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SHE Awakening Newsletter

SHE Awakening Newsletter

Following are the pages for our 2007-08 Newsletter



LunaQueen 1: The Female Know Yourself Charting Calendar, is for all females, regardless of age, race, nationality or religion. It will teach you how to know yourself. It features FEMCal a 13 moon (month) Female Charting Calendar. FEMCal must be filled in from observations that females make about their bodies. Just like the weatherman makes observations/notations and is able to then recognize patterns and cycles that allow him to make future predictions, FEMCal is designed for females to make notations of the most important changes that take place in her body. By keeping a record of the changes the body goes through, females will be able to recognize patterns and cycles that are predictable days, months and even years in advance. You will be able to predict your moontime (menstrual period), days of fertility, day of ovulation, pms and sexual excitation days in advance as a result of using FEMCal. You will also be able to determine abnormalities in your cycles which may be precursors to impending illness, that you can quickly report to your physician. Once you have this ability, you will gain control over your body, because you will know your body and you will then be able to get your body to work for you rather than against you. You will begin to cherish your body and your femininity and shed the illness of the past that kept you ignorant, confused and irresponsible. Your choices will be based on science and self-knowledge as you choose to achieve or avoid pregnancy, which is a primary choice that exemplifies both freedom and responsibility.

“No long term vision means no responsibility.”

The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying

            Procreative Choice is for the truly liberated female and is the authentic movement for female self-liberation  If your choice is not Procreative Choice, then you are really not choosing, only reacting to circumstances and this is the position of a weak, silly females ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth.  Join the movement and be truly free with Procreative Choice.

"Full freedom from all limitations means full responsibility for one's reality."

LunaQueen 1

SHE Awakening International Motherhood Ministry/Edmond Publications

7006 Good Luck Road,Lanham, MD  20706 ♦ (773) 495-2125

$19.99 + $5 shipping & handling

"The only way power is ever lost is by giving up responsibility for one's reality."

Author Unknown

Myeka's Writings

Motherhood Powerpoint Presentation

Reference Sites

The Fertility Education Movement
Virtual Moon Phases
MoonTime Mandala
Moon Rhythms
Light Language

