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Sometimes, it is necessary to remember,

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

I invite you to share your dreams with me and I will share with you MESSAGES from Spirit hidden in your dreams.

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At some time or another in our lives, each of us has awakened from sleep, brain foggy with wisps of a half-remembered dream dissolving into haze. We arise, feeling muddled and bewildered, sometimes a little depressed, sensing that the answer to something that has been troubling us has just that moment zipped by, leaving us with a jumble of puzzle pieces in the form of video or audio that we cannot piece together. Occasionally, it may even feel that the key to an earthshaking revelation was presented, that the answer to WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW was given EPIPHANY, for God's sake...and we just didn't GET IT!

Finally, in most cases, the dream fades and is replaced by a nagging sense of loss, a missed opportunity to understand something important.

Understanding and compassion for the self and the ability to use the subliminal tools we are given by Spirit to cope with day-to-day life are skills rarely taught in today's society.

In "real life", as it is called, the waking day-to-day world in which we function, we most of the time operate on our learned default "auto pilot", which is based on conditioned response rather than acting with understanding. Like Pavlov's dogs, people tend to react rather than act, never realizing that the soul has its own path, chosen long before we got here.

Unless we tap into and understand where our dreams are trying to lead us, we may remain glorified somnambulists. We will have "reacted" our way through life to conform with family/friends/others/society's concept of success, while having failed completely to fulfill our soul's destiny.

Dreaming is the time when we let go of conditioned (worldly) patterned reactions and open the doorway to what is actually going on~~the essence of our lives. Our dreams are little mini vacations from "reality." Our dreams constitute a parallel journey taken along with this life experience. They present opportunities to switch gears, to redirect ourselves toward life goals which are more rewarding to the soul. Dreams also allow us to recognize and eliminate that which is not in keeping with our inner harmony.

The problem is, most of us have forgotten the language of the Soul.
We don't remember the symbolism.

To those of you who would wish to know more about the meaning of your dreams, I am sent here to offer my help.

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