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Ellie page

ellie page

^^ Hello & Welcome To The Ellie Page ^^

I am the Mysterious Ellie and i come from the planet jupiter! I live with people that are Insane and try to make me be an earthling. My Attempts to contact home have failed Miserably, but i think my family form jupiter used to live in my wardrobe ( there used to be Aliens in it.)

The Girl in the Picture is my human form^^

Reasons Why I know im from jupiter

About my personality: We'll i'm 15 Earth hyears old,and my earth birth day is 2/9/87 ( on jupiter you dont have birthdays).I like to have fun and do stupid things ( stupid things amuse me^^). I like shiney obects including..........Anna's one ring, tims belt, tims tounge ball,Megans shiney Earings (I tryed to rip them off her ears) and MONEYS! My hobbies include Soccer,partying,Hanging out with my mates, playing with my doggie ( he's also from jupiter) and shopping:)

here are some pictures of my earth friends:

That's megan my best friend or also know'n as lil lee cause she's a lil short, but we dont mind she's still my fav friend^^

This is the other megan, know'n as hoey...she changed :(

This is us all before the sd ( senior dance)...^^

This is me and my cat fluffy, She makes rockets for me :D

This is my baby ( shadow ) he came from jupiter too:P
