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The team

Our team first came together in August of 2002. We were both freshmen at the awesome school of Montana State University. Due to our last names, we were in the same orientation group. One day, while walking from one orientation session to another, Arielle was really lonely and saw a random girl walking nearby. She decided to take a chance and said "Hello." Over a year later, we're still best friends. We've been through a lot in the last year. Many boys have come and gone into our lives, as well as many bottles. But through it all, we still continue to remind ourselves that..."Sometimes we wish we were dead. Oh wait, not us, you."


Arielle is a 19yo second year freshmen at the university of alaska, anchorage. She's lived in the same house her entire live except for a one year stint in montana during the 2002/2003 school year. She plans on becoming a writer or a photographer someday. She enjoys shopping at thrift stores, being spontaneous, and drinking wine. For more info on her, clickHERE


Amanda is an 18yo second year freshmen at Montana State University. She is however, originally from Washington. She is majoring in Sociology at MSU, though those who know her know that beer drinking is her real major. She enjoys partying, boys and writing poetry about said boys. For more info on Amanda, clickHERE

Amanda surrounded by friends at Arielle's going away party when she moved back to Alaska.