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E-mail site manager, Cherokee/Rainbow Chaser, or post at the forum if you'd like to be linked to us. Links will be featured at the very bottom of the forum if you have a picture button, and text links will be featured in the announcement box at the forum.

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Grand opening...

Yes, it's finally happened. Equus Hearts has officially been open since Wednesday, June 18, 2003 @ 1:53 AM CST. And if you haven't figured it out already, your webmaster is an insomniac =P. The inspiration for this was a Role-playing plot at my favorite board, the place where I first adopted Role-playing as a hobby, and it was none other than Wolf Web. This place was designed for horse lovers alone to RP together peacefully, whatever scenes they may wish, in harmony with eachother and the characters they create. So, without further ado, I give you EH.

Web design and all featured images Copyright 2003 - (?) Amber L. O. Site maintained by Amber.