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Kanomie's World

Okay, here goes my second attempt at doing this, lets hope this works a little better than the last time. Anyways as you've probably guessed I'm Kanomie. It's not my real name, but enough people call me that so it's close enough.

Anyways, this is my paraside so to speak but I'll leave my live journal addy below so that people can read about my demons. be warned...I have many!

I'm setting up the page for the mystic realms book I've been writting since forever, I'm going to post it chapter by chapter, only because thier rather large text blocks.

Check the 'special' link below for a vote of your opinion!!! This is very very improtant for my decidsion making!

Any questions or comments, click the email link below.

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Kanomie's live journal
click me!
Anaroch -this is a fun and interesting game
Hot topic -the only place to buy clothing!
Mystic Realms
***Special*** Your vote counts too!
