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Hi my name is Ashley. I'm 17 years old and I have been practicing Wicca for the past 4 years. This year I’m a senior at my high school located in Michigan. I have a dog who’s name is Jake he is now 9 years old but he still acts like a puppy. My Mom and my Dad are great, they have accepted, myself with Wicca.

Thanks for stoping by and looking at my webpage!

My online Book of Shadows (bos)

The Wiccan Law
The Wiccan Rede
The Law of the Power
13 Goals of a witch
A Centering Meditation
Ways of Rasing Energy / The Paths of Power
Basic Ritual
Esabt Ritual
Sabbat Ritual
Magickal Correspondences for days of the Week
Color Meanings
Candle Colors & What They Mean
