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Welcome to my new school web site! Please make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Guess it's surely plain to see
Who's the boss?
Well let's agree
Tallest one just has to be

Eat my Wheaties everyday
These little ones well they're OK
They follow me around in awe
Know it's me that they adore

I have a great responsibility
And always take it seriously
I'll mentor each and everyone
I know that it will be such fun

Life is filled with many blessings
Have to teach a few good lessons
Being kind and good I find
Keeps my buddies so inclined

So glad to see you all today
My day is busy but any way
Nice to know when they look up
I really feel like I'm "hot stuff"

Fills me up with so much pride
To know my friends are at my side
Today for sure we all are blest
So nice that we could be your guests.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
Copyright March 1, 2003



Welcome to my new School site. This site is desinged to be kid friendly and related to information going on in my classroom. The only thing I can not control is unfortunately the pop up adds. I apologize if any come up that are offensive. I do not support the banners for the most part that will be shown. Keep looking back to see how I design this site it will be updated as needed during the school year. If you would like help designing an online site for your classroom or website please feel free to contact me at I will connect the link buttons as I add the future pages.
Page copyrighted on Aug. 17th, 2003 by Nichole