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Explore the Lands





Shippo + More





Hi there! Hope you like my layout! I do ^.-. Anyways, there's gonna be alot to see soon enough! So stick around and keep checking back for updates! (Which are below)
Sadly, only a few pages are actually up! Since I just made this website, and just got me a layout, it will take awhile before the pages are up. Because I have to upload some stuff that just takes some time lol.
-.-Slow computers...ANYWAYS! I'll keep you updated, so DON'T forget to keep checking every couple days, cause there might be something new! I dont think I'll ever be done making this website, so you shouldnt worry about coming and seeing no more updates ever again...
~ * ~ Sasami ~ * ~


12-27-03 Hello one and all. Sorry for the delays. Nothing new today. I'm working on my Kenshin side. You should take a look. Even if you don't know what Kenshin is, just look at it ^.^ Thats all, see ya ~*~Sasami~*~
12-2-03 Howdy. It's late, and I've been working ALL day. Whew, but good news fans!(of Inuyasha of course) Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Shippo, Sango, Koga, and Rin all have their Biographies page up! PLEASE go look and enjoy them! It took a lot of time to get them all right and nice! ^.^ Hope you like. See ya when I see ya ~*~Sasami~*~

11-26-03 Hi again. Tomorrow's turkey time! ^.^U. Right well, expect no updates all week, Monday, I'll do what I can to get back on track. Since this sites running out of MB(space basically) I'm going to do a few tricks to add more! But yea, this won't have much new varieties until next week most likely. It's been slow ever since school got getting on the ball. You know? But I'll see what I can do. Don't worry. Alright,well its late, I'm sleey _._ Too bad the Inuyasha was one Ive seen about six times or I wouldnt be as tired lol. Alright buh byes! ~*~Sasami~*~
11-21-03 Hi guys. Sorry for the long,annoying wait. I've been out of it the past month. My birthdays next week with Thanksgiving and all,so dont expect much. OH BUT I have some good news for you people out there who wanna learn Japanese! Lesson two is ready for viewing! Lesson One is above it, so you'll need to scroll down and find it. Other than that, I havent done much really. Sesshoumaru's page IS up in case you forgot but there's no pictures...stupid computers. WELL! BUHBYES! Wish me a good sleep _._
10-31-03 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Oh...right. Updates...well shoot a monkey! *shoots and misses* ANYWAYS. I didn't get to Sesshoumaru's page yesterday. I wasn't home! I was at a tennis tournament gettin beaten to the ground! We all lost...*cry* Ok. I'm alright. Anyways, I'll do some on him today for sure. Then I'll work from there. I don't have many pics of him so you shouldn't be TOO excited but I guess you Sesshoumaru fans'll do anything to see him, huh? Well see ya!

10-29-03 Well, Sesshoumaru's Gallery is TECHNICALLY up. I don't have time to do the whole thing cause, 1) Not enough images of him, 2)I dont have time tonight, and thats it lol. SORRY! *Sheriko and other Sesshoumaru fans glare* OK OK! TOMORROW!!! I PROMISE! Buh byes!

10-28-03 AHH! DONT HURT ME! I've had lots of homework! But, good news. I finally uploaded TONS of pictures, so new galleries might be popping up! Take a gooood look! Not now, cause I've been busy, but i'll start doing it tomorrow. Its late tonight, no time!....*visitors prepare to chase me with swords* O.o NO! I PROMISE! *lower weapons* PHEW! Ok, see ya soon then!

10-20-03 Alright. Fanart page up and running. Sorry that there are like NO pages up, but it's alright, so far we got, Inuyasha's Gallery, Kagome's G, Sango's G, Miroku's G, Kikyo's G, Japanese, and Fanart. I'm about to work on Sesshoumaru's. But first I have to add my Kikyo pictures to her page. O.o this is too much! And I still need to make the biographies for all the characters. Including Koga, Kagura, and so on. Well ok, not them, but I will have some info on them! Alright,thats all for now! Catch ya later!

10-12-03 I have the Japanese Lessons page up. Now you can learn new japanese every month! Or sooner, if I find the time to add more ahahaa. *everyone glares* RIGHT! Sorry. Anyways, on to the point...well there IS no point. Sorry to make you all wait so long though. I'm currently working on Biographies, so the Galleries will have to wait. Takes too long to upload ALL that cra-*notices Julie* Stuff...ANYWAYS! I should go, buh byes. Enjoy!

9-25-03 Miroku's page is up! Go monk! Ha. But really, go take a look, he'd be over joyed to see you. *everyone stares blankly* Oh, well he is there! Don't look at me like I'm crazy!!! ^.^U Well okie, thats about all for now, so I'll let you go and tour the hotel of Inuyasha. This is my hotel you know...

9-22-03 Sango's page is up and ready for viewing! That's a good thing, right?! (*Sango fans prepare to chase me with a knife* O.O) Thats all for now!

9-20-03 I just got me a new layout! Thats about it...



Extras?! What extras! What do I look like a greek goddess?! Well even if I did...*snaps out of trance* I MEAN! Im' not one! I have no extras...sniff* *chimes into song* 'runaway train never goin back, wrong way on a oneway track-'O.o Sorry! *turns off radio* I'm ok! But..uh...See ya!

~ * ~ Sasami ~ * ~

Explore the Lands






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Sasami © Bright Shadows
Image © Kaze no Kizu
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