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| About Me |
A little profile about me. This page is not really done yet but you can have a glance at it.

| Prom Night 2002 |
All graduating JC2s surely have a prom night. NJ is of no exception...what's different is that it's the school's first prom out of the school compound.

| Working eXperience |
Find out my working environment during my six months' break. (I wasn't slacking at all)

| Lyrics Page |
These are my all-time favourite songs. You must be thinking that there's not need for one page for lyrics. I really need it cos I've poor memory... so whenever i open the mp3 song, i would load this page and sing, haha~

| My Favourite Links |
The links will direct ya to the websites I frequent, or find useful in one way or another.