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thinh tran // best friend // poems // pictures // important dates

.:nayme:. Pham Thi Hang Nga


.:sek:. imma gerl

.:DOB:. March 10

.:age:. 15

.:nationaLity:. vi3t

.:statz:. taKen bai Mr. Thinh

.:height:. 5'1 or 5'2 (ai knoe imma short)

.:Lokashun:. *8o6* aRea

.:Lyke:. Thinh Tran
snocone (yum yum)
taLkin on da fone wid mah hunnie
mah k0ote LiL nephew

.:disLyke:. bugs n flies
people tat talk a lot of crap
people who lied

.:mah dream in lyfe:. graduate from high schooL in 2oo6
go to West Texas A&M (mayb3e...if imma g0ot enuff)
t0 b3 a flight attendance
get marry with mah hunnie (hehe)
hab a HAPPY famiL3e
move t0 another place to live
visit HAWAII (et wreLLy pRetty)

properties of Dr3amingvAn9e1
copyright © 2oo3

welcome to

Welcome to my little homepage. I change the whole layout of my page so hope y0oh lyke it....buhbaiz....

dreams of your smile
and while thinking of you
thinks that life is worthwhile
so whenever you're lonely
remember it's true
is thinking of you....

 =)  my favorite poem--August 11, 2003
you changed my worLd with a blink of an eye
that is something that I cannot deny
you put my souL from worst to best
that is why I treasure you so much
you juss dont know what you have done for me
you even pushed me to the best that I can be
you relly are an angel sent from above
to take care of me and shower with Love
when I'm with you I will not cry a single tear
and your touch havechased away all of my fear
you have given me a life that is worthwhile
it is even better everytime you smiLe
it is so magical those things you've made
to bring back my faith that almost fade
now my life is a dream coem true
it all began when I was loved by you
now I have found what I am looking for
it's you and your love and nothing more
cause you have given me this feeling of contentment
in my life something I've never felt

 =D updates
 August 11, 2003
I'm in the process of updating my homepage again. I dont know what I should do to make it looks different than my old one. I'm planning on putting more pictures and I'm going to do that soon.

August 12, 2003
I kind of have change everything in my homepage. I created a new page called important dates but I haven't put anything in it yet. I also change a few things in the thinh tran page, best friend, and the bout me page.

August 13, 2003
Today I added more pictures in the picture page. I also added some dates that I have to remember in the important dates page. So I guess that I'll be changing the whole layout of my homepage.

 September 30, 2003
I'm just sitting here waiting for my Thinh to go online but I guess he is not gonna go online. =( I felt so sad today because I stay home all day and Thinh went to work but he didn't even call me or anything. *sigh* I juss added some pictures of Anh, Valerie, Pam, and Trang. Feel so lonely rite now!! I don't think I'm going to do anything to my page rite now because I'm so tired and shiet. Too much school work and problems to deal with every single day. Nobody knows how I feel right now because no one understand at all *sigh*. N e wayz.....

 October 22, 2003
I'm at school rite now and it's hella boring. I'm suppose to be doing my report about communication technologies or something lyke that....but it's too boring. I went online to update my page and got a few things updated. I updated the important dates and I added a new picture of the White's girls or something lyke that on the main page. School isn't fun at all, I fail English with a 67 and I need tutoring for that class now. =) N E Ways....I'm happy today....I been through a lot but now I'm happy...

 November 4, 2003 been long since I have update my page huh?? N E way....I didn't really change the layout at all....sowwie...didn't have tyme to do that. I juss added new things and that was all.....see the pix at the top, k0ote heh?? =)

 December 26, 2003
I'm in the process of adding new pictures of me in my homepage but my scanner dont even work. I'll be updating it soon!! buhbaixz...