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Keep checking back for more top final fantasy x-2 info.

Hello and welcome to ff planet the new place to be if you are addicted to final fantasy x and above. Here at ff planet we give you information you want not some crap that you could not care less about, we are currently under going major development of the site so keep checking back to see for updates.

The world of final fantasy is constently getting larger with a incredible number of fans worldwide and now with the arrival of ffx-2 sqaures really hotting up

Final Fantasy X - 2 is a direct sequel to the original Playstation 2 RPG, taking place two years after Tidus and his companions defeat Sin. While there were two versions previously unannounced, a Yuna version and a Rikku version, FFX-2, in fact, focuses entirely on the summoner.

Action elements, like dashing and jumping, have been added to exploration, but the game is still an RPG. Consider Square's PSone role-playing game, Xenogears, and you'll get an idea of how these new functions might affect the game. Battles remain the same, though a new "Active Mode" has been added. What this entails, however, is unknown.