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Welcome to Freestate

Welcome to freestate, an online resource for writing. This site is currently under construction, but check back frequently for updates.

Once completed, Freestate will be a source for information on creative writing, screenwriting, books and other literary forms. Book reviews and critiques will also make way, and a message forum is currently in the works. More to come...


  • Website created Saturday, September 6, 2003.

  • I've just recently started school again, and one of the things I'll be doing is working on the newspaper's personal website. Good thing I've finally figured out how to use tables (I always got confused when it came to 'td' tags and how they were used). My website style is simple and pretty straightforward, nothing special, but perhaps it will be a change from the usual cluttered messes that I've seen used for the site in the past. We'll see...
  • Navigation

    All content on this site has been created by me, R.E.S. Any sources that I have used will be stated in their respective articles, and everything else is Copyright © R.E.S.

    © R.E.S.