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The Forkers Domain

If you are here, it is likely that you have been forked. You may be angry, but remember the good things about life. You do not work in a Vietnamese sweat shop, getting 1/4cents a day for 12 hours of work, constantly beaten by your terrible slave-driving taskmasters. Pirhannas are not currently ripping you to pieces in a giant pool of acid, while being forced to eat penguin meat by a drunken transvestite in Nebraska. Nebraska is very harsh after all... And as of yet, I have not eaten any of your offspring. Barbara Streisand is also very far away, (ie. out of ear shot. If you have read this entire thing, you life expectancy has dropped due to proof of your own stupidity and lack of common sense. In addition, your first born child will be eradicated by a ravenous Lama...RAVENOUS!

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