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Bear with me. Angelfire screwed me over and decided to delete my index, making me start over with advanced editor and of course I don't know html. Keep checking the site while I put up more pictures (senior week!!!) and sift through HTML for Dummies. lol : )

Prom Pictures

Mr. Peterson is even in this one!
A dinner kiss
Sleeping at after prom
grocery shopping
Mark Denz actually eats!!!
A sweet embrace
Sipping some coke
My basement

Senior Week Pictures
More Beach

So I hastily planned this year's winter trip and actually pulled it all together with the help of mountaineering superstar, Mickey Wienholt. But I was stupid and decided to go on the trip with the weather forecasts calling for snow. In my own defense I'll say that the 6 inches they were calling for was nothing compared to the 52 inches that we got down in the Dolly Sods. To make a long story short, we were fine until the second night where we were almost above treeline, freezing our asses and the o-rings in the Whisperlites. Whomever made the decision to get the hell out of there was an angel as I wasn't coherent enough to decide that for everyone. So again we broke trail DOWN the mountain, cut switchbacks, rolled down the hills, fell over so that we couldn't get up, and literally felt like we were giving birth with each pained step that we broke into the thigh deep snow. When Alex, a really experienced team member decided to stop in the middle of the trail to make sure that his toes were "still there" I knew that it was bad. No one had ever yelled at us to get moving like Mickey did. When we reached the trailhead we all waited in a barn so they could dig out the cars but they reported that there basically weren't any cars anymore so we asked this man if we could stay in his office that was attached to this barn. Thank goodness he let us and we ended up staying there for two nights and three days. Even then we still didn't get both of the cars out. We were only able to dig out one of them and had to cram everything and everyone into it while we left the truck buried in a snowbank. Mickey didn't get his truck back until that March. I learned many important lessons; first that I am not invincible, that it is hard to look out for yourself and others in harsh conditions, toalways expect worse than what the weatherman tells you, and that people from Colorado can drive like pros in snow. See the pictures. Notice that none of them are from the actual backpacking trip. That is because that part of the trip is classified. Not really though, my hands were too frozen to change zip up my jacket, much less dig out a camera.

Check these out:
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Climb on!
Watch the roc comp video
Climb X Media

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