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Jai Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi!!!!!!!!!

I met Amma in 2006 and fell in love. Immediately I wanted to know Malayalam and Sanskrit and I began studying Her 108 Names. I copied her names over and over again, working hard to learn the correct spellings of each word, which was difficult as I encountered many other copies with errors and I did not yet know any Sanskrit at all! When I finally traveled to India to be with Amma, I purchased the Hindi and Malayalam books of Her Names from Her ashram at Amritapuri, and these texts have become my sources of verification. After being finally satisfied with my copies of the 108 Names, I found myself interested in learning and writing other chants as well. This process is great fun for me and has also been a gift from my Divine Mother, helping me to feel Her embrace continually.

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः