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Here are the rules for nominating your fic. Please read them, as failure to comply with any of them will result in disqualification. We know, we know, rules suck, but we have to have them. We went through a lot of trouble to make them up, so the least you can do is read them and follow them. Also, please do not rip off our rules, it's just not nice.

1. No Angel or Spike bashing. Otherwise, bash away. (Please note that we are not *encouraging* bashing, but if you did it, just make sure it isn't Angel or Spike you are bashing.)

2. The url you give us for your fic must be valid. If the link is broken or doesn't work for whatever reason, we will delete your nomination. If your fic does not have a url, let us know. We will put it up on our site, at least temporarily. Again, if we cannot access your fic, we WILL delete it. We don't have time to e-mail you about it or hunt it down.

3. You may only nominate *yourself*. It was a major hassle for us last round to have to notify everyone that got nominated, and not everyone wanted to be nominated.

4. Each fiction can only be nominated in three categories, but there is no limit to how many fics you can nominate. Please do not nominate your fics in the same category. You will be competing against yourself, and it is unfair to others.

5. Please be sure to read the category descriptions. If you enter your fic in a category it doesn't belong in, we will delete it.

6. No nominations will be accepted after the nomination period has closed.

7. After submitting your fic, you must put one of our buttons up on our site. If you do not have it up in a week, your nomination will not be considered. If you have any problems, please e-mail us. We are willing to work with you.

8. Both conventional and unconventional ships are okay, but we will not accept any Cordelia/Angel fics simply because we have to judge these stories and none of us can stand C/A. Conventional pairings include cannon couples that have been seen on the shows. Fics with same sex pairings can be nominated in the best f/f slash, best m/m slash, best threesome, best quote, best holiday fic, best villain fic, best short fic, best futuristic fic, best au fic, best humor fic, and best unconventional romance categories. The only exception would be Willow/Tara or Willow/Kennedy, who are considered conventional.

9. Fiction must be rated correctly. Also, the fic must have the author, title, pairing, and any warnings for things such as slash, character death, rape, etc. No fics will be accepted if they contain incest, racism, or anything else like that. You people know what is acceptable and what isn't. Use your judgement.

10. If you are entering the song fic category, give the title of the song used and the artist or record that it is found on.

11. In the short story category, fics should be stand alones.

12. Works in progress will only be accepted in the WIP category. If you think you may finish the fic before judging, please wait until closer to that time to nominate. Works that are finished at the time of judging, but were incomplete at time of nomination, will be deducted five points automatically.

13. Crossovers with another fandom will now only be accepted in the Best of Both Worlds category. 14. If you are entering the best quote in a fic category, please supply the quote you are nominating the story for in the space provided on the nomination form.

15. Each judge will pick one fic for the Best All Around Award. There will be five of these awards handed out, and they cannot be applied for. Every nominee is automatically in the running for this category.

16. For a category to be judged, there must be at least two nominees.

17. We are the judges and site owners. Our decisions are FINAL.

18. If your fic wins a category, you may not submit said fic in that category again. However, you may enter said category with another fic or enter said fic in another category.

19. To ensure that you have read the rules, please type the phrase 'Love Forever' in the space provided on the nomination form that says "Did you read the rules?". If you do not enter this, we will delete your nomination.