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Red Cloud

SD Scenery



Boop Boop Ba Doop
(Yay for Katie's First Webpage!)

Yes, this is a page all about the things you didn't realize that you longed to know about me. Like what the parts of South Dakota that aren't Mt. Rushmore REALLY looks like. Or what being a freshman art teacher is all about. Or what I look like driving a bus (Answer: Hell on wheels! Heck yeah!). Or what I'm doing next. If you figure that out, please let me know...
Anyways, the links at left (if I ever figure out how to make them work) should lead you into different areas of my website, like images of my own art work, photos of my students and my home, reflections on my adventures, guessed it...South Dakota!

To get to the stuff I've written since I got here, click on this link:My Writings

Intrustin' Web sites

Mark Harden's Artchive (All the art reproductions you ever needed and didn't know it!
The New York Times Website
Red Cloud Indian School Website

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