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Welcome to Eve's Healing Garden

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Welcome to Eve's Healing Garden. Here you will find alternatives for everyday aches and pains to skin and hair herbal treatments. First let's give a brief description ofhow ancient civiliation used herbs to heal. Herbs such as garlic and juniper have been used for about 4,000 years. Surviving papyri dating back to about 1700 B.C. recorded that these herbs were used at that time. By the time of the Greek Contribution (Hippocrates 468-377B.C.) European herbal had already had ideas from Assyria and India, with Easern herbs such as basil and ginger. Hippocrates catergorized all foods and herbs by fundamental qualities-hot, cold, dry and damp. Good health said to be maintained by keeping qualities in balance. For the Romans medicine was a lucrative business with complex and highly priced herbal remedies.

So as you can see herbs have been use to heal for many centuries. I hope you will find this site informative. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me.

