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Welcome to Demented Vision

Warning - Some Pages Contain Massive Collections Of Coarse Language. Rated 14-A

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July 21st, 2003 - Slowly drifting away from here, unfortunatly. Though, we did create Evolving Treasures

July 19th, 2003 - I still haven't checked the SmackDown! results. Me and Tali are doing a doll site together, so I'll be taking down my dolls - Evolving Treasures. ^_^
4 New Song Of The Day Entries
2 New Art Gallery Entries

July 18th, 2003 - Yeah, I've been real busy recently and haven't added nothin's. I did do a new icon for my LiveJournal:

I also gotta add some new songs of the day today, and check the SmackDown! results (damn family reunion)

July 16th, 2003 - I have successfully done one thing today - besides the Brendan-Hater Alphabet with Nikki. I have redone my LiveJournal with a Triple H layout. ^_^ Thank you to Triple H Unleashed for the background.

July 15th, 2003 - I had to get my hair done and go to the dentist, and all of that "fun" stuff yesterday, so I didn't really update. Anyway, I wrote and uploaded the newest chapter of my only fan fic here.
1 New Chapter on Disillusions
3 New Song Of The Day Entries

July 13th, 2003 - Nothing much today. Still Meatloaf-full
1 New Poetry Entry

July 12th, 2003 - I'm getting into Meatloaf again. Yay. Anyways... XD Derek with a sledgehammer = health hazard
8 New Quiz Entries
1 New Song Of The Day

July 11th, 2003 - Well, looky here! Still somewhat the same layout, but now it's all purple and iFrame-y! I love it! Thankies, Erica, for all your help.
1 New Song of The Day
1 New Free Award

1 New Song of The Day

July 9th, 2003 - Nothing much got done today... added a new page, added some new favorites... oh, and I'm back into Gamer mode again
Gift-Art Created, 1 New Gift-Art Entry
11 New Favorite Songs

July 8th, 2003 - I did more awards today. 2 new dolly ones, and 2 new free ones. My counter doesn't always show up...stupid Bravent... I also learnt about something about Cassy.. thus my new Devotion. I was also talking to Gwenny and I decided to start on Disillusions, my new *coughandonlycough* fan fiction
2 New Awards
Free Awards Created, 2 New Free Awards
1 New Song Of The Day Entry
2 New Quiz Entries
1 New Devotion
1 New Art Entry
Fan Fiction Section Created
1 New Chapter on Disillusions

July 7th, 2003 - I updated yesterday, I wonder what I did. Oh, song of the day. I should do that too, I'll update that later. Anyway, I'm starting to really complete my site, though I still wanna do dollmakers. I created an award, I'm so proud of myself, my first-ever all-by-hand-no-help-at-all mini, and it looks really good. OH! OH! OH! A counter was put in! YAY! It's at the bottom of this page, go look! ^_x' it's a little bit off, I've had about 70 hits before there, but yeah....
Awards Created, 1 New Award
1 New Song Of The Day Entry
New Guestbook

July 6th, 2003 - Baby-sat Austin yesterday, Oh, yes, I forgot. I am back, and I'm badder then ever! *sings along to Bishoff's theme then laughs* Anyway, I did some advritising for my site (oh joy). Yeah, and I'm still under construction, I'm thinking of doing a dollmaker next. ^_^ HEY! WHERES MY ORANGE? *growls*
1 New Song Of The Day

July 5th, 2003 - My brother's birthday today x_x Last night I finally finished Big Red Broken Heart, and I'm SOOO mad at Gwenny for what happened to Amber. *sniffles* Anyway, I tried on purpose to get the result I got for my new quiz entry.
2 New Quiz Entries
1 New Poetry Entry

July 4th, 2003 - Wooh, man, finally! Those new dolls have been uploaded... jeeze, that's alot! There's over 40 there now... Wooh. Now I can calm meself down and go finish reading Big Red Broken Heart. Which, I didn't do. Damn, Gwenny, 55 chapters -_-; I'm on, like, 37. Getting there! *has been reading it for 3 or 4 days now*
34 New Link Me Dolls
1 New Song of the Day Entry

July 3rd, 2003 - I haven't been online alot today, and I also have about 30 dolls waiting to be made .gif and uploaded and put on to my link me page, but that can wait. I also finished a picture I did of Tony and me, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted....
1 New Art Entry

July 2nd, 2003 - I decided that I will make my hidden pages non-hidden. I also fixed a 3-song mistake on Song of the Day.
4 New Song of the Day Entries

July 1st, 2003 - Well, I've changed my host. Demented Vision is now on Angelfire. Now all I have to do is get all my pages up over HERE. x_x Oh I hate work. The old Demented Vision will no longer be avalible starting today since I've moved everything that was there to here. And despite my hate for dolls, I'm putting link me dolls up because they're oh-so-popular. Ah well... maybe I'll actually get around to doing those premade lookups. NAAH! Oh, and I'm hiding some hidden pages around the site that you have to read my blog (this) to find. Such as:
Song of the Day Created, 4 New Songs of the Day
Favorites Created, 46 New Wrestlers, 11 New Divas, 1 New Song, 3 New Neopets
Gallery Created, 12 New Drawings, 17 New Photos
Aggression Created, 16 New Aggressions
Link Me Created, 1 New Link Me Banner, 1 New Link Me AIM Icon, 1 New Link Me Blinkie, 13 New Link Me Dolls
Devotion Created, 3 New Devotion Entries
Pets Created, 3 New Pets Entries
Library Created, 1 New Poem
Quizzes Created, 76 New Quiz Entries