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 h o m e  r a n t s  b a c k    @   l i n k s   s i g n   v i e w
*update*may 09 2003..okay NEW LAY OUT and im adding downloads as we check 'em out n sign the gawd forsaken guestbook mmk.? okay tata
*update* uhh just added a new rant it kinda sucks but it released some stuff offa my thinkin bout adding some mp3's or something so just chillax n shit.later
*updates* oo look not a damn new thing it beith april 12'th n i dunno what to add next to this god forsaken just bored sitting on my its like uhhh *what do i do now* ill prolly update with another ranting woo hoo look forward to it.

Made a gif for people who link my site save n upload and link back ("")
*updates*March 26'th 2003 Just finished links and the quotes page.umm check 'em out.n the guestbook is up.yea.
*update*March 24'th 2003 Okay so this is my *page* yeah woop dee fucking doo.This page is more of my wannabe *my point of view on life, religion, love, hate and yea its a fucking ranting page.if you dont like it click the [back]i made it kinda simple for you okay?I have a shit load of gripes so just deal with it or leave.if yah don't like me kiss my ass..better start now cuz thats alot of ass.TaTa

 b a c k