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The Best of Both Worlds Award - This award is for best crossover fic with another fandom outside of BtVS or Ats. Remember the rules...don't crossover with a million different fandoms. Pick one and be sure to tell us which one it is.

The Better Than Joss Award - This award is for the best rewritten episode fic.

The Carpe Noctem Award - This award is for the fic with the most action and best fight sequences.

The Cookie Dough Award - This award is for the best WIP.

The Dark and Broody Award - This award is for the best Angel fic. Must be centered around Angel or Angelus in some way.

The Down and Dirty Award - This award is for the best PWP/smut fic. Remember, no slash fics will be accepted in this category.

The Fantastico Award - This award is for the fic with the most original plot.

The Fire Bad, Tree Pretty Award - This award is for the fic with the best quote in it.

The Five by Five Award - This award is for the best Slayer centered fic. Must be centered around Buffy, Faith, and/or Kendra.

The Fluffy Puppy Award - This award is for the best fluff fic.

The Freakishly Festive Award - This award is for the best holiday themed award.

The Grr Argh Award - This award is for the best BtVS/Ats crossover. Fics must include characters from both shows. No crossovers with any other fandoms are allowed in this category.

The Hell Hath No Fury Award - This award is for the best villain centered fic. Must be centered on any of the major villains of either BtVS or Ats.

The I Only Have Eyes For You Award - This award is for best romance. There will be two versions of this award, one for best conventional romance and one for best unconventional romance. Please specify which you are nominating yourself for.

The Long Story Short Award - This award is for the best short fic.

The Love's Bitch Award - This award is for the best Spike centered fic.

The Music of My Heart Award - This award is for the best song fic.

The Peachy with a Side of Keen Award - This award is for the best series.

The Remember Me Award - This award is for the best futuristic fic. Must take place in the future, and by future we don't mean a year from now.

The Rough and Tumble Award - This award is for the best M/M slash fic.

The Scooby Snack Award - This award is for the best Scooby fic. Must be centered around a member or former member of the Scooby gang other than Buffy. This includes Giles, Xander, Willow, Anya, Tara, Oz, Cordelia, or Dawn.

The Shattered Hearts Award - This award is for the best angst/drama fic.

The Sparkly Umbrella Award - There will be five of these given out every round. Each judge will pick which fiction they think is the best all around. Every nominee is automatically eligible for this award.

The Sugar and Spice Award - This award is for the best F/F slash fic.

The Two's Company, Three's an Orgy Award - This award is for the best threesome.

The We Help the Hopeless Award - This award is for the best fic based around the Angel Investigations team. Must be centered around a member or former member of the A.I. team other than Angel. This includes Cordelia, Doyle, Wesley, Gunn, Fred, Lorne, or Connor.

The What Could Have Been Award - This award is for the best AU fic. That means that everybody is one hundred percent slayers or vamps allowed.

The Wicked Crazy Award - This award is for the most twisted or eccentric fic.

The Wiggins Award - This award is for the best scary fic.

The Zeppo Award - This award is for the best humor fic.