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Hey guys, I decided that I would start making free layouts for HL people to use. Thier probably won't be a ton of layouts, but some are ANIMATED.

If you don't really like them, and you see one I made somewhere else [1348006 or ERROR[TM] or -Chris-]*** then you can message me on HL about an idea you have and would like me to make it.
-*-NOTICE-*- I also make pictures and icons, I do know how to make animated ones. You can go to my HL account and read-up about requesting pictures. Thanx!

***the signature I put on my works



-*-Random Layouts-*-

Click on the pictures below to see the layouts and get thier codes!

-*-Welcome Signs-*-

Please be kind and link back to my site for me! All you have to do is paste this code on ur HL homepage!