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Dragon's Blood


Welcome to the homepage and Blessed Be! not all of the links work yet, but hopefully that will be attended to shortly.

My goal for this site is to provide information to and for those who are interested and seeking. This site
is not intended to convert people into "mindless zombies who will damn themselves to eternal torment".
Speach is free and so is a persons ability to choose what path is right for them,
so please don't complain to me about any problems you may have with content.

Parents, if you don't want your children accessing this site because you object to the content, don't e-mail me.
There are programs out there that can lock your children out of sites like this. I suggest you use them.
Please forgive the agressive manner in which i write this, but I have had problems
with people e-mailing me flaming on my previous web site, which is why I shut it down and decided to start a new one, this one.

Feel free to use any of the information on my site but give credit where it is due and link back to this site using this graphic or text.

May the Goddess bless and guide your steps and may the God hold you and protect you.
Enjoy your visit

Magickal Herbs and Herbal Preperation

Use of Stones In Magick

Colour Associations

The Wiccan Rede

Moons and Sabbats


The Issues Surrounding Us

Background graphics provided by, with much thanks


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An Absolutly wonderful site, most definately worth the look