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Wolf Lovers Guild Homepage

Adopted Pets Name/ Original color and species/ New color and species/ New Owner

This is going to be our guild poem/saying, thanks VERY much to Tribsaint who wrote it for us!!! Here it is:

A lone wolf lays gently down in the middle of a deserted field. His fur is matted and worn from a long travel and feels utterly alone. He looks up pensively at the stars that are just starting to appear as the sun falls behind the horizon, wondering if he belonged anywhere. He hears a twig crack from far away and his ears stand at attention, his eyes still focused on the heavens.

From out of the approaching darkness, several shadowed figures draw near. Suddenly he notices that they are all wolves of different sizes and colors. They surround him and he coils up instinctively. The alpha nods to him and he stands warily. She smiles at him and he is filled with an overwhelming warmth. He has found a pack...he has found friends. He has found his home.

Please vote at the guild Poll :) your opinion counts and it will help us a lot with making major decisons. click here to see the results for the guild poll


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Nad_Rules's Web Site
Electrici Kougra Game
Earth/Space den webpage (note- we are not doing the dens)