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Welcome To ChrisCountry2000

A few things about me

My Favorite Web Sites

My Favorite Radio Station 96.9 KCCY
Pikes Peak Library District
My JROTC Unit Homepage
My favorite Comic Strip Cat, GARFIELD

My life is one big oasis of fun and confusion mixed in one crazy ball. I have 2 parents, 3 sisters, 1 dog, 2 rabbits a cat, and a bird, along withy some fish. They tend to drive me nuts, but thankfully I have some of my best freinds in the world. Here is a list of a few of them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nicole Kaiser - Most likely THE best freind there is, I mean you want to talk about me getting the luckiest run ever, she was it. I met Nicole around October/Novermber 2001. And we are still good freinds today. There is alot about her that makes me feel lucky. For one thing she is gorgeous, she is very attractive. And another thing is she has a very awe-inspiring personality. She's humerous, she has a good attitude, and she is alway rather inviting, never once has she put me in a bad curve. Jessica Sority - Another good freind. Met her about a year ago. I had a real good time with her. She s easy to get along with, once you really get to know her it's definately hard to ignore her. Catherine Graven - Met her at the end of my sophmore year, a real interesting girl to know. She's attractive.
