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xX_*~Stephanie's Homepage~*_Xx

(^^My Favorite Thyngs^^)

These are good websites! Check em out!

Haha, my future job....
Jesus Has Leprosy
Black Daisies - The cutest Gothic Art
My best friends syte, shes a cutie guys!

My lyfe right now consists of sitting at home all day. I sit on the computer or watch some tv and do housework and talk on the phone. Almost every weekend i go camping up in Red Wing, we are selling the camper and the site tho and we are buying a new 5th wheel camper. I also see my friend Amy almost every weekend. Laytly ive been staying up at her house qwite a bit. Right now I am syngle, i have someone in mind that i lyke a lot but he has a new gf so im not really sure that will its all good tho :) Dont i just have it so fun!! lol....its all ryt i guess, especially after i go to audys lol, i go there a lot, i thynk we should have a weekly canansta night lol......that would be great. But hey i will catch all you peeps l8er, i hope you like what i have done so far although its just a small start. Theres much more to come soon. I plan on having a few pages a pictures and stuff coming soon, i just have to figure out how to work my scanner first :) Thanks for stopping in to check out my page tho :) Luv always, Stephanie
