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-Rena and Michelle finding the house
-Mc Problems
-Sa. Desert
-Headline "Ft. Myers Jet Blue lands in GA b/c of 3 girls who won't shut up"
-perfect bite--Rena
-"All underage"
-Escort service 2 plane
-TV-NO sound
-Cranberry Juice
-Back exit of plane-"I've always wanted to do this" Laura
-"All right--all OFF"- Aunt Lynn
-Baggage...In general
-Lunch ALL set! --Grandma....PB+J sandwiches.
-Walmart-Shampoo--Danielle and Michelle
-Porky's ...the movie.
-"Mike Hunt"
-"How stupid are you...Are you REALLY that stupid...You're going to tell me you get more  sun out there than right there....." Uncle Micheal to Aunt Gail and Danielle
-Round Brush
-Car accident
-4 times in Eckerd
-Shapes at grandma's house
-Sweet Potato Pie
-Dangerous Minds--Great Movie!
-Pier 1 Imports- Shopping in NY and in FL with Rena
-TGI Fridays (leaving) with the Road Worker People "Hola!!" Danielle
-Counting Miles
-Anthony!!! He's SOOO Cute!!
-Where did POWDER go?!
-Just Married...the movie
-Overtired...Danielle and Michelle (2am)
-Ready in under 30 minutes.
-"Anymore boyfriends to buy for?"--Sports Store Guy
-Laura running into the wall
-Running to Smoke-n-Snuff
-Face Plate?!?!
-Wilson or Woodson
-Burning tongues on Coffee
-How to Deal ...the movie
-At Burger King--waving to people
-Aunt Lynn with Danielle's Cell Phone.
-Joseph's Practice--Danielle playing Tip 21
-"Shake it don't break it girls"-Some boy
-Walgreens- Daryn "Standing here isn't getting me any fatter"
-"If I didn't know you three I would think you were pregnant" --Daryn talking to Danielle, Michelle, and Laura about all the food.                     -*-*-*-Doritos, EZ cheese, Crackers, Tostidos, Salsa, Cheeze-Its, Drinks, Candy, Oreos, Milk, Pizza, Salt n Vinegar Chips, Cin. Sticks.
-Sweet Home Alabama--" If they get married I'm NEVER watching this movie again!" --Danielle
-Service calls at Midnight
-Pillow and Blanket Fight--Danielle and Michelle
-Crickets...with the HORRIBLE  French Conductor with the Mus., glasses, hat, stick, etc.
-"Wheres your clock?" Broken record...Michelle
-"If this is "As-Is" does she come  with it" --Some young guy about Danielle on the chair at the furniture store.
-Sam Goody
-5 time calling Mark.
-Door Knocker--"Ghetto Fab"
-Busch Gardens....Just in General!
-Joe's Basketball Game...Find Laura a 17yr old HOTT black guy!
madd fun times hunnieZ! Miss you muchLY!!xoxo