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broken wings :: adrienne denessey

avrian :: robyn vale

wallflower :: karyn darrion

the price of defeat :: cairn destop

anticlimax :: katrin kent

variant :: jared variantes

sweetshop :: phillip sammer

black silver :: eve winter

iii :: laurence meursault

duma tyr :: james quail

2004 - 09 - 08 21:27 GMT extension

Due to busy summers and general inactivity, the deadline for the contest to design a front cover for Cairn Destop's The Price of Defeat has been extended until September 25th. Submit your entries now!

2004 - 08 - 05 17:01 GMT contest re-opened

The contest to design a cover for Cairn Destop's The Price of Defeat has now re-opened, after being suspended for the month of July due to various calls on time. You have until August 26th to submit entries.

2004 - 07 - 10 07:23 GMT contests

Congratulations to Nikki J. for creating the winning cover design for Duma Tyr. The cover can be viewed here. Well done!

Contest #3 has now begun - this time the challenge is to design a cover for Cairn Destop's The Price of Defeat. The contest will run from July 1st to August 26th - please check the contest page for more details.

2004 - 06 - 01 21:41 GMT contest winner

Congratulations to Ruth H. for creating the winning cover design for Avrian. The cover can be viewed here. Well done!

2004 - 06 - 01 12:54 GMT second artist contest

Contest #2 has now begun - this time the challenge is to design a cover for James Quail's Duma Tyr. The contest will run from June 1st to June 25th - please check the contest page for more details.

We have reached a tie-break between entries 2 and 4 for the previous contest. Please cast your vote for either one or the other.

2004 - 05 - 25 09:36 GMT avrian contest closed

The contest to design a cover for Avrian is closed. Please click here to view the entries and email your vote. The next contest will open on June 1.

2004 - 04 - 15 15:52 GMT art contest launched

In short, every month from this point in, we will be asking you, the artist, to illustrate a front cover for a selected Continuances... story. Please check our contest page for full details. Starting in the month of May, the first story will be Robyn Vale's Avrian.

Please note that the stories nameless and black silver are soon to be with us. We crave your patience a little while longer.

2004 - 01 - 01 12:05 GMT winners announced

The winners of our Continuances contest have been decided upon. In first place was Avrian, with 37% of the vote; second place was taken by III, with 30% of the vote. Third and fourth places were A Father's Legacy and Moonchild, respectively. The two winners should be receiving their confirmation emails shortly, and we hope to have them join us in February. Well done to all those who entered, and good luck for next time!

2003 - 12 - 15 11:44 GMT site completed

The site design has been completed. Continuances... should now be easier to navigate and understand. Please visit the forum and get voting on our contest: two stories have been eliminated, and we are now left with four, of which we need to lose a further two.

There are now links on our links page! Check them out!

2003 - 12 - 13 14:51 GMT design change

As you can see, the continuances... site has just been through a design change. the forum has also moved, thanks to please go and sign up there, and get talking. there are only two days left of the contest, so please get in your votes quickly.