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You are Yellow
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

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What Kanji word best suits you?
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i am extremely intelligent and very wise. i think logically and rhetorically in order to get problems solved. if i'm not mad now, i'm getting very close.

target="new" title="we're all mad here">how mad are you?

this quiz was made by href="" title="cracked but sweet" target="new">piksy

You are bisexual.

What is your sexual orientation?
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Would be totally true, if it weren't a girl.....
You represent... playfulness.
You represent... playfulness.
Playfulness can often be mistaken for sluttiness or
flirtiness... Flirting is something you enjoy
doing, but you're mostly just about having fun.
You're into partying, and it's seems that
people enjoy your company as much as you enjoy

What feeling do you represent?
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Your anime hair color is pink.

What is your anime hair color?
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You are blue. You are somewhat innocent, in the fact that your genius only extends to the physical world. You have a false sense of contentness. You are usually the quiet one, the genius. Everyone can count on you to help when they have problems, but you only fall short of being able to solve your own.

What inner color are you?

You are Tezuka Seiji!

You are Seiji! Boisterous and obnoxious, you? No way! They're just jealous of your mad skillz. Not that you blame them, it's not every day that you come around a person like you. Your motto is simple- just have fun with life. It's worked out so far- now, if people would learn from your example. You get tired of the constant complaints you hear from people...thing's aren't really that bad, are they? You can't see it, and you try help others not to either. It's a tough job, but you feel you can do it. After all, who's a better role model than you? No one!.
What Target! character are you? Find out here!

god you dumbass.

What swear word are you?
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Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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You should be dating a Taurus.
20 April - 20 May
This gentle creature is dependable, artistic, and
very calm and patient. Though Taurus has the
tendency to be self-indulgent, stubborn or
materialistic, this bull naturally enjoys a
roll in the hay!

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
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You are a goddess!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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You see the world in Red
Red: Aren't you the romantic? Life is poetic. If you
don't already, write poetry, you're good at it.

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What color do you see the world in?
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Threat rating: extremely low. You may think you can
subvert the government, but if you should try
you will be smited mightily because God likes
us best.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
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