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punk is uncool: hey you little bitch! did you tell your friends? i'm gonna kill them!
: i don't know where they are. why not just post on the message board
punk is uncool: cause i want you to tell them
punk is uncool
: bitch
: im not your messanger boy, bitch
punk is uncool: fuck you
punk is uncool
: i'm gonna fuck you up
: why do you have beef with me?
ErodedEmotion: okay
punk is uncool: cause i hate the jdm and all of their fans
: pretty hateful
punk is uncool: fuck you
punk is uncool
: you tell them, or i'm going to get you too patrick
: and what will you do to me?
punk is uncool: i'll blow up your house
: thats cool. im sure you know where i live and all
punk is uncool: c4 always shuts you little fuckers up
punk is uncool
: don't under estimate me
: so let me get this straight. because some teenagers made some music you don't like, your going to threaten to beat them up, or worse yet kill them, and go to prison ?
punk is uncool: who said i'm going to prison?
: you'd get caught
punk is uncool: like i have all the times before?
: i think you need to get a heroin addiction or something. i can't believe you haven't died from a heart attack yet or something.
punk is uncool: fuck you, you little bastard
: im trying to tell you that your being to overheated about this.
ErodedEmotion: threats aren't going to get you anywhere, though
punk is uncool: i beg to differ
: im sure it would matter if i cared or something
punk is uncool: i'm gonna kill you
: i'll be waiting
punk is uncool: hahahaha...
punk is uncool
: i'm coming
: cool, bring some beer when you show up.
punk is uncool: tell king tut and phill, they're cool. it's the others and you i want
: so whats different between me and them? i've never had a problem with you, until you IM'ed me being a dickhead about some problem you have with some guys i know
punk is uncool: and then you started acting like a bitch
: well i wasn't about to sit around and let some guy push me around online.
punk is uncool: fuck you
: if you would of said something like "would you tell the guys in JDM that i have a problem with them, and that they are gonna hear from me" that'd of been difference than calling me bitch and bastard every other word
punk is uncool: fuck you
: there you go again. no respect
punk is uncool: i'm gonna kill you patrick
: you can see the other peoples screen names on the board, why not IM them instead ?
ErodedEmotion: i already told you im waiting
punk is uncool: and i'm gonna get you
: is there a significant difference between killing and getting me?
punk is uncool: no, it's all the same thing
: are you going to rape me too?
punk is uncool: no, i'll leave that to twiggy
: are you sure? you might like it more
punk is uncool: i doubt it
punk is uncool
: they made a rape song
: is that surprising? a lot of rap bands do that.
punk is uncool: not that sounds like theirs
: well i haven't heard it, so i wouldn't know.
punk is uncool: o, well don't waste your time, it's horrible
: but our views on music are different apparently, since you listen to linkin park and limp bizket
ErodedEmotion: two of the worst fucking bands ever
punk is uncool: so, their not worse than outer heaven or jdm
: okay who is this?
punk is uncool: what are oyu talking about you stupid drugged up mother fucker
: your apparently just someone that knows chad, possibly friends with him, and just fucking around with me because you found out my s/n
ErodedEmotion: and if you hate them so much why link their website in your info?
punk is uncool: that was my kids, they love them
: your kids have taste then
punk is uncool: everytime i take that damn link off, they put it back on, so i just leave it on
: if you go messing with people like you do to me don't you think your kid will get on your screen name someday and get yelled at because of someone you pissed off?
ErodedEmotion: thinking it was you
punk is uncool: well, no one has yet
: what pisses you off so much about JDM? and why include people that like them into it ?
punk is uncool: i'm going to start a jdm fan genocide
: thats just like if i woke up one day feeling wrathful towards some gay band like Creed and deciding to pick off all their fans, simply because they liked a band i didn't
ErodedEmotion: although that does sound like a good idea
punk is uncool: actually, that does sound like a good idea
: so what about JDM pisses you off
punk is uncool: their offensive lyrics, their promotin to children, and open drug use
: thats no different than any other band. music is directed toward the youth, and the people that want to emulate them, or just find someone they think is cool. so what i say though. the worlds a shitty place with shitty people , you can find offensive things anywhere you look
punk is uncool: like at a library?
: sure, go pick up a book and read it.
punk is uncool: and i would be offended by what i read?
: depends on what you take offense, but im sure you could find something
punk is uncool: i'm more into history books, i don't know what you kids read. mein kompf was good
: history is good, but its full of bad people as well. some worse than people nowadays.
punk is uncool: like who?
: like hitler
punk is uncool: hitler was a genius
punk is uncool
: so was manson
: just becausae of that doesn't mean he was a good person
punk is uncool: they had an idea of eutopia
: everyone has an idea of what the perfect world is, they just acted on it
punk is uncool: and they ahppend to be right
: so you can get angry at some local rap group, and glorify hitler and charles manson?
ErodedEmotion: i don't care what a person believes they have their own rights but it sounds like your a little confused in your priorities
punk is uncool: manson was going to start a war throughout the world between blacks and white, where the blacks would win. but they know what the fuck to do with it, so they'd need manson and his followers to rule it.
: okay. well you saw where that got him...up in prison
punk is uncool: because people don't understand
punk is uncool
: and you just wait till he get's out
: the only way he's getting out is in a body bag
punk is uncool: his parole is coming up again
: its been coming up again and again
punk is uncool: i have a feeeling about this one. people are realizing his genius
: i saw this documentation about him getting out of prison just before he started his whole family bullshit, he wanted to stay in prison but they made him leave. why should he want to ever stay again?
ErodedEmotion: ever leave again
punk is uncool: he wanted to stay, because it was like his home
punk is uncool
: but he's been in long enough, he is ready to commence his plans
: how old is he anyways?
ErodedEmotion: his plan is to crazy to ever work
punk is uncool: he's about 65
: i don't think he's got much left in him. he's probably sitting in his cell drooling on himsel
punk is uncool: fuck you, he's thinking of plans to kill ignorant people like you
: if he's such a mastermind then why hasn't he broken out of prison or something?
punk is uncool: it's safer until he's ready to execute his plans
: so what exactly is he waiting for
punk is uncool: the right time
: im still highly skeptical to the whole idea of it ever happening
punk is uncool: just wait
: so is there something you need, because all we seem to be doing is disagreeing
punk is uncool: fuck you
: it was a valid question