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Dragons Den

Hey all I put in the new Trigun Layout for you all, as you can see my skills are getting better! This type of layout design is inspired by animedeity, plz visit her guild!laterz!

o_O boredness...oh well, what up yall? I lurv Justin^_^ later yall

I can smell your spicy brains *licks lips*

YAY! I made an icon! *beams* A Sprite for the Spritey!’s not too big, right? ^^;

Arr! Your all nutters!....AND I WOULDN'T ASK FOR IT ANY OTHER WAY!!! You guys ROCK!

Hey everybody. Guess what I'm going to bed!Yes I know I'm weird ^_^ But who cares right. Not like I'm the only weirdo! lol
New Guild Webbie | Vote

Guild Goals

>>Spicy Brain Sauce
>>A chicken in every pocket
>>20 members
>>Well Known Throughout Neopia
>>Better Contests
>>Better Webbie
>>At least one persons worth of sanity between us! *Blue waz here
