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Tyler's Story

Chapter 1

You walk into the library looking for a good book to read. You're one of the top readers so it's hard for you to find a new and exciting book these days. Walking along the shelves you pass dozens of stories you've read before. As you go long, the shelves start to get duller in color and dirtier in cleanliness....until suddenly! A book with a cover of red cloth and a gold outlining catches your eye.

"Hmm, I've never seen that one before...." you say as you pick it up off the dusty shelf. As you examine it, you read on the cover in rainbow colors The Story Behind the Paint Brush. "Ooh! this sounds interresting," as you open the book to read it....


A long time ago, before the humans came to Neopia, neopets lived in the wild landscapes of the world. There were no cities with buildings or places where you could go to eat or shop. The only sign of civilization was the grand Faerie City on top of a collection of clouds hundreds of feet up in the sky. Despite the astounding architecture of the faeries, there were no paint brushes in the world. "How did they come to be then?" you ask? Well, let me tell you the story of how the rainbow pool came into existence and the paint brushes we now use today.

Back then, there was no rainbow pool. Whatever color of fur, scales, or feathers you were born with you were stuck with. Now, not everybody was the same color though. Infact, the place that you were born in had an effect on what color pets were. For Example, neopets that lived in the snowy regions had white fur, pets that lived in the forest had brown or green fur, and so on. It happened like that so that pets could blend in to their surroundings.

Now, most pets who had a specific color felt that they looked better than other colored pets. This sprung up controversy all over the world. Moehogs and Lupes would exclude their own kind from doing simple things with them such as playing gormball. Lennys would stick up their beaks whenever they saw a lenny who they thought didn't belong. Pyries were even willing to hang out with other species if it meant not having to be with a different color than they were.

Soon the faeries caught onto this. They knew that if this kept going on that wars would start errupting and the world would be thrown into chaos. The faeries tried many times to think of a way to solve the dilema, but no one had the solution. Every single idea they could come up with would end up back to where they started. They couldn't force everyone to be together; it was the pets' own wills to be set apart. They couldn't keep certain colors away from each other because they were bound to fight for more territory. The faeries were about ready to give up.

Then one day, a neopet was born that would stop all the fighting, all the segregation. He came in the form of a little aisha. Born into one of the lowest colors of the aishas no one would notice him, but his actions would one day be noticed as the one who ended it all and brought the world to peace. This is where our story begins....

Chapter 2

A burst of orange came blasting through the bushes quickly followed by flashes of green and brown. Gasping for breath the orange aisha knew he had to find some place to hide because he was too worn out already to outrun them.

The other aishas where right on his tail, so he dashed for the nearest tree and scrambled up to the highest branch. The green and brown aishas looked up at him while he caught his breath.

"Hey whimp!" He looked down to see one of the brown aishas shouting up at him, "Get down here so I can beat you up you little scaredy cat!"

The orange aisha, Tyler, continued to stare down at them and shouted, "If you want to hurt me so bad then come up here and get me....unless you're too scared." This touched the brown aisha's pride and dignity, causing him to blow up in anger.

"You are so going to get it!" he yelled pulsed with outrage. The gang started to climb up the tree, and Tyler had to think fast. He turned to see a branch from another tree hanging a few inches above him. Crawling onto the bark of the branch he raced to the other side of the tree just as the gang of aishas reached the spot of where he previously was.

The three aishas looked around confused until one of them spotted Tyler in the other tree on the opposite side. "Hey! get back here Whimp!", one of the green aishas spat.

Tyler merely smirked at them and said, "Never!" The aishas saw the branch Tyler had crawled on and started maneuvering onto the brach. They where much bigger and heavier than he was so they had some difficulty climbing onto it. Tyler's smirk faded right away and started jumping onto other branches of trees in hopes of escape.

"Hurry! He's getting away!" Tyler could hear them screaming at each other so that they could all catch up to him as he dashed to wherever he could find safety. They were catching up to him, but after awhile he noticed they were starting to tire. This made him fill up with glee and excitement that he started prancing more than running.

He soon came upon a tree that stood grounded by a madly moving river. He saw a branch hanging over that was close to a branch on the opposite side of the river. The branch would be too weak to hold the other aishas, but he could make it safely across. He dashed along it ready to feel freedom from the torture he would be inflicted upon if he were caught. He glanced around his shoulder as he ran seeing the aishas following him.

"Haha", Tyler taunted back at them musicly, "You can't catch-Ahhhh!!!" His sentence was cut off by the misplacement of his paw onto the next branch, and he slipped off. His joy had been flooded over with fear as he plumeted towards the raging water below. To be continued...

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