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Stormraeder: Hey! When the hell did you get online? And why the hell doesn't AIM tell me these things? *beats it*
cleverwaystokill: hehe. maybe u have ur sound off? I just got on a few mins ago, am uploading pics to angelfire to try to show them in my LJ, then am going to EAT and shower.
How are you feeling now huh?

Stormraeder: Angelfire is being a right bitch. Had to get rid of my background because it wouldn't show it. Stupid thing.
I'm lots better than I was. Just have the chest congestion now.

cleverwaystokill: ahh, so no background on your LJ?
I"m glad to hear you're much better :-) now u can start thinking about bday gifts

Stormraeder: No background on my LJ community, no.
I have been thinking about them. Just haven't come up with anything.

cleverwaystokill: oh, the writing community one, but not your main one then right?
*lol* well....books, dvds, cds, clothing, .....purses?

cleverwaystokill: yeah, i'm maknig screencaps
Stormraeder: No, not the main one It's still safe. As far as I know.
I've got all the new books that are out that I want. And the DVDs I want are in a box set that's still 60 bucks even at a discount place.
I'm going to forget you mentioned purses. *glare*
What's True Romance?

cleverwaystokill: maybe it's just not refreshing? or were u using bandwidth from another site?
*LOL* i knew i had to throw that in there...I like purses, u even carry one regularly? *g*
it's a Wonderful movie...with Christian Slater, Gary Oldman, Patricia Arquette...written by QUentin Tarentino, and sold to finance Reservoir Dogs. It's directed by Tony Scott, Ridley Scotts brother

Stormraeder: I'm using Angelfire.
No, I generally don't. And if I need to have something, I use my work bag.
Ick. I don't care for Quentin.

cleverwaystokill: hmm. maybe it's just a temporary glitch with angelfire then.
Stormraeder: Eh. Doesn't look like something I'd watch. But then, I'm picky.
Let's hope so. Because it's damned annoying.

cleverwaystokill: It's one of my favorite movies :-)
cleverwaystokill: that is, overall, it's alright, but the SCENES with Gary Oldman, Patricia Arquette and Brad Pitt *MAKE* the movie
Stormraeder: You're just hot on Mr. Oldman. :-P
cleverwaystokill: HELLLLLLLL YEAH
but the character Floyd is my favorite in the whole film *eg*

Stormraeder: Who plays Floyd?
cleverwaystokill: Brad Pitt, niggah. Ain't youse payin attention? *chuckle*
Stormraeder: Apparently not. *giggle*
cleverwaystokill: i'm uploading a few more that I just capped
oh, and can i copy this aim conversation to my LJ? pwese?

Stormraeder: Of course, dear.
cleverwaystokill: awesome :-)
Stormraeder: Crap, I'm signed in under the wrong LJ. Can't have a look at the moment.
cleverwaystokill: oh, well I haven't posted it yet, I'm just adding another pic rt now...actually, gonna get up and go fix something to eat, haven't eaten since 12:30 or 1
Stormraeder: Yes, go eat then.
cleverwaystokill: I'm going to post this aim, then I shall :-)