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Magickal Properties of Herbs And Herbal Preperation

Magickal Herbs

I have placed an * by the herbs that you should use caution in working with and ** by poisonous herbs. Remember
anything can be poison if you take too much. Use everything in moderation, just like you do when casting.
One more tip, just in case, in general anything that aids in astral projection is a mild to strong poison,
take wormwood for example, over 1/2 a gram of the dries herb can become dangerous. so please use caution if ingesting anything.
Magickal Properties and Uses

Acacia: Protection, psychic powers

Allspice: Money, luck, healing

Almond: Money, prosperity, wisdom

Amber :For stability, self-confidence, and peace

Ambergris: To awaken love and emotion

Angelica: Root Used for protection and exorcism and to cause visions

Allspice: used to obtain possessions, courage spells, aid in finding employment,
increase magickal energy increase physical strength

Anise: Protection, purification, youth

Apple Blossom: For love and friendship

Balm of Gilead: Attract new love, mend broken heart, protection, healing

Basil: used in love, lust and marriage spells; protection spells; prevent drowsiness, aid in finding employment,
increase magickal energy, money spells, increase physical strength

Bay: used in legal matters, healing, protection, promote psychic awareness

Bayberry: Money, good luck, peace, harmony, well-being

Benzoin: Purification, prosperity

Bergamot: Money, hex-breaking

Black Pepper: used in courage spells, protection spells

Blessed Thistle: For purification and protection from evil, used in hex-breaking spells

Buckeye: Carry to attract money and to ward off aches and pains

Camphor: To awaken past life memories, stimulates psychic awareness

Caraway: used in protection spells, reduce overeating

Carnation: Protection, strength, healing, vitality

Catnip: Creates a psychic bond with cats, attracts good spirits, love and luck

Cedar: Healing, courage, purification, protection, money, hex-breaking

Chamomile: For sleep and meditation, and to attract money

Cherry: Divination, love

Cinnamon: Lust, love, success, power, psychic awareness, healing, protection

Clove: Money, love, lust, exorcism, protection

Clover: Protection, money, love, fidelity, success, exorcism

Coltsfoot: Draws peace and tranquility, promotes visions,
also used in spells involving animals

Comfrey: For safety during travel and to draw money

Coriander: used to promote friendship, release jealousy

Cumin: used to promote peace, reduce stress

Cyclamen: To draw love and truth

Cypress: For comfort and solace, to ease feelings of loss

Damiana: Used for lust and love

Dill: used to aid finding employment, release jealousy, money spells,
avoid overeating, protection

Dragon's Blood: Power amplifier, protection, love, banishing, potency

Eucalyptus: Healing, protection

Fennel: used to reduce weight

Fern: used in finding a home

Five Finger Grass (cinquefoil): Protection, prophetic dreams,
wisdom, and success in court cases

Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, exorcism, consecration

Galangal: For courage, strength, and for avoiding legal problems

Gardenia: Love, peace, healing, spirituality

Geranium:For fertility, health and love

Ginger: Success, power, money, love

Ginseng: For attracting love, luck and health

Gota Kola: Meditation

Heliotrope: To attract money and gain power

Hemlock: To induce astral projection,
to purify magickal knives or swords

Hibiscus: For love, lust, divination

Honeysuckle: Money drawing, psychic awareness, memory,
healing, power, honesty

Hops: Healing, sleep

Hyacinth: For love and protection

Hyssop: Purification, protection

Jasmine: Love, prophetic dreams, money, sleep, love,
healing, health, meditation

John the Conqueror: Money, love, happiness, hex-breaking, protection

Juniper Berries: Protection, health, increases psychic powers

Lavender: Chastity, love, peace, happiness, clairvoyance, longevity,
sleep, protection

Lemon: Longevity, purification, love, friendship

Lemon Balm: used to promote friendship, promote sleep

Lemongrass: For lust, psychic powers and to repel snakes

Lilac: Protection, banishing

Lily of the Valley: For peace, harmony and love

Lotus: Spirituality, love, protection

Magnolia: Peace, nature spells, hair growth

Mandrake: For protection, fertility, money and love

Marigold: Protection, prophetic dreams, legal matters, psychic powers

Mace: usefull in breaking addictions, travel

Mistletoe: Protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism

Mugwart: Strength, psychic powers, healing, astral projection

Musk: Courage, fertility, lust

Myrrh: Spirituality, healing, protection, exorcism,
transformation, consecration

Narcissus: For peace and harmony

Nutmeg: Fidelity, luck, money, health

Orange: Divination, love, luck, money

Orange Blossom: For beauty, love

Orris: For love

Passion: Flower Peace, sleep, friendship

Patchouli: Fertility, lust, money, protection, divination

Pennyroyal: For strength, protection, peace

Peppermint: Love, psychic awareness,
lust, mental stimulant, energy

Pine: Healing, protection, exorcism, fertility, money

Plumeria: For love

Primrose: For protection and love

Rose: Love, beauty, psychic powers,
divination, healing, luck, protection

Rose Geranium: Protection, fertility, love, health

Rosemary: Mental powers, youth, protection, love, lust,
purification, sleep, exorcism

Rue: Healing, mental powers, protection, love

Sage: Wisdom, animal guides, wishes, immortality

Sandalwood: Spirituality, protection, wishes, healing, exorcism

Saffron: used to promote psychic dreams

Sassafras: Health and money

Slippery Elm: used to release guilt

Spearmint: Healing, love, mental powers

Spikenard: For good luck, fidelity, and health

Strawberry: Love, luck and beauty

Sweet Pea: For friendship, courage and strength

Tangerine: Psychic powers, mental powers

Tea Tree: Healing, anti-fungal

Thyme: used to promote beauty, to promote courage,
love spells, quit smoking spells

Tonka Beans: Love, money, courage, wishes

Vanilla: Magickal powers, mental powers, love, lust, rejuvenation

Vervain: Love, protection, purification,
peace, money, youth, healing

Vetivert: Hex breaking, peace, luck, love, protection, exorcism

Violet: Animal guide work, wishes, peace, love, luck, lust, protection

Witches: Grass Happiness, lust, love, exorcism

Wormwood: Psychic powers, calling spirits, protection, love

Yarrow Flowers: Courage, love, psychic powers, exorcism

Yerba Santa: Beauty, healing, psychic powers, protection

Ylang Ylang: Love, lust, peace


I am grateful to friends, and friends of friends, for this information, I trust that it is correct.
Some of the information here is from the many books and web-sites that I have read on
herbal preperation, but i cannot remember the books or the sites, so I
apologise to those whose info may be in here that i have not given credit to.

The information here is not intended to be applied to medicinal use of herbs.
Beware of the properties of the herbs before you attempt ot drink and or eat them.
Generally anything in moderation is fine but there are some herbs
that should not be ingested for any reason (See my list of herbs).

Preperation in Water

Water is a very good medium for many herbal properties. But,
unfortunatly water will not dissolve resins or oils due to chemical differences.

Solar Infusions

Put fresh (or dried) herb in a jar with cool water, place in sun for 1-2 days.
For magickal purposes it is best to use herbs that are associated with the sun.
It can also be used if the purpose you are casting for is in under the influence of the sun.

Lunar Infusions

Prepare the same way as a solar infusion but use herbs
and purposes that are associated with the moon.

Hot Infusions

Tea!!! This is the most common form of herbal preperation.
It helps if you have a tea straner or tea bags to put your herbs in. Steep from 5 min.- 10 min, or longer depending on
your intended use, and what you feel is right. Remember certain herbs become bitter if steeped too long, like chamomile.


Use for Roots, Barks, or Seeds unless they are aromatic. (If aromatic (nice smells), such as lavender, an infusion is better)
Put herb in cool water, cover, simmer for 20 minutes to an hour, let sit covered for an hour to overnight.
You can decoct the same batch of herbs several times, adding a little bit of the fresh herb each time
to maintain the strength. You can also decoct, turn the heat off, and then add herbs to be
infused as well if you have a mixture that needs both decoction and infusion.


Boil water. Take kettle off heat. Pour hot water over herbs in a ceramic or glass bowl,
and when cool enough to do so, inhale the herbal steam with a towel covering your head,
forming a tent over the bowl.