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Hello there! These are my ramblings on, well, random stuff. Usually it ends up being related to Jrock somehow…^.^’ And, as Hemali calls my life the “Soap Opera” – it’s just too damn interesting. ^.^ -ish… It pretty much a personal site about me. Check out raspBerrY for the other sites!!!


Feel free to mail me. About any comments/idea or anything of the sort. The blog won’t be updated much at first, but once everything’s up and running you’ll be sure to hear from me ^.^ Don’t forget to check out raspberry – my main site with links to, well a hell of a lot of sites I made like a Jrock site, Gackt shrine, Dir en Grey shrines, Final Fantasy shrines, and, well a whole lotta shrines O.o



Thanks to Kat – my jrock friend forever! She’s helped me with a TON of content and given me sooo many ideas for some of the sites. So glad we’re addicted ^.^ Thanks Hemali for always being my “psychiatrist” lol. Thanks to Dave Palmer and the Palmer family for teaching me guitar, giving me discounts, helping with the tabs, and listening to Kyo scream for an hour straight! Please support Dave and Josh’s band Baghead! (see Links). Thanks to Anthony for always being there for me...Aishiteru…and everyone who visits my sites. Arigatou!




layout made by jannet
site owned by raspBerrY




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