forum name? I... uh... *runs away*

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm taller than I would like to be(around 5'7"). The last movie I watched was Waking Ned Devine. School starts tomorrow. I have three cats and a dachshund. I would be in chat right now if this computer wasn't so slow.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? If I had to be missing a finger, I'd choose my left middle finger.

Other Internet Names: Kkir, Twothirdsempire, Luciedvii.

Birthdate: July 29, 1988


Real Name: Sierra

Ambition: Um. I don't know.

Religion: Agnostic

Pets: Mercator, Gold, and Misty (cats) and Neo, a minature dachshund

Farthest you have ever travelled away from your home: Thailand. Japan is second place and Greece, third.

Things you strongly dislike: My littlest toes. They curve in a funny way.





Joined: Jul 2003
Location: South Africa

Posts: 12

Your forum name? Ahria

Your age? 30 going on 23

Your zodiac sign? Aires/Taurus

Your city/country of birth? South Africa, Klerksdorp

Your nationality? South African

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Johannesburg

Do you work, study? Work (too much)

Where would you want to live in the future? On a island with a satelite connection

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Games, reading, clubbing, rapp jumping and puzzles

What are the forums you frequent? OT Forum and Community in general

How did you get your forum name? Liked Aria as it means song then had to respell it and after i found a cool page on the history of Ahria it stuck

What else would you like to add about yourself? Have decided never to grown up, people seems to get boring the older they get. (no offense intended)

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I am getting a phoenix tattoo on Saturday.





Smeg Head


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Somewhere near the stairs at the Ball of Kerrymuir

Posts: 1,185

Your forum name? Smeg Head

Your age? 26

Your zodiac sign? Virgo

Your city/country of birth? Tampa, Flordia (GO BUCS!)

Your nationality? Pureblooded American Mutt. Various Scandanavian ancestory (Vikings)

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Boise, ID

Do you work, study? Architect, going back to school next year

Where would you want to live in the future? Boise, ID

Marital status? Married with a rugrat

Your preferred hobby? Driving fast, UFO hoaxes

What are the forums you frequent? OTF

How did you get your forum name? I'm a Red Dwarf fan

What else would you like to add about yourself? Tripod trying-to-be

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Wearing no underwear! Nothing to hide! Film at 11!





Raft Boy
DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: trying to find my gumdrop buttons

Posts: 222

Eh, what the hell.

Your forum name? Raft Boy

Your age? Quarter of a century

Your zodiac sign? Cancer the Crab

Your city/country of birth? St. Paul, Minnesota

Your nationality? Uh, American?

Your gender(male/female/other)? *sticks hand in pants* Huh, male. That's a surprise.

Where do you live now? Minneapolis, Minnesota

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? In both cases, at the University of Minnesota.

Where would you want to live in the future? Someplace on the East Coast. And not because that's where Zep is right now.

Marital status? Swinging bachelor

Your preferred hobby? I used to play basketball, but then I realized I suck. Pool (or billiards if you prefer) nowadays. I'm also a bit of a DVD junkie.

What are the forums you frequent? It used to be none, but then I got sucked into this nuthouse called the OTF.

How did you get your forum name? Elian Gonzalez dealie from a few years back. Used it for Quake, and it's stuck ever since.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Apparently I'm dyslexic since everytime I write and type stuff, I notice I transpose letters quite a bit.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? If I told you, I would have to kill you.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Israel

Posts: 683

Your forum name? Madness

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Pisces

Your place of birth? Jerusalem, Israel

Your nationality? Israeli

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male, sometimes Im other.

Where do you live now? Near Tel Aviv, Israel

Do you work, study? I usually go to school.

Where do you want to live in the future? Toronto, though Ive never been to Canada, it seems to be a great place.

Marital status? Single.

Your preferred hobby? Hockey, ice or street, doesnt matter.

What are the forums you frequent? Gogo ETF! And now this lovely one too.

How did you get your forum name? Used to be in a clan where everyone had 'ness' at the end of thier names. (e.g. freakness, pinkness etc etc)
The leader (this chick that I really liked) suggjested madness. Im with that ever since, and I use it pretty much everywhere.

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Well copying Frygia's example, Im an INTJ.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I have wierd feet.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: England

Posts: 186

Your forum name? ozz109

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Sagatarius

Your city/country of birth? Ipswich, England

Your nationality? English

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Ipswich, England

Do you work, study? Working, Back to College soon

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere coldish

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Football(AKA:soccer)

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic & Community

How did you get your forum name? Nickname and some random number

What else would you like to add about yourself? Nothing

Something secret from you that you want to make public? For some reason when sitting on a chair, I seem to naturally protect my jewels





Los Sin Nombre


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Finland

Posts: 932

Your forum name? Los Sin Nombre, everybody calls me Los

Your age? 24

Your zodiac sign? Taurus

Your religion? Agnostic

Your city/country of birth? Turku, Finland

Your nationality? Finnish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Last time I checked: male

Where do you live now? In a house.

Do you work, study? Studying programming.

Where would you want to live in the future? In some small, quiet village.

Marital status? Single.

Your preferred hobby? Floorball and whipping.

What are the forums you frequent? ETF

How did you get your forum name? Title of a spanish movie. Very good, everyone should see it.

Why did you post in this thread? I fear the wrath of Frigsie...

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I hate spamming. And smilies too.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Sweden, Stockholm Currently: Pigeon with personality disorder... Accounts: *mupp1

Posts: 135

Your forum name?

Your age?
19 (20)

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Stockholm, Sweden

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?
Stockholm, Sweden

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
I'm looking for a job at the moment

Where would you want to live in the future?
A nice small village. In the spirit of the one in the Asterix comic. I hate the oppression of big cities.

Marital status?
Single, but in love. :/

Your preferred hobby?
Spending time with my close friends, doing whatever.. And computer graphics.

What are the forums you frequent?
European Trade Forum Off-Topic Thread.

How did you get your forum name?
My original acc was Familjen_Mupp (The Muppet Family), where I had chars with silly Swedish names. Then Blizzard decided to close it, and my new acc got the name Mupp as did this forum acc.

What else would you like to add about yourself?
I like to poke things.. and punch arrogant people who don't listen in the face..

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
Can't think of anything secret that anyone would like to know.. so, uhm. I haven't vacuumed my room in a while and should really do that. Yeah, tomorrow.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: In the arms of the beautiful Jennifer

Posts: 988

Your forum name? Jell-O, formerly known as The Ar..I mean Lurk!

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Sagittarius

Your city/country of birth? Gothenburg, Sweden

Your nationality? Swede

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male *wonders what the other could be*

Where do you live now? Sweden

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Looking for a job, or at least should be

Where would you want to live in the future? Anywhere as long as it's not too hot all the time and in an appartment, lawnmowing is a pain.

Marital status? Still looking for someone special

Your preferred hobby? No particular hobby, I do watch 'Friends' everytime it's on TV even if I've seen them before though, I guess that's the closest to hobby I get.

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forum... and occasionally the druid.

How did you get your forum name? I just picked something.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm really just a nice but very shy guy

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I like to keep my secrets secret.
Can't think of any right now anyway







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: I feel so low some days. And only I can taste, resent security. Obscuring all I see.

Posts: 1,572

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Antwerp, Belgium

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)

Where do you live now?
Zwijndrecht, Belgium

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Studying still, tho if i fail again it's work,work...

Where would you want to live in the future?
Bergen, Norway. Or at least somewhere quiet and peaceful in Scandinavia.

Marital status?
Girfriend: Ruut

Your preferred hobby?
Trading, soon i'll take up pvp again. Watching good movies. Discuss the most stupid things in a pub along with mucho beer and good friends. Spending time with my girlfriend of course.

What are the forums you frequent?
ETF, Trade Values, Assassin

How did you get your forum name?
At that time I was realy into a one-man-band called Mortiis. if u like

What else would you like to add about yourself?
I like music that gives you cold shrills in your spine ( no not Britney). And god i love Scandinavian tongue Hell I think I just love Scandinavia :]

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
I'm a cavetroll stuck in a man's body. Off to study





Mister 4


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Somewhere where it is always warm and sunny

Posts: 681

Your forum name? Mister 4

Your age? 19

Your zodiac sign? Taurus

Your city/country of birth? Emerald, Australia

Your nationality? Australian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Australia

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Unemployed student. Studying a Bachelor of Science majoring in Biomolecular Chemistry/Molecular Biology.

Where would you want to live in the future? I have no idea, although I wouldn't mind living further south than here.

Marital status? Single.

Your preferred hobby? Sleeping/drinking. What? I'm a student.

What are the forums you frequent? OTF

How did you get your forum name? From the manipulation of some of the letters in my first name.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I like stuff, and Invader Zim. GIR

Something secret from you that you want to make public? [whispering]Say moosey fate....[/whispering]







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: The dark kabal that conrols everything.

Posts: 667

Your forum name? VampiroXIII

Your age? 20

Your zodiac sign? Scorpio

Your city/country of birth? Hudson, NY

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Southern California

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Both, Network Administrator, Computer Applications and Networks

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere it's cold in winter, probably back in NY (upstate, probably Albany)

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? I like what I do, so all kinds of computer stuff.

What are the forums you frequent? Necromancer, OT

How did you get your forum name? Vampiro = Fav ex-WcW wrestler, Spanish vampire, no known way to kill.
XIII = Though Roman numerals had a more necromansic effect than regular ones.
VampiroXIII = My first necro and fav char on *crowbar swings*

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm listening to Whoop, There It Is right now.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I have a strange affinity for Morrigan from the Darkstalkers video games.





DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Florida

Posts: 104

Your forum name? KillerQueen

Your age? 22

Your zodiac sign? pisces (sp??)

Your city/country of birth? Hazen, ND

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Homosassa, FL

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? No.

Where would you want to live in the future? North Dakota or the UP of Michigan, I will probably never move though.

Marital status? Married 3 years

Your preferred hobby? I like to clean my house. Makes me feel like a better person.

What are the forums you frequent? Off topic

How did you get your forum name? I was listening to Killer Queen when I made the account.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Can't think of anything?...My real name is Lindy

Something secret from you that you want to make public? no.






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Shimonoseki

Posts: 13

Your forum name? Buraque

Your age? 35

Your zodiac sign? Cancer

Your city/country of birth? Istanbul, Turkey

Your nationality? Turkish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Shimonoseki, Japan

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? City Hall, as international relations staff

Where would you want to live in the future? Don't care... Another planet maybe

Marital status? In the middle of a divorcing

Your preferred hobby? Web design and cooking

What are the forums you frequent? ETF, OTF

How did you get your forum name? From my orginal name: Burak. It is kind of mythological animal in Islam (I am not muslim tho- )







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: The ETF Ostrichfarm

Posts: 150

Your forum name? tha_real_blade

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Aries

Your city/country of birth? Vlissingen, Netherlands

Your nationality? Dutch

Your gender(male/female/other)? ehhhhmmm...yep.. male

Where do you live now?Netherlands

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Study...computerfreak

Where would you want to live in the future? in my city of birth....GODLIKE city

Marital status? Still single and looking

Your preferred hobby? Judo D2& other pc games .

What are the forums you frequent? ETF & very much the OTETF

How did you get your forum name? from my oldest d2 account name, wich came from my favorite movie...Blade

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm a shy, generous and very kind guy.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I really really HATE VW golfs ...MEH






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Pondering Shaperlas Unfortunate Demise.

Posts: 1,372

Your forum name? TopOfTheWorld

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Leo

Your city/country of birth? Ottawa, Ontario

Your nationality? Canadian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Ottawa

Do you work, study? As little as possible . I go to school when I feel like it, and study virtually never.

Marital status? Single and looking

Your preferred hobby? Mountain Biking

What are the forums you frequent? Druid , Uswest trading, OTF.

How did you get your forum name? Umm... Its the name of a local skate shop, and it sounded bitching. So I "borrowed" it.






Joined: Jul 2003

Posts: 848

Your forum name? SnowDrake

Your age? 15

Your zodiac sign? Gemini

Your city/country of birth? Los Angeles, United States of America

Your nationality? Uhh if you mean citizenship then dual citizenship canadian/american

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Ummm I'm just only going into my second year of high school....

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere along the west coast of north america, preferably california or british columbia

Marital status? Single...

Your preferred hobby? Don't really have one... unless cycling counts as a hobby?

What are the forums you frequent? USEast Trade forum, Trade values, and on the rare occasion off topic and community

How did you get your forum name? Despite the fact I'm not sure Snow Drakes exist in any form of mythology whatsoever, I'm going to pretend they do and say I think the idea is cool

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm bored






Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Ohio

Posts: 92

Your forum name? dragon_goyle

Your age? 21

Your zodiac sign? pisces

Your city/country of birth? bryan, usa

Your nationality? american

Your gender(male/female/other)? female

Where do you live now? USA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I"m a cook and mother

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere not here

Marital status? SIngle oh wait i have a bf

Your preferred hobby? D2, reading

What are the forums you frequent? us east trading and druid forum

How did you get your forum name? my diablo2 account, just made it up since i like dragons and gargoyles just seems fit

What else would you like to add about yourself? i can go from zero to b*tch in 2.5 seconds

Something secret from you that you want to make public? hate it when people tell me that my wb is to slow adn that i made a wrong choice, and they ask why i don't like ww






Joined: Jul 2003
Location: just chilling at work

Posts: 180

Your age? 24

Your zodiac sign? Gemini

Your city/country of birth? In Virginia

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? MAle

Where do you live now? Virginia

Do you work, study? Work At A Bank

Where would you want to live in the future? Australia

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Video Games

What are the forums you frequent? US East Trading

How did you get your forum name? I was my Barbarian's name that i play in Greyhawk

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Nothing much else to know







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Scotland's Asian Ladyboy Club House's new pit, with many different coloured YOSHIs

Posts: 561

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Alexandria, Scotland

Your nationality?
Scottish. And I do believe that if you're born in England, that makes you English...

Your gender(male/female/other)?
Male (despite what the location might imply)

Where do you live now?
In the parental home, Scotland

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Nope, mesa stoodent! Hopefully I'll get a job as a computer programmer once I'm out of uni.

Where would you want to live in the future?
"Home is where the heart is" I wanna follow my heart, I'm not 100% bothered where that leads me in the world, but I think I'd like to retire to the south of France, many, many years from now.

Marital status?
Very, very single. But not automatically available either...

Your preferred hobby?
I play too many video games But I just enjoy spending time iwth my friends, whatever the activity ( )

What are the forums you frequent?
Druid forum mostly, ever since FenrisWulf drew me over there with that Hunter guide. I also lurk around the sorcy and pala forums.

How did you get your forum name?
Its kinda in honour of "The Complete Nut" in D1 Hellfire x-pac, if I had remembered that was his name first time I made an account... Anyway, my sig has "NO! NO! NO! This is my GREY suit!" at least it would if I could be bothered becoming a pal, which I really shoud do I guess...

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Um... I have a house! Woot!

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
I use smileys far too much This forum really irks me in that sense...






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: FisherPrice Box ⌐

Posts: 633

Your forum name? HydroStorm

Your age? 14

Your zodiac sign? i'm not sure

Your city/country of birth? Philadelphia, US

Your nationality? Chinese American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Bryn Mawr, PA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I go to high school this year

Where would you want to live in the future? somewhere safe like where i live right now, just away from my parents

Marital status? single atm

Your preferred hobby? Wrestling & d2 & friends

What are the forums you frequent? paladin forum and OT when i'm bored

How did you get your forum name? hydro just sounds so cool

What else would you like to add about yourself? I love to wrestle, and i love pal vs pal dueling

Something secret from you that you want to make public? hmm, i don't know







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: attaching a silencer in the shadows...BEHIND GARBAD

Posts: 1,058

Your forum name? tor

Your age? 16

Your zodiac sign? gemini

Your city/country of birth? troy, NY

Your gender(male/female/other)? male

Where do you live now? USA

Do you work, study? school/annoying garbad

Where would you want to live in the future? in ____(insert name of goodlooking female)'s house

Marital status? single

Your preferred hobby? gaming, reading,

What are the forums you frequent? USWEST trading, OTF, Druid

How did you get your forum name? druid name

What else would you like to add about yourself?


Something secret from you that you want to make public?
i shot him!





DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Posts: 736

Your forum name? BenDover

Your age? 25

Your zodiac sign? Scorpio (I thought only womens magazines used this stuff)

Your city/country of birth? Hørsholm, Denmark

Your nationality? Danish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Copenhagen, Denmark

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Support various business systems, and will soon study Economics part time.

Where would you want to live in the future? Some exciting big city abroad, like NYC or London

Marital status? Girlfriend for the last 5 years.

Your preferred hobby? games, going out, watching a soccer match. Haven't really got a hobby.

What are the forums you frequent? ETF, OTF and rarely Community and MP Support forums.

How did you get your forum name? By signing up.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I have the worst hangovers in the world.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Nah, I think I'll pass.






Joined: Aug 2003
Location: Windy City

Posts: 14

Forum name: Sureshot26

Age: 23 (nearly)

Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Michigan, USA

Nationality: American

Gender: Female

Location: Chicago, IL

Job: Currently, an account manager for personal insurance for pro athletes. As of 9/2, I'll be the receptionist at a 401(k)/pension consultancy. Huge sigh of relief there - HR is handing out pink slips as I speak.

Future Location: I'd love to move back to London - I miss the UK. In reality, I'll be spending the next several years in Chicago as my boyfriend completes his MD/PhD

Marital Status: Single, but I've been living w/my boyfriend for 2+ years

Hobbies: Walks with my dog (Bunsen, a 5 year old cockapoo), kickboxing, yoga, reading, and gorging myself on reality television

Forums: Single Player
Origin of Forum Name: I'm a big fan of the Beastie Boys







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Long Island, NY

Posts: 233

Your forum name? Mako

Your age? 16

Your zodiac sign? Libra

Your city/country of birth? China

Your nationality? Chinese.. I guess American too

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Long Island, NY

Do you work, study? School

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere outside Long Island

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Fighting Games, Music, Fencing.

What are the forums you frequent? Sorceress, PvP, 76Legit

How did you get your forum name? Final Fantasy 7

What else would you like to add about yourself? Nothing







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Netherlands

Posts: 384

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?
Cancer (14th of july)

Your city/country of birth?
Perth, Australia

Your nationality?
currently Dutch. Used to be Australian, Russian, German, American, Belgian, French and Brittish as well. My dad used to work for the government as some type of representative in the foreign office of tourism for The Netherlands. We had to travel a lot in my youth.

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?
I live in the Netherlands on a farm with: 4 ducks, 9 chickens, 4 deer (one young, 2 females), 2 ostriches (two babies of 15 months, female and male), 1 cow, 1 goat and its partner, 1 peacock, 3 cats, many fish (bt because of the cats less than before...), 1 degu

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Manager in local fashion store chain, 7 establishments under my guidance. Part-time designer too.

Where would you want to live in the future?
Japan, Canada or France. any one of those where there is plenty of nature, a well spring near the house and many animals around.

Marital status?
Living together with my boyfriend (father of my baby Larisa). Not married for the state, but "inaugurated" by own spiritual beliefs (druidism).

Your preferred hobby?
Harp playing, Archery, Piano and Fencing.. in that order.

What are the forums you frequent?
used to be the Amazon Forum as one of the people that kept things in tow. Currently more the Druid Forum where I have always been welcome.

How did you get your forum name?
It is my younger sister's Name. My own name (Celine) was already taken in the very very old forums, but I kept it the same in the new one(s) so that people still recognise me.

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Always helpful and kind in spirit and actions. It is necessity nr. 1 in life.

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
I think I may be pregnant again, but I won't tell my boyfriend until I did the test. Exciting.....





DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Lakeville, Minnesota

Posts: 1,007

Your forum name? Black_Dog

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Pisces

Your city/country of birth? New Hope, Minnesota, U.S.A.

Your nationality? oh geeze... here we go, norwiegen, german, prussian(just a very little bit), swedish, umm... and a ton more, i just can't remember them all.... can i just say that i'm American?

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Lakeville, Minnesota, U.S.A.

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Umm... no, i'm still looking for a job, but i hope to become a computer repair technician so i can make enough money to go to school to become a programmer.

Where would you want to live in the future? Umm... i like my home state... it's nice, but i guess i wouldn't mind visiting England or Scotland or sumthin...

Marital status? VERY Very very Single

Your preferred hobby? Umm... videogames, computer games, fantasy novels, writing...

What are the forums you frequent? the Druid forum, the ETF, and once in a while, the OTF...

How did you get your forum name? well.... i love Led Zeppelin, when i first started playin Bnet, i named my first druid Black_Dog, after the song... and since everyone knows me by that, i decided to just carry it over to the forums as well...

What else would you like to add about yourself? I have no life...

Something secret from you that you want to make public? yeah, sure... i failed 2 years of Spanish in highschool... ofcourse, that wouldn't be secret is someone would just ask





DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Sweden

Posts: 733

Your forum name? SillyCard

Your age? 18, 19 the 1st of September

Your zodiac sign? Waterman

Your city/country of birth? Malmö, Sweden

Your nationality? Sweden

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Sweden

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Studying to be a saleswomen or someone that works with turism

Where would you want to live in the future? USA or someplace cold...

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Sleeping or being with friends

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic, Sorceress, Single Player, Statistics and General Strategy

How did you get your forum name? I just took one

What else would you like to add about yourself? Nothing at the moment. If you wanna know something ask me

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I am an Angel






Joined: Jul 2003

Posts: 66


Oh, well, guess it's my turn. (BTW, Ben Dover--it's not just women's/teen magazines. You'd be highly suprised.)

Forum Name: Shalakshmiyin

Other Screen Names: Stormwolf, StormwolfAvatar, Luthien, Chainblade, TaliaRaccoon

Zodiac sign: Scorpio and d*mn proud.

City/Country of birth: Random podunk town in SoCali, USA

Nationality: Citizenship - American. Ancestral - Irish/Scottish/German/English. God, my forefathers must've *hated* each other! :-P

Gender: Female

Religion: Pagan (Eclectic, if you need specifics. I'm not going farther than that.)

Work/Study: Neither, at the moment. Local economy is still recovering from a severe slump. The joys of a university town. Am still looking for a job.

Marital Status: Taken and loving it. Been dating for almost a year. That's rather short, I know, but we just sort of keep going along. We'll see how this works out. Forums Frequented: SP, Hardcore. (Okay, I occasionally check out HC...most of my time is spent on the SPF).

Why the Forum Name?: Shalakshmiyin is a combination of two names and a phrase: "Shalom" (Shal), "Lakshmi" (Hindu goddess of compassion and consort to Shiva Nataraja, "lakshmi"), and Kwan "Yin" (Bodhitsattva and lady of the library and compassion, protector of the household and patron of women, mothers, and children; "yin") It's a name and a blessing, a prayer, and a statement all in one. I originally created the name for a character in a TT RPG game I was playing, but the character didn't stick--the name did.

Location: Random city 2 hours south-southwest of Chicago, IL. (Sureshot, wish there was a way we could meet up at some point. Look for a PM.)

In any event, I'm off. If anybody has any questions, feel free to ask, whether via PM or otherwise. You can track me either at the EMB, or anywhere else on the SPF.

EMB = iydk, ask.








Joined: Jun 2003
Location: halfway between the gutter and the stars: Working on my Breakin'

Posts: 728

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Dallas, Texas

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?
Forth Worth, Texas

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Study, at schoool also work at a photography studio

Where would you want to live in the future?
Here, or maybe in Europe or Caly

Marital status?

Your preferred hobby?
Soccer, Video Games, Writing

What are the forums you frequent?
Hardcore and OTF

How did you get your forum name?
Saw a movie called "supafly" thought it sounded cool. 725 rhymed

What else would you like to add about yourself?
IM a charmer, but very cynical and sarcastic

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
My sister got me hooked on dancing Do Tap and Hip Hop and My favorite, Breakdancing








Joined: Jul 2003

Posts: 763

Your forum name? Faye

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Virgo

Your city/country of birth? Malaysia

Your nationality? Malaysian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Define other / Female

Where do you live now? New Zealand

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Currently studying in University majoring in Accounting and Law

Where would you want to live in the future? Anywhere where same sex marriages are not scorned upon

Marital status? Not married, not single either

Your preferred hobby? Playing games. Currently hooked on Guilty Gear X on PS2

What are the forums you frequent? USETF and ETF

How did you get your forum name? My real name

What else would you like to add about yourself? So called Evil Asian Goddess, but a normal person who makes mistakes







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Somewhere improving my Leaf village ancient Taijutsu technique: 1000 years of pain.

Posts: 315

Your forum name? Kenshin

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Gemini

Your city/country of birth? Hue

Your nationality? Finnish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Other... i mean male

Where do you live now? Finland

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Studying

Where would you want to live in the future? Japan, or just stay here in Finland.

Marital status? Single.

Your preferred hobby? Video games, reading, Anime.

What are the forums you frequent? ETF

How did you get your forum name? Rurouni Kenshin series.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'd add a witty comment but i'm too lazy for a zinger, right now.







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Ottawa: Home of Stupid Weather

Posts: 134

Your forum name? Look to the left if you can't figure it out.

Your age? 21

Your zodiac sign? Gemini

Your city/country of birth? London, Ontario

Your nationality? Canadian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Ottawa, Ontario

Do you work, study? Military police officer, private security, studying criminology at university of Ottawa

Where would you want to live in the future? Scottish highlands

Marital status? Single and very happy as such.

Your preferred hobby? Computer games and drinking (although not usually at the same time)

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic, Druid, Sorc, Strategy

How did you get your forum name? Name of a fav. char from a book

What else would you like to add about yourself? Nothing






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: 18th level of Hell

Posts: 201

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
southernmost country on the asian continent

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?
tough question...

Where do you live now?
in a prison of my own madness

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
I do nothing.

Where would you want to live in the future? where the sun never shines... nono, i don't really know. anywhere but here

Marital status?
non applicable.

Your preferred hobby?
idling. stoning at the com. drawing.

What are the forums you frequent? OT mostly

How did you get your forum name?
sheer unoriginality. lotr or least its better than 'no name'

Something secret from you that you want to make public?






Joined: Jul 2003

Posts: 15

Your forum name: Jek

Your age: 19

Your zodiac sign: Taurus

Your city/country of birth Silkeborg, Denmark

Your nationality: Danish, not the pastery - harh harh harh

Your gender: Malish male

Where do you live now: Denmark

Do you work/study: High School, last year - woohoo.

Where would you want to live in the future: Hmm. Tough one, but I'd think Spain or perhaps Scotland.. Beautiful countries.
Marital Status: 8-month relationship, still going strong..
Your preferred hobby: My girlfriend.

Other hobbies: Training break(dance), math and skimboarding

What other forums: Uh... Pretty much everyone, but I spend most of my time lurking... It might just change suddenly.

How did you get your forum name: Jek = My initials...

What else would you like to tell: Well, I might aswell be honest... I'm really elitst at times... I mean... really.... However, I try my best to push it aside.

Somethng secret you want to make public: I'm addicted to breaking and working out... *hides under a rock*





Paladin Moderator & DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Knight of Dawn

Posts: 2,268

Your forum name? Ragnarod

Your age? 20

Your zodiac sign? Cancer (15th of July)

Your city/country of birth? Valencia, Spain

Your nationality? Spanish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Does 'moderator' count as 'other'? If not, male

Where do you live now? Vall de Uxó, Spain

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Study, Telecommunications Engineering

Where would you want to live in the future? Spain is nice, thanks

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Probably playing games, or reading

What are the forums you frequent? Paladin, Single Player, Moderator (), Pal, and used to post in the ETF

How did you get your forum name? I chose the same nick in the forums as my bnet nick, since Ragnarok (the equivalent of the Apocalypse in the norse mythology) was taking, I thought Ragnarod had a nice ring for a paladin name

What else would you like to add about yourself? Well, I'm red haired, quite shy, and sometimes too rash when expressing my thoughts, bear with me

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Don't tell this to the ETF guys, but I miss them sometimes. Did I forget mentioning I'm also stubborn from time to time?







Joined: Jun 2003

Posts: 361

Your forum name? NeoSolidSnake

Your age? 16

Your zodiac sign? Aquarius

Your city/country of birth? Toronto, Canada

Your nationality? Canadian

Your gender(male/female/other)? male

Where do you live now? Toronto

Do you work, study? In school, but studying to be a forensic scientist

Where would you want to live in the future? Japan! or Australia

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Games(video, board, card, everything!) and reading(i am teh book worm!)

What are the forums you frequent? Hardcore mainly, although i do lurk the OTF alot

How did you get your forum name? Metal Gear Solid was a great game and i put the "Neo" as a prefix because I am also a fan of the Matrix movies, plus Neo refers to "new" so i am the NEW solid snake

What else would you like to add about yourself? Very timid

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Not much i have in my closet, who i find atttractive? i rather keep that to myself







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Hotdog Testing Range (Radical Development Division)

Posts: 193

Time to fall in with the rest of the herd... but just so you know I'm not rubbing off the fluorescent brand.

Real Name: George ... ...

Nationality: Chinese-Canadian (I'm a dual patriot/nationalist)

Age: 19 (moving onto 20)

Gender: Male

Martial Status: Looking for seems to be the more genial way of putting it.

Current Situation: University, studying Computer Science and the art of World Domination

Location: Vancouver, Canada (though this season is a tad dry with a bit too much sunshine)

Hobbies: Here, Diablo 2, Programming, Reading, Writing, Hiking, Crossword Puzzles (a new one)

Origin of my Forum Name: The same place as all my posts... my brain!... I may eventually change it to some of my backups, i.e. Dignity of Cows

Frequent Forum Location: Pretty much all of them, but I tend to appear more in the Paladin and Necromancer forum.

Quirks: I like placing lots of spaces in my posts, so it is easier to read. I also like Cloudy weather over sunny weather... night over morning...

Future Home: I want to live in the Arctics due to their long nights.

Secrets: Well, my Chinese name is about 300 years old and belonged to an ancient general who rebelled against the Emperor. I consider it my true name in a sense due to my rebellious streak.





DiabloII.Net Pal

Joined: Jul 2003
Location: CT. USA

Posts: 839

Your forum name? MixedVariety

Your age? Closer to a half century than zero

Your zodiac sign? Aries-and unimportant

Your city/country of birth? Tooele, Utah, USA

Your nationality? Polish descent but American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now?CT, USA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Chemist, also part-time front end boss in grocery store

Where would you want to live in the future? I love New England, so this is fine for now.

Marital status? Married to my best friend, 4 children

Your preferred hobby? Changes every day; sometimes reading, raising tropical fish, woodcarving, figure skating, lots

What are the forums you frequent? OTF

How did you get your forum name? Was planting cactus seeds when I was signing up for the forum; the packet had this label...

What else would you like to add about yourself? Nothing in particular; I'm a decent, hard-working person and you might benefit from getting to know me, or I from getting to know you.

Something secret from you that you want to make public?





DiabloII.Net Pal

Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Hawaii

Posts: 57

Your forum name? LockTite

Your age? 32

Your zodiac sign? Pisces

Your city/country of birth? Boulder City, NV

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Hawaii

Do you work, study? Loss Prevention Manager

Where would you want to live in the future? Arizona

Marital status? Married, 2 boys, 5 and 3

Your preferred hobby? Cow Farming

What are the forums you frequent? Hardcore







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: California

Posts: 32

Your forum name? fiend!

Your age? 16

Your zodiac sign? Leo

Your city/country of birth? San Diego, CA

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? San Diego, CA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I'm a soccer referee

Where would you want to live in the future? Far away from home. Typical for my age, I think....

Marital status? I've got a girlfriend. Had her for 1 and 1/2 years. Love her, too.

Your preferred hobby? I play soccer, properly called football.

What are the forums you frequent? This one.

How did you get your forum name? I made it up, and I wish I had a different one. This doesn't represent me at all. But that doesn't matter, don't really know anyone here.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm bipolar. I'm a romantic. I love football [not football, soccer]

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I have extremely a particularly large extremity.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Land of the free, and home of the brave

Posts: 635

Your Forum Name = TheGreatStickels

Your Age = 16

Your Zodiac Sign = Virgo

Your City/ Country of Birth = Freemont California

Your Nationality = Spoiled Rich White Kid

Your Gender = Male

Where do you live now = The Woodlands, Tx

Do You Work, Study = I'm a laborer in construction during the summer

Where Would You Want To Live In The Future = Minnasota, or California

Maritial Status = I've got a GF, had her for about 9 months now. love her to death

Prefered Hobby = Drawing, Swimming, Sparring

What are the Forums You Frequent = OTF & Druid Forums

How did you get Your Forum Name = Stickels is my last name, and I am great

What Else Would You Like To Add About Yourself = I'm paranoid as hell about my body, I allways think I'm out of shape.






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: West Virginia...Now listening to:Lacuna Coil... /w *Lordhumungus or Lordhumungus_2 or Lordhumungus_3

Posts: 329

Your forum name? Lordhumungus

Your age? 30

Your zodiac sign? Gemini

Your city/country of birth? Huntington, WV, USA

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? In the wilderness about an hour from the aforementioned Huntington

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Overnight manager at Wal-Mart

Where would you want to live in the future? I'm just fine in the woods where I am

Marital status? Happily kids

Your preferred hobby? Playing Dungeons and Dragons with my buds

What are the forums you frequent? US East Trading, and to a lesser extent, Trade Values

How did you get your forum name? Really like the bad guy in the 1st Mad Max movie...

What else would you like to add about yourself? I've played drums for 12 years and won the teenage powerlifting national championship when I was 16

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I hold conversations with myself and occasionally argue with myself.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: fluff77 on Europe.

Posts: 46

Your forum name? fluff.

Your age? 20.

Your zodiac sign? Cancer.

Your city/country of birth? Brighton, England.

Your nationality? English.

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male.

Where do you live now? Brighton.

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I study music technology at college, do part-time work in a studio and play lead guitar in a gigging band.

Where would you want to live in the future? Brighton.

Marital status? Single.

Your preferred hobby? It was music, but it has become more of a profession for me now. So computer games or cartoons (yeah I'm a big kid really).

What are the forums you frequent? Community forum and class strategy forums.

How did you get your forum name? My hair.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I play for a Team Fortress Classic clan called Legion Of The Damned. Our website is

Something secret from you that you want to make public? If I made it public, it would no longer be a secret.






Joined: Jul 2003

Posts: 213

Your forum name? Jgohan86

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Aquarius

Your city/country of birth? Gatineau,Quebec,Canada

Your nationality? Quebecer

Your gender(male/female/other)? male..sometimes

Where do you live now? gatineau,quebec

Do you work, study? study.. my last year in high school

Where would you want to live in the future? right here is fine... or italy

Marital status? single right now

Your preferred hobby? street hockey

What are the forums you frequent? community d2, off topic ( not posting a lot though) , sorceress and player matchup.

How did you get your forum name? im called jonathan ( J) at the time i created this i liked gohan from dragonballZ ( 6 years ago) and 86 is my birth year.

What else would you like to add about yourself? sarcasm is my best friend .







Joined: Jul 2003

Posts: 919

Your zodiac sign? The Most dominant one

Your city/country of birth? Croatia

Your nationality? Croatian, American and almost was Slovenian - per my ex wife - btw still divorcing

Your gender(male/female/other)? male

Where do you live now? Mid West Good Old USA

Do you work, study? I Work for International Leader in Payment Systems - I study and have a bit of the private buisness on the side

Where would you want to live in the future? Hmm - Nice quite shore on one of the 1126 croatina islands, Boston, Genova or Milan, or Zurich - as well bit of Belgium would work as well

Marital status? working on divorce

Your preferred hobby? Drinking Coffe

What are the forums you frequent? ETF

How did you get your forum name? Thomas De Akvino - doctor

What else would you like to add about yourself? Dunno - Laudaciam Fortuna Iuvat







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: ^she is better than you in every way, sorry.

Posts: 96

Your forum name? oRama

Your age? 15

Your zodiac sign? Leo

Your city/country of birth? Huntington Beach, USA

Your nationality? Some German, Polish, and various other European countries

Your gender(male/female/other)? male

Where do you live now? Orange County, California

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Student in the 10th grade.

Marital status? Girlfriend

Your preferred hobby? Sleeping, taking naps during the day, lieing down inbetween naps.

What are the forums you frequent? Just the OTF

How did you get your forum name? Used it for everything why not use it here?

What else would you like to add about yourself? I have big hands, big feet, and a big nose.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Nope.





Sandrilene fa Toren


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: It's Sandry for short.

Posts: 536

Your forum name? Sandry (Sandrilene fa Toren)

Your age? 13

Your zodiac sign? Pisces

Your city/country of birth? Bejiing, China.

Your nationality? Chinese

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Canada

Do you work, study? I am still a student

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Volleyball

What are the forums you frequent? Singleplayer Forum, Sorceress Forum

How did you get your forum name? From a book I read. I don't particular like that character, though ^^

What else would you like to add about yourself? That lots of people are surprised when I tell them my age (at forums/instant messages/emails/face-to-face).

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I... uh... loved Beyblade solely because of Tala and Kai (at first). Now that it's V-Force and all characters have been chibi-fied (about half their normal size, thinner ), things are gettin' boring... plus, Tala probably won't be in future episodes...

OH! Plus, the bey-battles are now digitally produced, and that sucks even more.

I also own a tank top that proudly proclaims 'I *heart* Scowling Bishies' (Gag gift)






Joined: Aug 2003
Location: Where ever the Carnage is.

Posts: 89

Your forum name? Unholy_Carnage

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Pieces i believe.

Your city/country of birth? St. Louis, Missouri

Your nationality? I'm white, don't know the "politically correct" term for it

Your gender (male/female/other)? Male.

Where do you live now? St. Louis.

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Im finishing high school

Where would you want to live in the future? By the beach, in Florida. For pure reasons only, of course.

Marital status? I have a girlfriend.

Your preferred hobby? I play basketball, i like football also, and i enjoy watching the rams.

What are the forums you frequent? The general d2 forum.

How did you get your forum name? I played this genesis game back in the day called maximum carnage. I enjoyed it alot, and carnage is a very fun word to use. This name orginated from my pallie ( just because like irony )And to simply things so i dont have to remember 20 different screen names, i used it here too. Its my d2 account and sc account too, so if anyone feels like bothering me, just send a whisper....

What else would you like to add about yourself? I try to be serious but i usually fail. i joke around too much and i am almost never serious. Ive been told my everyone i know i have a sick um, i guess i do.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I didnt start dating until i was 16. Its a big long story about a sheilded child and overprotective parents. It comes with twists too. I think ill make it into a book. Until then, i wont bother everyone with it.







Joined: Aug 2003
Location: Strong Badia

Posts: 21

Your forum name? FleshGordon

Your age? 19

Your zodiac sign? Virgo

Your city/country of birth? Vancouver, Canada

Your nationality? Canadian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm lazy







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Perth, Western Australia

Posts: 207

Your forum name? Mage11

Your age? 29

Your zodiac sign? Libra

Your city/country of birth? Sydney, Australia

Your nationality? Australian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Perth, Australia

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I work and am also studying to be an actuary (almost there)

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere warm, near the sea, where the sun always shines... Sounds like Perth to me! (But I want to spend winter where I can ski)

Marital status? Happily married, no children

Your preferred hobby? I love baseball, and now skiing, and I might just take up golf. Then theres the computers and alcohol, but I think that's taken for granted at the moment.

What are the forums you frequent? I can be frequently found at the SPF, and am spending more time at the OTF. I do wander around the others (more lurking than anything), particularly the statistics forum.

How did you get your forum name? Through a combination of nicknames and numbers - nothing interesting.

What else would you like to add about yourself? What else is to know. Probably lots, but if you're that interested, I'm sure you can find out. :D

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I am good at keeping secrets!







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: "Life, Life is just a game, we all end up the same." --Dj Mystik - Life is just a Rave

Posts: 611

Your forum name? Dj_Otaku

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Leo

Your city/country of birth? Lav Vegas, Neveda USA

Your nationality? Spanish/Italion/Irish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Sacramento, California USA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I am a senior in High School.

Where would you want to live in the future? On the beach...

Marital status? Single. Just got out of a 3 year relatioship.

Your preferred hobby? *shrugs* Umm, hanging out with friends?

What are the forums you frequent? Only OTF

How did you get your forum name?Umm, I been using this since, forever. lol







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Xanth, practicing my new magic talent of making gals disappear, I need reverse wood

Posts: 235

Your forum name? TheOgreMan

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Aquarius

Your city/country of birth? Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Your nationality? Korean/Italian/English/Native American/Portuguese are the main ones

Your gender(male/female/other)? male

Where do you live now? Charleston, SC

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Freshman in college, majoring in biology. Work at a veterinary clinic

Where would you want to live in the future? Smack-dab in the middle of a 50 acre plot, full of trees, a stream, and a nice fishing pond.

Marital status? perpetually single

Your preferred hobby? Anything that lets me not be bored.

What are the forums you frequent? OT, Community, Druid

How did you get your forum name? Ogres are known for their stupidity; now take a wild guess.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: NY

Posts: 217

Your forum name? Razzi

Your age? 28

Your zodiac sign? Capricorn

Your city/country of birth? New York

Your nationality? Italian, Scottish, German i'm a mutt really

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? New York

Do you work, study? Yes I work in a 911 center.

Where would you want to live in the future? Maybe a little more south

Marital status? Divorced but now happily involved

Your preferred hobby? rollerblading, biking, and baking

What are the forums you frequent? just the OTF

How did you get your forum name? It was a high school nickname

What else would you like to add about yourself? I'm a really easy person to get along with, have a great sense of humor, and enjoy making new friends.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? ummm if i tell it won't be a secret anymore :D







Joined: Jun 2003

Posts: 106

Your forum name? goldeneyes

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? taurus

Your city/country of birth? Melbourne, Australia

Your nationality? Scottish/Australian

Your gender(male/female/other)? male

Where do you live now? Melbourne, Australia

Do you work? yes, Land Surveyor

Where would you want to live in the future? Murrumbeena, suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (lived here for 18 years, same house, or in the high country/farm)

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Graffiti

What are the forums you frequent? Off Topic, Necromancer

How did you get your forum name? Favourite game ever is Golden Eye 007







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Dutch Angelina Jolie magazine Translator/Sales manager at your service

Posts: 1,022

Your forum name? Da_Raptor

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Lobster :lol: (Cancer)

Your city/country of birth? Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Your nationality? Dutch

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Do you work, study? Yes, Administrative Economics

Where would you want to live in the future? Scotland or Washington

Marital status? My mom and dad are married, does that count? :D

Your preferred hobby? Angelina Jolie, Angelina Jolie, Angelina Jolie, Forums, Games in general, Movies, football form time to time.

What are the forums you frequent? ETF Chatbox, MP Support

How did you get your forum name? Don't ask.. Please..

What else would you like to add about yourself? Obessessed with Angelina Jolie :)







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: The Nexus of all that is, was and is to be.

Posts: 407

Eh, why not,

Your forum name: Avalon

Your age: 16 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 1 day.

Your zodiac sign: Virgo

Your city/country of birth: San Franciscom California, USA

Your nationality: American

Your gender: Male, or mna, in actuality, being gender.

Where do you live now: San Francisco, California, USA

Do you work/study? Case yes, what? High school senior, repair work on the side.

Maritial status: Single

Preferred hobbies: Reading, playing my horn, music, video games, running, swimming

What are the forums you frequent? Mostly OTF, some FFF, occasionally the Paladin Forum and Trade Forums.

How did you get your forum name? I picked it out from three names I've used on other forums.

What else would you like to add about yourself? My name is Nathan, I'm 5'5", I go to School of the Arts here in SF. I am of mostly Chinese descent and am a Tiger by the Zodiac.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? That information is classified and marked Eyes Only.





Europe Trade Moderator


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: In a spider web...

Posts: 239

Your forum name? SommerSky & everyone calls me SS

Your age? Bad question! :P 30!

Your zodiac sign? II - Gemini

Your city/country of birth? Lotung, Taiwan

Your nationality? Taiwanese & proud! :P

Your gender(male/female/other)? M!

Where do you live now?On earth!

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I work 3 jobs. :(

Where would you want to live in the future? In Europe!...hopefully in Germany.

Marital status? I am married to myself. :P

Your preferred hobby? I'd like to think of myself as a stained glass lamp (Tiffany) artist in training. :P I learn to make Tiffany lamps as a hobby in my leisure time.

What are the forums you frequent? All the trading forums, Comm. Forum, OTF, etc.

How did you get your forum name? I like the summer time, I like the sky, so I am...SommerSky! :P

What else would you like to add about yourself? I just bought me a PS2 2 days ago, and Final Fantasy X rocks! :P

Something secret from you that you want to make public? What? I have no secrets!! *SS kicks all the "mags" under his bed...and whistles...*







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: People's Republic of California

Posts: 55

Your forum name? Shug_Ninx

Your age? 19

Your zodiac sign? Taurus

Your city/country of birth? Sibiu, Romania

Your nationality? 100% Romanian ethnic background (and born there). Naturalized American citizen

Your gender? Male

Where do you live now? San Francisco, California, USA

Do you work, study? Yes and yes. I go to college at the Art Institute of California majoring in Game Art and Design. I work at Ritz Camera as a part-time job.

Where would you want to live in the future? Germany, or Australia out of country. I like where I live right now though and anywhere else in the US is fine.

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Playing videogames, reading up on Astronomy, drawing, computers...

What are the forums you frequent? Off-topic forums. I pull in sometimes on the main D2 forums but I dont play the game anymore. When Warcraft III comes out I'll be frequenting there.

What else would you add about yourself. The first time I remember using my left hand more then my right hand was during an accident where I fell down a flight of stairs and broke it. Not the most interesting thing but eh... :uhhuh:

How did you get your forum name? From a Star Wars comic book called Dark Empire. He is a character from it.






Joined: Jul 2003

Posts: 84

Your forum name? Rascargil

Your age? 26

Your zodiac sign? Capricorn

Your city/country of birth? Manila, Philippines

Your nationality? Filipino

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now?Manila

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I work as a senior developer (like it really counts, my bud says don't use 'programmer' as a job description)
Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere cool (HAHa, i just want to be where you guys at ... it's always like summer here) and lotsa trees...

Marital status? Single but with another man ... i mean huMAN female

Your preferred hobby? well ... D2 is sort of a hobby right now ...

What are the forums you frequent? Paladin/Necro

How did you get your forum name? The name RASCARGIL actually came from a random password given to me by some site (originally riscaljil) ... i got hooked into Sumerian mythology (not very lengthy) and stuff about Gilgamesh, and came upon the name for the Goddess of the Underworld, Eraskagil ... so i did a little connecting, changing and stuff ...

What else would you like to add about yourself? i am about burnt up working in the IT industry (any of you guys want to adopt me, then raise your legs!) and am trying to re-motivate myself. either that or i try my hand doing business or something where i manage stuff for a change. i'd like to travel but in a really slow pace, like stay in one country for about a year or two then move on. what else ... oh yeah, i'm really addicted to pc games

Something secret from you that you want to make public? i am evil ... really i am ... but i have a purpose in the balance of things in the world so i appear benevolent (muahhahahahha)





DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Finland

Posts: 259

Your forum name? Karmeus

Your age? 30

Your zodiac sign? Sagitarius (spelled correct? Maybe?)

Your city/country of birth? Haarlem/Netherlands

Your nationality? Dutch

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Vantaa, Finland

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Study/Work, trying to get my Ph.D. in molecular biology, hopefully done somewhere next year

Where would you want to live in the future? Someplace nice

Marital status? Married since 1 year

Your preferred hobby? oh heck, I guess I can admit it: Computer gaming

What are the forums you frequent?
SP, pal and since a couple of days the OT

How did you get your forum name? I was trying to make up a cool name for an evil Baldurs Gate wizzard, came up with Karmeus, which then turned out to actually mean something in Finnish: "horrible" I thought that was sorta cool and kept the name

What else would you like to add about yourself? Uhmm, well my face can be found on Durf's page, I'm 6'7" and have got myself a lovely wife





DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands

Posts: 639

Your forum name? Votan

Your age? 26

Your zodiac sign? Capricorn

Your city/country of birth? S'hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Your nationality? Dutch

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Leiden, The Netherlands

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Systems admin and part time student (International relations)

Where would you want to live in the future? A beer brewery.

Marital status? Single; but in love with beer ;)

Your preferred hobby? computer games; reading books.

What are the forums you frequent? SPF, PAL, OTF

How did you get your forum name? Interest in Latin American mythology

What else would you like to add about yourself? Errrr i'm a bug guy who likes cold beer :teeth: I can be seen on Durfs faces page.





D3m0n DrIzzT


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Singapore

Posts: 71

Your forum name? Mike

Your age? 23

Your zodiac sign? Leo

Your city/country of birth? Singapore

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Houston, Texas

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Taking break(taking care of grandma in singapore, going back next semester to texas a&m... most prob)

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere with good weather and nice beaches.

Marital status? not married........

Your preferred hobby? computer games, sports( golf, basketball, football.....)

What are the forums you frequent? West trade and Druid

How did you get your forum name? from baulders gate.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Nothing







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: WesT. *hir0sue- / *uber-hir0sue- / *Javier-

Posts: 2,076

Your forum name? Javier

Your age? 19

Your zodiac sign? Virgo

Your city/country of birth? Singapore

Your nationality? Singaporean

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Still Singapore =\

Do you work, study? I'm in army

Where would you want to live in the future? Anywhere that is fun

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Computer gaming

What are the forums you frequent? Druid, US-West Trading, Off Topic

How did you get your forum name? It's my name

What else would you like to add about yourself? No thanks nothing much







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Canada, East Coast Job: Mr. Sparkles of the Druid forum boy band D-Vine

Posts: 1,145

Interesting Kirsty, that explains your love of our wonderful forum eh?

Your forum name?

Your age?
21, 22 in less than a week (Wednesday actually)

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Liverpool, Nova Scotia, Canada

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
I do both. I study Geological Engineering and work at the Student Union.

Where would you want to live in the future?
That is a good question. I would like to spend some time in New York, or possibly Toronto for about a year or so. I would like to live in Ireland for a few years, and I would love to retire to Australia.

I also would like a nice secluded cabin out in the woods near a lake in western Canada...or perhaps back home in Nova Scotia. I really do enjoy nature and I love looking over an empty lake at about 6 am. It is one of the most peaceful things you will ever get to see.

Marital status?
Single but I do have a girlfriend. She is moving to Maine on sunday though...only 4 hours away, but still it is a drive.

Your preferred hobby?
Soccer, Geology (geology rocks you know), nature, socializing.

What are the forums you frequent?
Druid Forum (there seems to be a lot of use here), Single Player Forum, Off Topic Forum and less so on the HC Forum, and Community Forum.

How did you get your forum name?
Well many moons ago; I was looking for an original name for an Starcraft account. I ended up starting with something and changing letters to see what looked/sounded good and I ended up with Xerah.

What else would you like to add about yourself?
I really dislike organized religion; Roman Catholicism would be at the top of the list.

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
Well it is not really secret from everyone that know me, but I enjoy dying my hair red, I think it really looks good, and most people agree. I just did it a few days ago actually. Our school colors are red and black, so being in charge of Orientation gives me another reason to do it.





Europe Trade Moderator & DiabloII.Net Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Cave

Posts: 1,008

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Ruovesi, Finland

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?
Tampere, Finland

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Work as software designer.

Where would you want to live in the future?
Right here at Tampere or maybe in the southern Australia.

Marital status?
Single and no hurry to change it.

Your preferred hobby?
Beer with friends, snooker & billiards, computers, sleeping, movies.

What are the forums you frequent?
Europe Trade forum and MP support obviously, Pal, Newcomer and the secret forums.

How did you get your forum name?
I've used this on some games, just made something up that sounded decent. No great stories behind it.

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Nothing. Better see for yourself.

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
I used to use smilies before I got enlightened.







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: *toorn, *dragon_of_doom, hardcore_dragon (Netherlands)

Posts: 488

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Zwijdrecht, Netherlands

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?
Same city of my birth

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
At school, General Second Education

Where would you want to live in the future?
Ah well if the sun is shining its good to me

Marital status?
Ehm have a girlfriend

Your preferred hobby?
Computers, going out, sports

What are the forums you frequent?
Grear place for good trading

How did you get your forum name?
Ehm my last name is Toorn and my year of birth is 1988 so Toorn88

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Ehm good looking guy :)







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Posts: 1,696

Your forum name? Idomeneus

Your age? 14

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth? Canada (Sorry don't disclose more :uhhuh: )

Your nationality? Canadian

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? School :grrr:

Where would you want to live in the future? Not Sure

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Writing, Hockey, Socializing

What are the forums you frequent? Trade Forums, Genreal Strategy Forum, Off-Topic Forum occasionally

How did you get your forum name? Idomeneus - Lord of Crete (Iliad) and a distinguished Green Warrior

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Hockey is the greatest sport ever. Ummmm.... These forums are the coolest.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: UK

Posts: 2,176

Guess I probably ought to get aorund to filling this in :)

Your forum name? Xora

Your age? 24

Your zodiac sign? Aries

Your city/country of birth? England

Your nationality? British

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? England

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Looking for work...

Where would you want to live in the future? Hmm, permenantly i want to stay in England :)

Marital status? Not married, but i cant put single...4.5 year long term relationship

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forum and Trade Values forums mostly..i potter about here and there ;)

How did you get your forum name? It was just a random made up name...all very boring, though it has large similarties to a part of my middle name i guess :)





USWest Trading Moderator & Pal


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: On a beach, sipping pina coladas and watching beautiful native women frolic in limited clothing

Posts: 726

Your forum name? Shaperla

Your age? 25


Your zodiac sign? Taurus

Your city/country of birth? Brubank/CA/USA

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Burbank/CA/USA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I am a service representative for SBC Communications. I am a disability specialist for CWA. I am a full time hermit. I am a trade moderator and last but not least a History major at University.

Where would you want to live in the future? I'd like to give Scotland a try, and elsewhere in Europe.

Marital status? Single.

Your preferred hobby? Banning people?

What are the forums you frequent? I frequent them? I wander through the secret mod forum(s), USWest Trade, ETF, Pal forum, MP Support, and occasionally the OTF

How did you get your forum name? Long standing internet nickname for me, rough translation is "lizard" in romanian. Came from a roleplaying game I was in and a character name I created.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I am single, available, have a good income and decent looks, cook, clean, sew, do dishes, iron, will make a great wife for some good woman. If interested please call... ~notices strange looks from other members.... stops... ~ <sigh>

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I am going to stop playing DiabloII when 1.10 comes out on the realms.







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Posts: 31

Your forum name? Dreamflange

Your age? 26

Your zodiac sign? Eh.. umm.. Sagittarius I believe.

Your city/country of birth? Hudiksvall/Sweden

Your nationality? Sweet Swede ;)

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Stockholm, Sweden

Do you work, study? Expand my hobby

Where would you want to live in the future? The Caribbean, anyone feel like buying me a small island there?

Marital status? On the prowl, always on the prowl.

Your preferred hobby? Vintage computer gamecollecting, and of course music.

What are the forums you frequent? ETF

How did you get your forum name? If people dont recognize my name they dont deserve to call themselves D2 players :)

What else would you like to add about yourself? I am not like the rest of you. And my taste of music is of course extraordinarily awesome :)







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Her har i mig tilbaaaaage...

Posts: 875

Your forum name? Fumbler

Your age? 26

Your zodiac sign? Taurus

Your city/country of birth? Denmark

Your nationality? Danish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Denmark

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Journalist, PR-consultant and "travelling in hot air"

Your hobbies? Soccer, Cocking, Partying, Politics, Books, Girls, Writing, Cycling (not active - but it's one of the best sports to watch in tv) & Computers.

Where would you want to live in the future? Somewhere in Europe - maybe Toscana/Italy or something like that

Marital status? Not married

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forum, Trade Values forums, Statistics, Barbarian and Necromancer

How did you get your forum name? Just typed in some letters





Dark Knight


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: "Such a pageant of non-entities...So many exotic variations on nothing."

Posts: 403

Your forum name? Dark Knight

Your age? 20

Your zodiac sign? Superstitious scum.

Your city/country of birth? pls stalk me.

Your nationality? English.

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male..... what the heck is an Other?

Where do you live now? England

Do you work, study? Study. In theory. A lot of beer is involved.

Where would you want to live in the future? Dunno tbh.

Marital status? *looks around* Not married.

Your preferred hobby? [Censored] heh.

What are the forums you frequent? Necromancer...there are others?

How did you get your forum name? Pwning. Mostly. My usual nickname is Seid, from my online AKA Darkseid.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I enjoy clicking random spam links in Necro forum, which take me to 'about yourself' questionnaires. -_-







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Where Peace prances, Fairness flitters and Happiness hides in trees

Posts: 452

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?

Your city/country of birth?
Duluth, Geaorgia, USA

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?
Taunton, England

Do you work, study?
Nope, and Nope.

Where would you want to live in the future?
I really don't know, I guess somewhere warm, and free from fools ;)

Marital status?
Married to my BritBear

Your preferred hobby?
Digital Art (fancy name for messing about on PSP ;)) and anything that I can do pain free.

What are the forums you frequent?

How did you get your forum name?
I'm boring and couldn't think of anything besides my middle name to use ;)

What else would you like to add about yourself?
Err, um, hmm, I don't know what anyone would want to know that they don't know already. Hmm, I guess the major things about me are that I have a 12 year old daughter from a previous marriage, and 3 cats that are my babies also.
I moved to England to be with my Hubby. I used to be a care assistant for Special Needs adults. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last February. And we've fianlly found some meds that seem to be helping to get a handle on it. And there's a huge chance I won't be able to go back to work again.

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
I can't think of anything secret about me :D






Joined: Aug 2003
Location: Napa, California

Posts: 48

Forum Name: Canadia142


Zodiac sign: I don't believe in that crap

Place of birth: East San Jose California

Nationality: American

Gender: Male

Currently live in: Napa California

A start my education/apprenticeship? I'm still in high school

Wanna live in the future... San Jose oh course!

martial status: Single

prefered hobby...: Playing bass

What are the forums you frequent?: Off-Topic

How did you get your forum name? nickname from school, I use it everywhere.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: The Netherlands acc=*mallemout or mallemout1

Posts: 744

Your forum name? mallemout

Your age? 22

Your zodiac sign? Aries

Your city/country of birth? Emmen, The Netherlands

Your nationality? Dutch

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Enschede, The Netherlands

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? yes. I study electrical engineering in the beautiful city of Enschede at the unversity located there. I'll tell you, it's a hard study but very rewarding if you make courses :D

Where would you want to live in the future? Hmmmm, somewhere where they have fast internetconnection but where it is also rather quiet, and a big city should be nearby where you could everything you ever wanted. Hmmm, and the climate should appeal to my wife and me. I am open to suggestions.

Marital status? VERY Happily married to mrs. mallemout (no, not her real name :p)

Your preferred hobby? Got so many hobbies, o well, you asked, here comes: diablo, baldurs gate, magic the gathering, dungeons & dragons, wu-shu (this is small selection but the top spots in the preferred hobby list.)

What are the forums you frequent? ETF mostly, although the trade value forum gets some visits too

How did you get your forum name? I already had this name as nick on icq, yahoo-mail etc. It was convenient.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Well, I hate to have arguments with anyone, me is a peaceloving guy. A good discussion however is always nice. I am a rather smart person (IQ over 140 although this doesnt mean the world of course) so I am always looking to gather more info (cause I like that). I also enjoy answering questions , quizes are really fun 'cause I like to test my intelligence. Call me whacky if you like, it's just who I am :D

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Well, you don't have the complete truth about the forum name yet. As said, I already had the nick but I didn't tell you how I got it. I already have this nick for quite some time. When I took it, my parents had a dog , polar dog. The breed? a malamute. But at that time I wasn't really handy in spelling so I mispelled it : mallemout. That's where it came from. However, nobody ever had this nick when I wanted/needed a nick so it kinda stuck around.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: sweden

Posts: 506

Forum Name: Avatra

Age: 24 (going on 25 on thursday, Zkin is also going on 25 on thursday)

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Place of birth: dunno, all i remember was a slap on my ***

Nationality: Swedish

Gender: Male

Currently live in: where the polarbears roam the streets (well if u are from stockholm anyways :P (some ppl from stockholm think that polarbears are walking the streets in this city) sweden

A start my education/apprenticeship?? im a butcher

Wanna live in the future.. dunno maybe japan

martial status: Single (but boy do i want someone to cuddle)

prefered hobby...: anime

What are the forums you frequent?: almost every forum, get bored easily

How did you get your forum name?:nickname from utopia, I use it everywhere. well almost :D

What else would you like to add about yourself?
My father just died and my brother/his gf and me drove to malå to go to the funeral,(he died a wednesday for 2 weeks ago) i drove back the same day to take some time of from everything... so now im sitting in my room listening to music and drown myself in memories of past







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Posts: 173

Your forum name: SelfBaisResistor(supposed to be SelfBiasResistor but after the crash I misspelled my name and was too lazy to fix it.)

Your age: 24

Your zodiac sign: Taurus, but I'm an hour and a half a way from being a Gemini

Your city/country of birth: West Allis, Wisconsin, USA (suburb of Milwaukee)

Your nationality: American of German, English, Polish, Irish, Scandanavian descent.

Your gender(male/female/other: I'm all Man

Where do you live now: Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA, by contract.

Do you work, study: Both, I'm a high school math teacher by day and a student by night.

Where would you want to live in the future: I don't really care, I'll more than likely stay here in Milwaukee.

Marital status: :Raises his ringless hands: Single

Your preferred hobby: Sleeping, sex(doesn't happen all that often) and chillin on the PC.

What are the forums you frequent: OTF and sometimes Community. I used to frequent the Druid and Necro forums when I used to play.

How did you get your forum name: Fear Factory song

What else would you like to add about yourself? I lead a relatively boring life, but I live in a nice apartment.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? I'm gonna come out of the closet here and say yes, I am heterosexual. All ways have been always will be.






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Sweden

Posts: 828

Your forum name? Drosselmeier.

Your age? 23.

Your zodiac sign? Taurus.

Your city/country of birth? Gävle.

Your nationality? Swedish.

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male.

Where do you live now? Hässleholm, skåne, Sweden.

Do you work, study? Community service at the city library.

Where would you want to live in the future? In a house in the woods.

Marital status? Banging my ex and not looking for anything serious.

Your preferred hobby? Games, cuddling, drugs and reading cool books.

What are the forums you frequent? OTF exclusively.

How did you get your forum name? The royal clock-maker in the nutcracker by E.T.A Hoffmann... he was the coolest...

What else would you like to add about yourself? I once wrestled Bob Sapp to the ground and made him cry like a baby. It´s true folks... please believe me...







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Sweden.

Posts: 519

Forum Name: Zkin
Age:24 (going on 25 on thursday, im Avatras twin brother.)

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Place of birth: dunno, all i remember was a slap on my ***

Nationality: Swedish

Gender: Male

Currently live in: Sävar. (sweden)

I dropped out school, military Security.
Plane operator, Fire watch educated (sit around and watch places that are flammable and alarm if fire starts and if possible put out the fire.)

Wanna live in the future.. Where i lay my head is home.

martial status: Engaged

prefered hobby...: Relaxing, watchin movies.

What are the forums you frequent?: Off topic now. before it was mostly Trade forums

How did you get your forum name?: Always had this nick, in all shapes and forms.

What else would you like to add about yourself?
My father recently passed away.

Thx Drosselmeier.







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: PA

Posts: 12

Your forum name? Disque

Your age? 17

Your zodiac sign? Taurus.

Your city/country of birth? Downingtown, USA

Your nationality? German, Slovak

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male.

Where do you live now? Spring City PA

Do you work, study? I'm going into my senior year in Highschool

Where would you want to live in the future? Anyweher I can ride my waverunner(when I buy one)

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Computers, Anythign in the Water, Games

What are the forums you frequent? Community, OTF

How did you get your forum name? The outside of cd case..thought it looked cool

What else would you like to add about yourself? I uh..enjoy rice.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Iceland, Europe *syi1 or *ice-golem

Posts: 677

Your forum name? Angelic_Golem

Your age? 27

Your zodiac sign? Aquarius

Your city/country of birth? Sandgerdi, Iceland. Its a town of only 2000 peoples but the only national airport is located within the boundaries of it :D

Your nationality? Icelandic

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male[/color]

Where do you live now?Iceland

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Educated as a systems analyst/programmer, but unemployed at the moment :(

Where would you want to live in the future? I wouldn´t mind warmer climate, but most of all I´d like to live in a good company of great people.

Marital status? Single, no children

Your preferred hobby? I play bridge and I´m damn good at it. Was in the Icelandic team who won the Nordic Cup 2000 for junior players (25 or younger players).

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forum

How did you get your forum name? When signing in I had no idea of what it should be, so after a moments thought there it came. Partly cause I was playing a necro at the time and planning on doing another onr for PvP - was still in classic.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Hi everybody, I´m Heiðar(Heidar) and I´m a DiabloHolic.

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
Does picking your nose count ? Not that I do, its just... It doesn´t even taste that good either, I mean... nevermind.







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: *bbr_tki / *bbr_tki2 / *bbr_tki3 / *gemsonly @ The_Netherlands

Posts: 864

Your forum name? Look on the left and see, duh?

Your age? 22

Your zodiac sign? Aq

Your city/country of birth? Amsterdam , netherlands

Your nationality? Dutch

Your gender(male/female/other)? M

Where do you live now? Netherlands

Do you work, study? work: Programmer

Where would you want to live in the future? ill think about that when it matters.

Marital status? Single and bored.

Your preferred hobby? Games, etc.

What are the forums you frequent? ETF

How did you get your forum name? Had it for ages.. long story.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Quit making topics like this :D





DiabloII.Net Pal

Joined: Jun 2003
Location: *vulmio8 *vulmio *vulmio2 *vulmio5

Posts: 131

Your forum name? Vulmio

Your age? 27

Your zodiac sign? Cancer

Your city/country of birth? Castres, France

Your nationality? French

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? France

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Unemployed, looking for a job in organic chemistry

Where would you want to live in the future? Anywhere as long as I'll be happy there.

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? PnP RPGs

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forum and sometimes the community forum as well as the 1.10 forum.

How did you get your forum name ? It comes from a character I'm playing in my favorite RPG






Joined: Jul 2003
Location: acc: *bt_lightning and *morticia80

Posts: 211

Your forum name? BT_L

Your age? 25

Your zodiac sign? Sagittarius

Your city/country of birth? Aalst, Belgium

Your nationality? Belgian

Your gender(male/female/other)? male

Where do you live now? Belgium

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Intern network administration at the moment, but looking for a fixed possition.

Where would you want to live in the future? Belgium

Marital status? Living together with my girlfriend for 2 years

Your preferred hobby? sleeping...

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forum

How did you get your forum name? short for BT_Lightning and thats my acc on bnet







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: The Netherlands

Posts: 262

Your forum name? Robert2210

Your age? 19

Your zodiac sign? Leo

Your city/country of birth? Rotterdam/The Netherlands

Your nationality? The Netherlands

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Kapelle

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I study, but atm im doing a 6 month Stage project

Where would you want to live in the future? Kreta, Such a nice warm country

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Snorkling

What are the forums you frequent? European Trade Forums (etf)

How did you get your forum name? When i needed a name at some point for my email addres. I typed in Robert wich was allready taken, after that i just hit some random numbers, wich were 2210, voila, i was born :)

What else would you like to add about yourself? In Every day life i can be a bit introvert and shy, i dont know why i am that way and sometimes i hate myself for it.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? My plan to get the world addicted to chocolate chip cookies, oh no wait, that was my scheme from a few years back, nothing more actually, im not very 007 you know :jig:







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Portland, OR

Posts: 45

Your forum name? fdiablo2addict. Thought that was kinda obvious, since it's above my avatar. :D

Your age? 16

Your zodiac sign? Taurus, I think, I know I don't pay attention to horiscopes and that garbage though.

Your city/country of birth? Oregon, US

Your nationality? I'm from the US. I was born here, you know. I'm going to die here, you know...

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male[/color]

Where do you live now?Still the US. So many location questions...

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Do a little bit of web stuff and computer work, nothing big
Where would you want to live in the future? Well, Naboo. But... somewhere cold, not too cold, not too sunny....

Marital status? Waiting for Padmé.

Your preferred hobby? Watching Star Wars, playing video games. This is why I like Jedi Knight II a lot. Combines my two favorite activities.

What are the forums you frequent? Used to be just community forum, but now that I'm not reall a diablo2addict, and more of a recovereddiablo2addict, I'm kinda starting to move towards the OTF.

How did you get your forum name? I was horribly addicted to Diablo II, played for many years, this was one of my account names, I made it, thought it sounded cool.

What else would you like to add about yourself? I watch Star Wars a lot. Also my favorite actress is Natalie Portman..mmm.

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Nope



Angelic One


Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Tacoma, Washington

Posts: 99

Your forum name? Angelic One

Your age? 31

Your zodiac sign? Scorpio

Your city/country of birth? Fontana, Ca, USA

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Female

Where do you live now? Tacoma, Wa, USA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what?
Full time Mommy :D

Where would you want to live in the future? I wouldn't mind Virginia. I lived there before for a few years and I loved the weather....

Marital status? Married

Your preferred hobby? Listening to the radio while driving.....boring I know but it relaxes me.

What are the forums you frequent? OTF

How did you get your forum name? I use any derivative of my real name (Angela)

What else would you like to add about yourself? I have 3 kids that take the most of my time. I am shy when I first meet people but then become oddlly aggressive once I get to know the person.





Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Posts: 432

Your forum name?cre8

Your age?16

Your zodiac sign?cancer

Your city/country of birth?Los Angeles,Ca

Your nationality?American/parents from central america

Your gender(male/female/other)?Male

Where do you live now?Los Angeles,CA

Do you work, study?study and party

Where would you want to live in the future?Canada

Marital status?Girlfriend

Your preferred hobby?skating with my friends

What are the forums you frequent?USWTF

How did you get your forum name?i use to a little cholito wen i was in middle school and they called me cre8 >.<

What else would you like to add about yourself?im a punk






Joined: Jun 2003
Location: *DeamonMonkey

Posts: 357

Your forum name? DeamonMonkey

Your age? 15

Your zodiac sign? Aquarius

Your city/country of birth? Seattle, WA, USA

Your nationality? American

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Seattle, WA

Do you work, study? Sophmore, in High school

Where would you want to live in the future? Alaska, because they pay you to live there, actualy I don't know.

Marital status? Nada

Your preferred hobby? Painting Minatures, Mostly Warhammer 40k, and Fantasy

What are the forums you frequent? UsWest Trading, and somewhat the Druid Forum

How did you get your forum name? Well, I used to really like monkeys, and I can't spell real well. And, well, I though Deamon, was Demon. But noone elses has anything close to my name anywhere. So I like it.

What else would you like to add about yourself? My dog is more addicted to humping things than I am to Diablo II







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Uswest Acct ColtyI Coltyy

Posts: 738

Your forum name?Coltyy

Your age?28

Your zodiac sign?Cancer

Your city/country of birth?Erie/USA

Your nationality?American

Your gender(male/female/other)?Male

Where do you live now?Erie/USA

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? I'm a working machinist in the cnc lathe sector of my field

Where would you want to live in the future? Above ground!?!?

Marital status? Married/w children

Your preferred hobby? Computers

What are the forums you frequent? West Trading forums

How did you get your forum name? Coltyy is a variation of my favorite Handgun Colt Python 357 so i kinda got the nick colt and added to it.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Big Football fan (Cleveland Browns)







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: LLC2/LC-Rena

Posts: 100

Your forum name? Livngdead

Your age? 19+

Your zodiac sign? Aries

Your city/country of birth? Singapore

Your nationality? Singaporean

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Singapore(we are not big enough to have cities or sectors, so just the mainland ><")

Do you work, study? Currently receiving my tertiary education.

Where would you want to live in the future? Canada seems like a nice place

Marital status? Single and available (and good-looking, and rich......BS tho ^_^)

Your preferred hobby? Comics, sports and gaming.

What are the forums you frequent? West Trading forums/Necromancer (since i'm starting one)

How did you get your forum name? Originated from a friend, seems cool to me so i decided to adopt it.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Nothing else really, i have no life whatsoever to talk about.







Joined: Jun 2003
Location: The restaurant at the end of the universe.

Posts: 276

Your forum name?

Your age?

Your zodiac sign?
Cancer go go 69

Your city/country of birth?
Little Rock Arkansa

Your nationality?

Your gender(male/female/other)?

Where do you live now?

Do you work, study?

Where would you want to live in the future?
Somewhere warm, near the sea, where the sun always shines... I.E Philipines

Marital status?
Happily single playin the game

Your preferred hobby?
I really, really wanna try sky-diving, till then my fav hobby is not getting in trouble and snowboarding (nothing beats first tracks and fresh powder)

What are the forums you frequent?
Us West trading, though i haunt the druid forums, lurk in the lounge and frequent the basin

How did you get your forum name?
Back in the day before Diablo there was a wandering cleric in the dnd world that threw himself into perilous journeys, wanton quests and in general caused as much trouble as good. Hes since retired though. (finding a good game is like finding good legit competetion in d2)

What else would you like to add about yourself?
In the china calander im an iron cock (more specfic than a rooster) I like to start arguments, im a physically imposing figure IRL and i have an iq of 137 though you cant tell from my posts as my iq drops rapidly when anything d2 related comes up.

Something secret from you that you want to make public?
Ive been playing this dammn game too too long

LAST THING, anybody out there with mad loot (money), feel free to drop me a pm if you wanna see me thrown from an airplane, falling through the air and would like to fund it. Hell we could tape the whole thing and use it as a promo "Loaded pants Inc"





Joined: Jun 2003
Location: On a little red dot

Posts: 9

Your forum name? Ydde

Your age? 23

Your zodiac sign? Taurus

Your city/country of birth? Singapore

Your nationality? Singaporean

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Singapore

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Majoring in Mechanical Engineering

Where would you want to live in the future? Not too sure. Have not travelled the world to know yet.

Marital status? Single but attached.

Your preferred hobby? The usual stuff.

What are the forums you frequent? Off-Topic Forum

How did you get your forum name? My name spelt backwards

What else would you like to add about yourself? I have been a lurker since the old days of d2C. Well, i'm gonna post a lot more now.....hopefully

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Can you all keep a secret?


Ok then, here goes

So can I :surprise:








Joined: Jun 2003
Location: Bristol, UK

Posts: 480

Looks like I managed to miss this when I was away, so I'll make amends by posting now...

Your forum name? Shade

Your age? 20

Your zodiac sign? Capricon

Your city/country of birth? London, England

Your nationality? English

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Bristol, England

Do you work, study? Case yes, what? Final year Computer Science student

Where would you want to live in the future? Some suitably paradisic location

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? Hmm, I have several hobbies ranging from computer games to painting (wargames figures) and embroidery, so take your pick...

What are the forums you frequent? Most of them, but I'm 'active' on the Beta, Newcomer, Stats, OTF and SPF.

How did you get your forum name? *Resists temptation to make bad joke* Probably most inspired by the WC3 unit of the same name, which is invisible.

What else would you like to add about yourself? Posts seemingly at random :)

Something secret from you that you want to make public? Hmm, well, if you want something semi-secret, I talk to myself on occasion... still, at least I can have an argument and always win!







Joined: Jul 2003
Location: Finland

Posts: 85

Your forum name? Syvis

Your age? 18

Your zodiac sign? Gemini

Your city/country of birth? Jyväskylä/Finland

Your nationality? finnish

Your gender(male/female/other)? Male

Where do you live now? Jyväskylä

Do you work, study? Study

Where would you want to live in the future? Dunno, I think it's just the good old Finland.

Marital status? Single

Your preferred hobby? gym, sleeping, gaming

What are the forums you frequent? off-topic, druid

How did you get your forum name? secret... :)